Went over calories



  • bhdon
    bhdon Posts: 117 Member
    I have to admit, I'm panicking a little bit. I went from 121 to 125, and i know I didn't eat THAT much, but now I'm just wondering how long before I'm back to where I was :/ Perhaps I'll stop weighing daily, I haven't been so morbidly depressed in like five years. lol

    thanks, guys!

    I agree with not weighing often. Really, if you are making long term changes, you will see results over time. I know it's hard not to be looking for daily/weekly results, but it helps, as long as you are fairly consistent with your program ( not perfect), to just trust the numbers on the scale will be different a month or two from now.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I had 4 poptarts (2 packages). But they're so good and irresistible. I think I need to ban Poptarts from my house until I can learn a little restraint....Or start lifting heavy specifically for the Poptarts. You know, screw the health benefits.

    I understand that quite a view weightlifters use Poptarts as fuel.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    I have to admit, I'm panicking a little bit. I went from 121 to 125, and i know I didn't eat THAT much, but now I'm just wondering how long before I'm back to where I was :/ Perhaps I'll stop weighing daily, I haven't been so morbidly depressed in like five years. lol

    thanks, guys!

    I agree with not weighing often. Really, if you are making long term changes, you will see results over time. I know it's hard not to be looking for daily/weekly results, but it helps, as long as you are fairly consistent with your program ( not perfect), to just trust the numbers on the scale will be different a month or two from now.

    I would have to disagree about not weighing often. The scale is the most important tool in the house. Not the weights. Not the gym. Not the bike. Not the sneakers. Not the hiking shoes. Not the swimming trunks. But weighing the main object we are all dealing with here: our bodies.

    The scale. Is and will always remain the single most important tool to guide you on a daily basis. Yes, sure we have daily fluctuations based on DOMS, sodium intake, hydration/dehydration, etc... . But, like an 18 wheeler weigh-in along the interstate, it tells us how much our rig weighs, what we are carrying in it and that can all help us calculate how much fuel the rig needs or doesn't need to make it along the day's journey.

  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Hey guys,

    Just a quick update (incase anyone else in a similar situation stumbles upon this in a panic like I was), I ate my goal calories yesterday, no more, no less, and when I woke up this morning I was 122 pounds. The day prior to the 125 day, I was 121.8. So, a two ounce gain -- not bad, not bad! :)
  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    Your weight fluctuates not only daily but hourly...so if you HAVE to weight yourself every day, do so at the exact same time every day (preferably first thing in the am AFTER going to the bathroom but BEFORE eating anything...that's when you weigh the least). I would recommend once a week though, or at least every other day or it can make you a little crazy. Also, 1600...no biggie. I am a 5' 1" person who doesn't exercise much either, who's goal is 1200 calories/day and I occasionally eat that many calories. Do I freak out? No, because that is not a normal day for me, therefore it's not going to effect my weight. And coming in at 1300...that's a good day! An excellent day! You'll still lose weight with those numbers. Log as you eat to see where you stand throughout the day...don't wait til the end of the day or you'll see how all those calories snuck up on you causing a panic attack...
  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    Oh, and if you have a bad day again, just shrug it off. Tomorrow is a new day...don't starve yourself to make up for it...just start over. You'll be fine. Good luck!!! :smile:
  • mldouty1
    mldouty1 Posts: 4
    I would not starve myself today to make up for yesterday. It happens to all of us sometimes. I was over yesterday too, only by about 50 calories, but it's ok. Even if you went over by a lot, one day isn't going to matter in the long haul. Just keep logging and try to get stay on your normal allotment over the next few days.

    You mentioned feeling depressed (even though you shouldn't - a few pounds is no big deal, and you sound like you're at a fine weight right now!)-- might I suggest some exercise? Aside from helping out with burning calories, it really really makes a HUGE difference in your mood. It will actually make you feel happier!!

    Good luck, don't sweat the small stuff!!
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Your weight fluctuates not only daily but hourly...so if you HAVE to weight yourself every day, do so at the exact same time every day (preferably first thing in the am AFTER going to the bathroom but BEFORE eating anything...that's when you weigh the least). I would recommend once a week though, or at least every other day or it can make you a little crazy. Also, 1600...no biggie. I am a 5' 1" person who doesn't exercise much either, who's goal is 1200 calories/day and I occasionally eat that many calories. Do I freak out? No, because that is not a normal day for me, therefore it's not going to effect my weight. And coming in at 1300...that's a good day! An excellent day! You'll still lose weight with those numbers. Log as you eat to see where you stand throughout the day...don't wait til the end of the day or you'll see how all those calories snuck up on you causing a panic attack...

    lol, yeah! Thank you! I ate 2,900ish though. I'm super lucky for only gaining .2, I think!
  • mycupyourcake
    mycupyourcake Posts: 279 Member
    The beauty of it is every day is new and every day is yours to win. Keep on keepin' on........
    This is a great attitude to have.
    Remember to drink extra water today to help your body remove sodium from your excesses of yesterday.
  • kdillson70
    Forgive yourself and move on. Today is a new day, just stick to your everyday goal.