Post your story! Lets all find friends!!

Hey guys!

Looking for friends, you can never have too many! What's your story? Goals? Problems? Random facts?

I'm Sam, 22, over weight. CW is 198, looking to lose ~60lbs. I like to mountain bike. I live in Houston Texas

You're turn, GO! Don't forget to add me!


  • karenfallison
    karenfallison Posts: 30 Member
    Let's be friends! Swap recipes, compare calories and weight loss. New ideas and motivation are a must!

    Your turn and don't forget to add me too!
  • Inittolozeit
    Inittolozeit Posts: 116 Member
    Hi there! I'm a whole foods/ raw food eater... I have at least 50 more pounds to lose... Would love to add more MFP active friends :)
  • LizaGetz
    LizaGetz Posts: 57 Member
    I'm Maria, 37, wanting to lose 10 lbs now, 6 lbs after that, then MAYBE 7 after that, but we'll see. I've run 2 marathons, tons of half-marathons. The LOML is a personal trainer, but we eat poorly. He's helping me with my workouts and diet, so hopefully I'll be able to get to my goal, which is Operation: Bikini Body! I live in the windy city - Chicago!

    Please feel free to add me!
  • kguerriere
    kguerriere Posts: 34 Member
    I'm Katie, 27, no specific number of lbs to lose. I'm okay with the number on the scale, just don't like my body composition. Hoping to lose fat and build muscle. My short term goal is to look completely smoking hot in a bikini when my husband and I go on a trip to Jamaica for our 5 year wedding anniversary in September 2014. My long term goal is to maintain the smoking hotness in the long term... poorly constructed sentence but you guys know what I mean.

    I also know that I need to improve my eating habits. I know I consume way to much sugar and not enough vegetables. MFP is really helping me to make better food choices.

    Looking for supportive friends, add me if you are too.
  • 63babygirl
    63babygirl Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, I'm Pam and I am 51 and have been finding it hard to lose or maintain my wait. I thought I was doing all the right things but when my friend told me about MFP, I was blown away at my intake! Night time is my enemy this I knew BUT my eyes are now wide open! So now I have incorporated my workouts and I cannot lie but this tool is my favorite acountabilty partner.

    I look forward to making a few friends here.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • mmbutler2004
    mmbutler2004 Posts: 32 Member
    I am 30 from Maine and I recently reset my weight loss badge. I had lost 60 pounds a year or so ago but gained 40 back :( so I am looking for some friends to help support me on my journey and I will do the same in return. :)
  • coquinat
    coquinat Posts: 49 Member
    I'm Natalie, 27 years old, been combatting obesity, and looking for things to click so that I can manage my weight once and for all. I love zumba and swimming, and now I am getting into lifting weights. I'm just doing calorie counting right now, and it's working! I am looking to be out of the 200's pretty soon!! I'm positive and love being at the gym.
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    Hi! I'm 33F from Ontario, looking to lose about 20 pounds to start, although I'd love to hit the 30 mark after that. I know it will be a long journey, but hopefully it will be worth it! I'm trying to change my eating to more of a Low GI diet, as I have PCOS and that's what has been reccommended, but slowly learning and reading more about other ways of eating as well.

    I've been trying for years to lose some weight, and soemhow it just keeps creeping up on me, I've tried everything, and not until I joined MFP has anything worked. So glad I found this site, been logging for almost 30 days and even down a few pounds!

    Anyone can feel free to add me, I do well with motivation!
  • sarahmoore319
    sarahmoore319 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! I'm Sarah, 27, 5'1" and overweight, and I've got 50-80 pounds to lose. I've lost 10 so far, but pushing past that has been super hard!

    I used to do field work (hiking all day), and now I'm stuck behind a desk. I struggle with having enough time to work out... the workout used to be part of my job! Plus, I left my workout buddies in Alaska when I moved down here to Houston, so sometimes it's difficult to motivate myself with no accountability.

    I've struggled with my weight my whole life, even when I shouldn't have been stressing about it... my mom wasn't one of those mothers who tells their daughter that they're beautiful no matter what. She was constantly after me to lose 5 pounds (even when I was 120 lbs and a size 4). Needless to say, I have pretty deep-seated body-image issues, and being a naturally curvy woman with the metabolism of a tortoise doesn't help.

    My younger brother is getting married in July and I refuse to be the fat bridesmaid (damn his fiance for having all skinny friends)! That by itself is pretty motivating, but you can never have enough! I want to be short and cute again, y'all! :)
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hi everyone! I'm Jess - 27/f from Toronto. I've worked in an office for the last 5 years.

    I started my weight loss journey 4 years ago and am down 70 lbs. I'm at the plateau stage and need to really get my diet under control and start to exercise 4-6 days a week.

    I would love to know what the cure for laziness is! No matter how often I work out - and no matter how much I love the feeling - I'm still lazy! I have a fur baby that I walk 15-30 min a day and am starting to go to the gym.

