Feeling defeated as always (sorry a little bit of a rant)



  • CStellaGo
    CStellaGo Posts: 273 Member
    You take the failures and you throw them out the damn window! I was in the same exact boat as you for the last couple of years. I cannot tell you how to change your mindset. It just happened for me- it used to frustrate the hell out of me when people would say that but when it clicks it truly does click! You have to believe in yourself before you can adjust your way of thinking. I have slip ups, I get mad at myself, and then I get over it. Yesterday is past, today is now, and tomorrow is a new day! The biggest thing I had to do was realize my calorie goal and make myself stick to it....I would binge and then I would work hard that night to burn off the excess. After a few times of hardly being able to make it back up the stairs I had to ask myself was the pizza really worth that? Most the time no, yet then again when you look back and have lost so many pounds you bet your sweet@$$ it was worth it. I'm not perfect my macros are still screwed up and I have a lot to learn but I believe I can do this and I am so proud of how far I have come so far. You will get there to! Have faith and chin up buttercup!
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    BTW, I don't want to jinx this...but what a great, great supportive group this has been!
  • Ecumft09
    Ecumft09 Posts: 16
    You know what the biggest difference between now and when you were able to consistently work out 4 days a week and stay on top of your food intake? THE FACT YOU HAD A BABY!!! Your circumstances and how you are able to spend your time has changed. I know for me being a mom of two under the age of two, it is hard when working full time and trying to keep your house in some sort of reasonable manner to work in exercise when you really just want to crash on the couch and watch the newest episode of Arrow (to watch topless salmon ladder workouts by the main character... ;-) ) and eat the entire pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. But you have to decide what is the most important thing to you. Do you want to teach your child to hate their body and constantly be focused on the number the scale says or love their body and do the things they need to take care of it? I struggle with this daily myself and I frequently found myself complaining about my weight to the hubby and then be angry when ever he would suggest going for a walk with the dogs.

    I also think that it is a HUGE adjustment when you are going from what you are used to eating to eating the calories suggested by MFP. Your stomach stretches based on how much you eat at a given time, so my logic is that if you are used to eating a Big Mac, large Fries, and 32 oz drink (which is probably double what MFP is suggesting for you to eat) it is going to take some time to adjust to the new way of eating and allow your stomach to catch up. So I suggest eating as close as you are comfortable with and each day aim to eat a little less. If you leave your self feeling deprived and hungry all of the time, you likely will be defeated and not want to continue.

    As with anything we pursue, it's the journey that's important not the destination. Also, you didn't get this way over night so don't expect it to take over night to get back.

    Thank you! I couldn't agree with you more and think you made some awesome points! I do expect it overnight but I know it wont happen that way. And Ps how did you know I like to watch Arrow. :tongue:

    Lucky guess, I suppose... The hubby has to wipe the drool from my face every now and again. ;-) I also suffer from Instant-itis and wish things would be perfect over night but alas it does not happen. We appear to be similar in age and of the same "Microwave" Generation. We are used to having everything at our fingertips instantly (I blame the internet...) not that it's a bad thing but with some things unfortunately we must be the Turtle and not the Hare. Good luck on your journey, and know you are most defiantly not alone!