Other reasons for losing the weight?



  • At the beginning of my journey my ex fiance had just left me and I was feeling pretty low. I'll even admit that the health part, for a short time wasn't the most important part on my mind. I kept thinking 'who would want me this way, I'm overweight and so not attractive?' Vanity was key to the start. I wanted to look good and feel like I could find someone who would want me.

    Since then I've gotten over a lot of my insecurities and while wanting to look good and all that is still part of it, I am now more focused on being healthy. I now no longer do this as a way to please others. I do this for myself. I'm going to live forever and I'm going to do it by being healthy and fit.

    The looking good it just a nice side effect. :-)
  • I am really motivated to lose the weight because my favorite sport is road cycling, and it truly makes the sport more enjoyable if you are lighter weight. I don't think I can ever have the weight of a pro cyclist, in the 145-165 lb range, just mainly because I have a decent size frame and I'm 6' tall. Plus, I work full time and just don't have the time to ride 20 plus hours per week. But I do like to ride 10 hours per week, and I seem to be able to lose weight doing that.

    Also, at my age, 35, I've embarked on a small side career of acting in film and theater locally. I don't think it'll ever go anywhere bigger, but you want to look your best at all times in that business!
  • Scorpiomom222
    Scorpiomom222 Posts: 1,462 Member
    Right now, I'm losing to conceive.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I've never been at a healthy weight as an adult - I want to enter my 30s as an all-around healthier person! I'm really curious to find out what I look like at a healthy weight...

    Also, I'm going to be having surgery sometime in 2012, and it's more likely to be successful if I am at a healthy weight.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    From what I have been told by people here, I am trying to fit into shirts that make me look like a douche. :)
  • When I first started my journey, I wanted to lose the wieght to 1.) revenge on my ex & 2.) I wanted to be 40 & look great! Well I accomplished both, but unfortunately didn't truely learn how to make it a lifestyle change. Over the past year, there's been obstacles in my life 1.) lose of a job after having been there for over 10 years, 2.) got "comfortable" with my new husband & 3.) honestly just plain being lazy, I've put 35 lbs back on. This time though, I'm doing it for me. I feel better about me when I'm eating healthy & exercising regularly. I'd love to lose the weight before my birthday in May, but realistically I know it might take longer. But the longer it takes, the more I'll learn how to keep with it, right?

    On a side note....I want to look good on my motorcycle. lol
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I'm 5'2" and I have always had a belly and a thick waist. I was never one to exercise so I guess one reason is I want to buy a pair of pants that fit my waist AND my leg length. I am sick of having to wear heels with pants because they are too long.

    my other reason is my Dad. He went from being diagnosed with Diabetes to being on dialysis 3x a week in under 20 years because he wouldn't change his eating habits or lifestyle. Now my older brother has it for the same reasons. I'm not going down that road.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I'm going to prove my soon to be ex-husband wrong! I am just as hot as I was when we met! I may have had a child and my body isn't the same...but I'm still going to be amazing looking! And I hope as a bonus...I can nab a good looking, kind hearted man to go with it. :wink:
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Because I look at both of my morbidly obese brothers and know I don't want that for myself.
    Because I've never worn a bikini in my life.
    Because normal size clothes are cheaper.
    Because airlines charge to check bags and smaller clothes fit more easily in a carry on. :tongue:
  • I just want to feel normal again. Of course I want to be healthy and have energy to do things I love, but most of all, I just want to feel comfortable in my own skin...
    I'm tired of people seeing me as "the fat one"
    I'm tired of hiding from the world.
    I'm tired of feeling unattractive
    I'm tired of holding myself back from things I want to do or have.
    I'm tired of wishing for the day I was thin enough
    I'm tired of being no threat to my friends/other girls when I go out

    There is more where that came from, but I have a long way to go until I can feel good about my body again. Life's not fun when you're fat.