    My goal is to lose 25lbs and wear a 2 piece without any hesitation this summer. Please feel free to add me! I'm an avid cook and would love to swap recipes and offer support. We're all in this together :)
  • ChubbyInHeels
    ChubbyInHeels Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Ladies Im Katrina 31 from Indianapolis IN I am beginning this weight loss journey for THE LAST TIME. I am determined to change my life one day at a time. I dont have a # goal I dont intend on being celebrity skinny I just want to keep my curves but GET THEM IN SHAPE :)
  • Hi Ladies Im Katrina 31 from Indianapolis IN I am beginning this weight loss journey for THE LAST TIME. I am determined to change my life one day at a time. I dont have a # goal I dont intend on being celebrity skinny I just want to keep my curves but GET THEM IN SHAPE :)

    Gotta love the curves! :)
  • faerytale
    faerytale Posts: 17
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Nancy, 25 (nearing 26), and looking to lose 80-100 lbs within the next 2 years. I am diagnosed with Retinitus Pigmentosa and am blind for the most part. I'm a terrible cook, but I like exercising. My problem has always been emotional eating but I'm at a place in my life of acceptance and happiness so I recently joined MFP for the accountability & support of like-minded friends.

    Anyone can feel free to add me, I'll be here for a while <3
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    Hi. I'm 44. Goal was to loose 60lbs and I am a little over half way there! I have four kids, single mom, work full time, blah blah.

    Tracking foods on MFP really works for me. When I first came I didn't read the forums. When I started back up again in January I decided to check them out. So much good information. I"m reading New Rules for Weight Lifting for Women (I think that is the title) now and plan to start that in June (maybe earlier but life is insane for me until June 1st so we'll see) - which I would have never considered had I not read these forums!
  • lmjblues
    lmjblues Posts: 117 Member
    Hi! I'm Lisa. 45 year old single mother of 3 grown children and grandmother to one 6 year old boy. (He's so cute!) HA!! I'm a's what we do. :)

    I'm also an active runner, spinner and fitness addict. I'm an assistant coach for a running club in the summer and tend to run 4 - 5 races a year that vary in length from 5ks to half marathons. This year I am running in a Ragnar Relay with 12 other ladies. Be the first time I've done that. 200 hundred mile relay race. Looking forward to it!

    My weight loss journey is to get that last 20lbs off!! Since I've hit my 40's the weight has slowly crept back on. Would love to get 20lbs off and if I'm ambitious... another 10 on top of that.

    Feel free to add me. Love having friends throughout this journey. We can all support one another.

    Have a great day!

  • anissa333
    anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
    Im 44..yep 44!! I want to lose about 45 lbs and am giving myself the rest of this year to get it done, with mini goals here and there. I am now working on going through ALL the beachbody workouts that I have at home. It should take me over two years so I am set for now lol. Everyone can add me...You can never have enough people having your back:wink:
  • saraha789
    saraha789 Posts: 15
    Hello! I'm 24 and I'm from Georgia. I just started today but I'm looking for friends on here, so add me please! I hope we can encourage each other on our journeys. I love martial art so I really need/want to lose weight so I can do better in it and feel better. Good luck everyone!
  • kids183
    kids183 Posts: 204 Member
    Hi! I'm Chere - 36 from Ontario. I'm 5 foot 4. My SW on MFP was 215 and my CW is 186. My goal is to be 150 and then see where I go from there! I started (again) back in the middle of January. I have 4 daughters (18, 16, 11 and 7). I work at a desk job Mon - Fri. I'm on a low carb diet because that is what works for me.

    Feel free to add me! No such thing as too much support!

    :flowerforyou: Chere
  • BahamaMama85
    BahamaMama85 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm Tonya in the Bahamas. I'm 29 & I'm trying to lose 30lbs by the big 30th birthday in January. My overall goal is 40lbs. I love to dance and it's my favourite form of exercise. I can't cook but my mom is very supportive and helps me out. I'm single with no kids and a super skinney sister.
    I've been fighting this battle since I graduated high school and got my first job. I thought I was so cool & grown up going out to lunch everyday & ordering anything and everything I wanted. The days of cheerleading, dance club, track club ect were over and replaced by sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day & lounging in bed as soon as I got home.
    Add me on your friends list and I'm definately trying to make this time stick and become a true lifestyle and not just a diet phase.
  • auburngirl06
    auburngirl06 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm Crystal, 30yr working mother of three. I lost 50 pounds two years ago using MFP and came back after my third child was born and got back down to pre-preggo weight. Just came back in February to finally work towards my ideal goal weight. Have about 8 more pounds to go.

    I am a runner and I workout at home to DVD's. I'm currently doing the T25 program and loving it. I'm on week 4 and loving the results so far. I eat around my TDEE -15%. Being at the last 10 pounds I'm going slow. Would love to have some more friends with similiar routines/goals.