"Beyond Diet"...have you tried it? Looking for opinions



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    1) All wheat products including bread. Wheat is so genetically modified it can be considered a non foot that bloats you and rapidly causes a blood sugar spike that sends your body into fat storing mode
    2) Cage eggs the hens are fed with antibiotics and they live in atrocious conditions all of which adversely affects the eggs
    3) Fake butters and vegetable oils. The hydrogenation and additives are the problem. Use real butter.
    4) table salt. Processing chemically alters it. Use rock salts instead. The body needs salt.
    5) all processed foods including so called "health food" and fruit juices
    6) sugar, saccharin etc

    I find it hard to believe anyone is ignorant to beleive all the above. For instance what is the chemical composition of table salt vs rock salt? Avoid all processed foods, but use coconut oil and butter? Wheat fear mongering? Also someone doesn't know what sugar is.

    The diet as listed is low cal and restrictive and zomg it causes weight loss the exact same way as counting cals which supposedly doesn't work for you
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Although I don't accept that some of what I've learnt is wrong. I do accept that a lot of what I have learnt goes against conventional wisdom. But that doesn't automatically make it wrong.

    I also accept that my understanding of what I am learning May be in error. I have only been at it for three months after all. But what I do know is that I do better when I stay away from wheat products

    Fair enough.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Although I don't accept that some of what I've learnt is wrong. I do accept that a lot of what I have learnt goes against conventional wisdom. But that doesn't automatically make it wrong.

    I also accept that my understanding of what I am learning May be in error. I have only been at it for three months after all. But what I do know is that I do better when I stay away from wheat products

    I suppose you might think that many of us in the forums are just "muscle head gym rats" and snarky creeps who are just looking for a reason to make fun of you.
    In reality, you'd discover that many, many of the "University of the Shirtless" posters are actually educated career professionals like you. Like you, we ended up packing on pounds from being sedimentary and eating too much.

    Some, like me, go to the gym, others don't.

    Many of us wanted to do something about our weight, but found ourselves inundated with: "THIS will make you fat! Eat THAT!" But the next source says, "That's ALL WRONG!"
    Many tried a bunch of restrictive diets that didn't work, we couldn't adhere to, or that we realized weren't actually nutritionally balanced.
    We stumbled across this site and realized that it didn't have to be that way.

    Should you, like us, come to a point when you feel like things aren't working out for you the way you'd hope they would and you want to try something else, MFP is a terrific resource.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Although I don't accept that some of what I've learnt is wrong. I do accept that a lot of what I have learnt goes against conventional wisdom. But that doesn't automatically make it wrong.

    I also accept that my understanding of what I am learning May be in error. I have only been at it for three months after all. But what I do know is that I do better when I stay away from wheat products

    I suppose you might think that many of us in the forums are just "muscle head gym rats" and snarky creeps who are just looking for a reason to make fun of you.
    In reality, you'd discover that many, many of the "University of the Shirtless" posters are actually educated career professionals like you. Like you, we ended up packing on pounds from being sedimentary and eating too much.

    Some, like me, go to the gym, others don't.

    Many of us wanted to do something about our weight, but found ourselves inundated with: "THIS will make you fat! Eat THAT!" But the next source says, "That's ALL WRONG!"
    Many tried a bunch of restrictive diets that didn't work, we couldn't adhere to, or that we realized weren't actually nutritionally balanced.
    We stumbled across this site and realized that it didn't have to be that way.

    Should you, like us, come to a point when you feel like things aren't working out for you the way you'd hope they would and you want to try something else, MFP is a terrific resource.

    Well stated and 100% correct!
    IPOARM members know I'll bend over backwards to help them out!
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    I feel I should apologise because it seems I have given the impression that I don't think much of the people here. That was not my intention so I apologise for that.
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    Ok went away to contemplate how best to answer

    If you had read my other posts then you would see that I had said that there is no doubt that to loose weight you need to consume less calories than you burn. That much is obvious.
    I never said counting calories does not work
    What I did say was that counting calories is not the best strategy for loosing weight and that counting calories did not work for me.

    I now know why it did not work for me.
    I listened to the advise that you can eat anything you like, nothing is off limits. Just keep your calories below some arbitrary level and move more. All I focused on was watching my calories.I now know that doing that I ate far to many carbs, nowhere near enough protein and next to no fat. For my metabolic type that is all wrong and that is why I plateaued and could not loose any more. Too many carbs was putting my body into fat storing mode because to much carbs spikes my blood sugar causing to much insulin to be released to deal with the high blood sugar. That and not enough protein was why I was hungry all the time.

    Now that I am watching WHAT FOODS I put in my mouth rather than HOW MANY. CALORIES I am loosing weight at a great rate. The fact that the calorie counts are similar has nothing to do with it. What does matter is the SOURCE of those calories. But thanks for pointing that out.Thinking on it I might have allowed the mindset of eating less to creep back in again and I'm not eating enough. That maybe part of why my weight now is slower than it was when I started.

