Going on a cruise...help

Im going on a cruise next monday for 2 weeks and im feeling a bit anxious about the food, i will enjoy myself and not log anything but at the same time i dont want to come back and have put on loads of weight as that will make me feel like crap haha

so i was wondering if anyone had any advice for going on holiday?

i will sneak a couple of gym sessions in as there is an amazing gym on the ship!


  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    Stay away from sauces and cheese. Eat what your are familiar with. Stay away from fried stuff.
  • MayaDyra
    MayaDyra Posts: 90
    Awww you're only 19! Enjoy yourself in your teenage years =)
    Where is the cruise going?
    Yes, going to the gym on the ship will be quite good!
    Don't worry, one week of more meals won't make a big difference in the long run
    Have fun!
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    I went on a 7 day cruise in November for my honeymoon and was afraid of over-indulging and negating my efforts, but I wanted to have fun and just ate whatever I wanted! Room service breakfast, late night pizza, buffets and sit down dinners with dessert. I was so happy to find that when I came home, I hadn't gained a single pound! Just be very active on the ship.... stairs, no elevators. Go dancing, walk around a lot, etc. I didn't even go to the gym at all, as I'd planned to.

    I didn't care if I gained because it was my honeymoon, but luckily I was active enough!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Stay away from sauces and fried stuff, pretty much. Stay active. Have fun!
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Go to the gym as much as possible and drink water before meals.

    All in all...have a blast!

    I am going on a cruise next month.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Enjoy the cruise, eat the food. The weight you gain will mostly be water.

    When I got back from the last 7 day cruise I put on 8 lbs. All 8 lbs were gone in 4 days.
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    In my experience, most cruise food is mostly just ok; it's not really anything special, and there is food available all over the place all day long. What this means is that you can take a bite or two, and if it's not delicious enough to justify the calories, you can just stop eating it and go find something else :) Don't eat the giant serving of mediocre steak that they put in front of you just because it's there.
  • Try to drink water at least half as often as your should regularly (1/2 the amount of your body weight in ounces.. so while on cruise 1/4 of your weight in ounces).

    Pick a smart meal at least once a day.. (grilled salmon vs. fried shrimp)

    Enjoy yourself!! Vacations don't come around every day. Try not to beat yourself up when you get back because more then likely a few days back into your regular routine will kick off whatever weight you've gained.
  • Enjoy the cruise, eat the food. The weight you gain will mostly be water.

    When I got back from the last 7 day cruise I put on 8 lbs. All 8 lbs were gone in 4 days.

    TOTALLY right ^^^^^
  • dsalveson
    dsalveson Posts: 306 Member
    Take the stairs
  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    You will gain weight on the cruise-almost impossible not to from my experience. Try to be as active as possible-run/walk/cardio. You should be able to run on the ship (carefully!). If I cruised again I would count my steps (maybe exploring every square inch of the ship) and force myself to eat less. Enjoy it and have fun! It's an unforgettable special experience! :happy:
  • Mygsds
    Mygsds Posts: 1,564 Member
    First of all, have fun. Like others said, there are tons of choices, we had a nice breakfast, fruits and veggies whenever we wanted, and had a nice dinner. There was a TON of choices. I remember there was a area 24 hours a day that had just fresh fruit. Papayas, pineapple, berries and they also made smoothies for you. Have fun and you will be fine..something else, we took a pedometer with us and tried to get in 10,000 steps. Which is not that hard to do...