    What you said here reminded me of a quote I've heard along my weight loss journey:

    "The bigger you are, the smaller your world.
    The smaller you are, the bigger your world."
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    Because I want to stop traffic; I want to walk into a room and have everyone stop and stare at me in a good way. :wink: :bigsmile:
  • better sex.
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 320 Member
    Increased health overall......I was totally hooked on Diet soda, and felt that I needed Rum & Coke every evening in order for my day to be complete....Well, I've kicked both of those "habits" and now am on to cleaning up the entire family's eating!
  • I do want to live a long life and I won't if I don't cut the crap. Diabetes and heart disease run in my family.
    I want to wear a single digit clothing size.
    I want to pull all my old small clothes out and wear them (and then I want those to get too big).
    I have four sisters and the one that has always been bigger than me just lost a bunch of weight and makes me feel bad about it every time I see her.
    I hate the binge behavior and the immediate effects of overeating and I want to break this pattern.
    I am uncomfortable with the way I look and feel.
    I feel guilty and shameful for my lack of weight management in my life.
    I have a bunch of friends and family that have lost weight and kept it off and I want to be like them.
    I want to lose weight for my wedding and for having babies someday.
    I want to feel dainty.
    I want to have a smaller waist than my boyfriend.
    I want to avoid the back problems that I have when my weight gets too high.
    I don't want to make less money in my career because statistics show that overweight people make significantly less money.
    I want to be sexy.
    I want to wear a bikini and little dresses and tight pants and lingerie and layer clothing because I am fashionable instead of wanting to hide my body.
    I want to succeed in losing weight (85 pounds) because I have been battling so long.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    It has been a long ride getting to the horrendous shape I was in... I had a moment coaching my son's football team this past season and I was disgusted with myself. I do not want to have that feeling again.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I started at how i felt getting rid of the extra fat and to reduce symptoms of pcos


    I bumped into an ex bf and had him drooling (during halloween when i looked rather oh so good as a fairy), im having similar problems again (not with same one!), so want to go hey ho with more weight, to make them both regret it !

    Revenge may be a dish best served cold, but i'll have it with all the toppings.
  • Love reading all of your posts, it helps to motivate me as well. This time of year it is very hard to stay on track so I will need all the motivation I can get. My boyfriend has been with me through weight gain and weight loss and has never once made me feel any less loved at any weight, so I'm confident that I am losing weight for me, not him. Running into an ex when I go home and having them drool would be a pretty good confidence booster, but I wouldn't go out of my way to make sure they saw me or anything.

    My biggest motivation is my Grandmother. She is 78 years old, eats super healthy, takes lots of vitamins, goes to the Y 3-4 days a week and has NO prescription meds, doesn't even like to take headache medicine if she doesn't have to. Given today's normal rate of those who take medications, especially at her age, I think she is an incredible woman and a huge inspiration to me :-) She runs around with her great granddaughter, Gracie, age 4, all the time and I would love to have that kind of energy when I have great grand kids one day.
  • My dad, grandpa, uncle have diabetes... so did my grandmother on my mom's side. I've always had problems with my sugar but more of the it runs low after I eat something with sugar kind. But than it started dropping for no reason and I really don't want to be a diabetic one day. And I'm the third girl in my family. My older sisters are 6 and 7 years older and I was always the "skinny" sister because they were bigger than me. Than one had the gastric sleeve done and the other started dieting and took diet pills. Now they look awesome and I'm the fat baby sister!! I just want to look good and be healthy! Also my best friend is getting married in May and she is tiny and super cute. And I'm her maid of honor... I'd like to not look like a cow next to her :)
  • brittlynne3579
    brittlynne3579 Posts: 217 Member
    My ex's always had something to say about my weight. One ex was with me from anorexia until now, so he was shocked. Even though I'm still the same size as when we broke up, he tells me he misses me all the time (we're still close friends).

    Ex #2 told me I'd be a knockout if I lost 30 lbs and that he wasn't sexually attracted to me despite his body displaying otherwise. I told him no problem, he'll never have sex with me again.

    Ex #3 and #4 were cheating douches in nice guy clothing. Neither commented on my weight, but they still suck at life.

    I would have to say that I'm content where I'm at. Thought I have extra pounds, I'm healthy with good sugar, bp, cholesterol, etc. I am confident and happy. I come here mostly for motivation to get me through emotional obstacles that come from being skinny at one time, or eating disorder recovery!!! I love my MFPeeps :flowerforyou:
  • I'm 27 and want to date. Men are visual creatures, so I'd like my outside to match my awesome inside!

    Dancing is easier when you're smaller.

    I never try on close in the store, because I hate to look in those mirrors. I'd like to enjoy clothes shopping again.

    I want to be healthy!

    I didn't realize how self-conscious I was until I lost 10 lbs! I was way more confident than I had been in a long time. I want to continue to increase my confidence by decreasing my weight. :)
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