    I am no dietary expert, not even close. I cannot prove any of the above. I am merely expressing my own personal experience. I have done that in everything I have posted. You can say I am demonising certain foods. Well if my personal experience is doing that then what can I say. One last thing. This is not a restrictive diet. I still eat cupcakes and cakes and deserts and a great range of regular meals. They are just made with better ingredients and made to fit my metabolism type
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    You hit the nail on the head. Truth be told that you can lose weight eating anything, but it's healthier in the long run to eat whole foods with some fun sprinkled in.
    I prefer the If It Fits Your Macros approach, because its a little more forgiving!
    I eat about 80% whole foods, mostly organic.
    The other 20% is whatever I choose.
    So long as I lift, I lose fat!

    So the devil is in the little details.
    Heres a great article on the matter:

    And if you ever need any assistance, send a PM or Friend Request.
  • Improved007
    I totally agree that there is a lot of annoying promotional stuff on Beyond Diet. That said, this is definitely not a scam. I have been following this plan and have brought my blood glucose to consistently normal levels and have lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks. I have been continuing to log my food and exercise on My Fitness Pal. As far as the calories in/calories out theory - it is just that - a theory. As an insulin resistant, I don't lose weight if I eat certain foods even within my supposed range. Period. Ok it costs 47 bucks....big deal.
    With the structure and recipes on the site it's well worth it to not have to spend my valuable time searching for it on the internet. Also, I purchased one of the extra add-ons in error and they Immediately refunded my money no problem. While it is true, you can ask anything you want here , I'm sorry, it's all mainly just your opinion. Other than all the product hype, I find Ms Del Rios' information to be sound and through my own research concur. If I were following the recommendations on the Mayo Clinic or American Diabetes website to eat high carb, low fat I would still be on a blood glucose roller coaster. Bottom line, in my opinion,
    a good deal.
  • SunnysGlimpse
    Take it from someone who has received the "Beyond Diet" emails from "Isabel" for over a year, that it is a complete joke and waste of time to sign up for this. 90% of all the emails you will receive contain spammy links that take you to affiliate websites that want you to sign up or buy something so they get a kickback. Here's an example:

    "Take it from our colleague and top medical doctor, Dr. Phil Spiess; avoid these 4 types of fish like the plague:"

    ==> NEVER eat this type of fish (EVER) Watch out! <-- this would be a link

    ==> The critical fat-burning nutrient you need <-- this would be a link

    Those would be links to affiliate websites that want you to sign up or buy something so the "Beyond Diet" people can make more money.

    The website and emails are 90% promotion (maybe more) and 10% actual healthy information but nothing you can't already find on MyFitnessPal and any healthy eating book.

    And they must not make enough money on some days because often you will receive the same email 2-3 times a week.

    Then annually, you will also see the same emails come in that you did last year.

    Nothing in this diet is more than common sense. You don't need supplements. Just pick up any healthy eating book, read on this website, and stay within your caloric means via MyFitnessPal (it rocks). If you want some free info on the amount of protein to eat vs fat, etc, go to one of these websites:


    If I could meet the guy who wrote those websites (guess his name is "Jay"), I would like to shake his hand.

    Good luck.
  • selah117
    selah117 Posts: 2
    I have been on Beyond Diet and lost 15 lbs in a few months or so. Then I plataued and had major surgery and I am just getting back on it. It definitely works! It's about eating foods that make you stay fuller longer and finding out what "type" you are. Some people are protein types where they have to consume more protein to lose weight and satisfy their body, others are "carbs" type and some are "protein and carb" type. If you are a protein type it doesn't mean you can't eat carbs, just eat the right carbs and more protein than say a "carb" type person or "carb and protein" type person. The "carb and protein" type person is a separate category. Not everyone is the same like most diets build a program for everyone but human beings are more complex. It's offers great recipes of course but it also has an "ASK" feature where you can type in a question about anything pertaining to BD or if you just want to find a substitute for a food and none of the ones you know work, if there isn't an answer already that the computer comes up with, live people answer and the moderator chooses the best answer for you. I think I liked this the best. To me, it was worth the money because not only did I get all this info but you have access to a whole community of BD people there that you can post stuff on their wall, send messages like FB and stuff. You can speak with people who are going through the diet with you and you can make friends with them on other social network sites too! Plus, the membership lasts for a year and $40 a year is nothing! Well worth the price in my opinion!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I have been on Beyond Diet and lost 15 lbs in a few months or so. Then I plataued and had major surgery and I am just getting back on it. It definitely works! It's about eating foods that make you stay fuller longer and finding out what "type" you are. Some people are protein types where they have to consume more protein to lose weight and satisfy their body, others are "carbs" type and some are "protein and carb" type. If you are a protein type it doesn't mean you can't eat carbs, just eat the right carbs and more protein than say a "carb" type person or "carb and protein" type person. The "carb and protein" type person is a separate category. Not everyone is the same like most diets build a program for everyone but human beings are more complex. It's offers great recipes of course but it also has an "ASK" feature where you can type in a question about anything pertaining to BD or if you just want to find a substitute for a food and none of the ones you know work, if there isn't an answer already that the computer comes up with, live people answer and the moderator chooses the best answer for you. I think I liked this the best. To me, it was worth the money because not only did I get all this info but you have access to a whole community of BD people there that you can post stuff on their wall, send messages like FB and stuff. You can speak with people who are going through the diet with you and you can make friends with them on other social network sites too! Plus, the membership lasts for a year and $40 a year is nothing! Well worth the price in my opinion!

    Send me your $40 and i'll get you in shape and make suggestions on food and stuff.

    Most people need more protein.
    Most people can lose weight eating carbs.

    Doesn't really matter what "type" you are so long as you are being mindful of what you consume every day and the type of activity you use to change your body composition.
  • natalieanderson3
    what you need to do is research zone diet.. it is a great way to start combining macro nutrients... but you need to keep in mind that it is still about quality of foods.. whole foods are they way to go
  • TTeBri
    TTeBri Posts: 4 Member
    I totally agree with you SunnysGlimpse. I was glad to find MFP because Isabel's constant emails linking us to money making schemes for herself were just too much. Plus, if you check out her questions and answer forum, there are many many questions that go unanswered. I learned a lot in the beginning, things that I'm sure if I'd searched, I would have found for free, but then I would have had to know what to search for. I'm not sure it was quite worth the $47 price tag, and I do wish I had found MFP first!
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Beyond Diet toppled our lawn gnomes, plucked the feathers out of our pink flamingos, and dragged all our flip flops through gator poop. It was the single worst bitcoin purchase I ever made. Well, except for the bad heroin, but at least that came with a free male escort!

    It also causes testicular cirrhosis in rats. If taken immediately following vigorous coitus, pustular tonsilitis dogbreathus may occur. In addition, mandibular liver was found in monkeys after only seven days!
  • SunnysGlimpse
    I totally agree with you SunnysGlimpse. I was glad to find MFP because Isabel's constant emails linking us to money making schemes for herself were just too much. Plus, if you check out her questions and answer forum, there are many many questions that go unanswered. I learned a lot in the beginning, things that I'm sure if I'd searched, I would have found for free, but then I would have had to know what to search for. I'm not sure it was quite worth the $47 price tag, and I do wish I had found MFP first!

    I'm glad I wasn't alone TTeBri. :smile:

    Ahh yes, I forgot about the question and answer section. I rarely ever saw a response to any of the questions anywhere. That goes for follow-up questions to articles either. So much for "support". That's what MyFitnessPal and the great people on here are for!
  • sofarfromit
    sofarfromit Posts: 1 Member
    I found Beyond Diet by clicking on a link and then watched one of their promotional videos. I was intrigued, but also annoyed by their method of getting me to the site (it was the one that said here are the five foods not to eat, but then this question was not answered). I searched for reviews of the diet, which brought me to this thread. It took me 2 hours to read through this thread and at the end of it, I had decided not to buy the program, but to work on clean eating instead. Someone on this thread had posted links for some sites which I spent hours reviewing. I went to the store thinking I knew what I was doing, but quickly became very overwhelmed. Bought about $250 worth of groceries, came home and still felt confused about what to eat. Stuck to clean eating entirely and wound up gaining a pound a day for 3 days. Tried doing a mix of clean eating with counting calories, but still felt so hungry and cravey that I caved in the evening and ate way above the calorie goal that I had set for myself. I have tried doing the calorie in - calorie out method many times in the past...often feeling kind of drained and tired or craving a lot more. I felt hungry a LOT. Then if I would cheat, it seemed like I would gain back everything I had lost. FINALLY I decided "screw it"...$47.00 is less than 2-3 hours of work pay and yet I have already spent at least 5 hours reading stuff online with still no clear plan. So I bought the program...and I would pay that again for sure and even more if I had to...and I haven't even lost much weight yet. One day of eating as they say and I just don't feel so hungry and cravey. I actually feel satisfied and have declined sweets on numerous occasions without any problems. I just don't have the drive for them now...which is pretty new for me. I'm learning how to eat in a way that doesn't cause your glucose levels to spike, which makes your body create insulin, which makes you 1. store fat and 2. makes you hungry. I am learning so much and have real faith that I can use this information for the rest of my life.
  • Joaninha11
    Joaninha11 Posts: 2
    I found Beyond diet yesterday and I was to curious and desperate that $47 seemed to be worth trying. Well, know I think it was a lot for what I got. Actually I spent more than $100! After you agree to go ahead, they start to offer you more things that sound indispensable. And you buy them.
    Today I had a good look and this diet has nothing to do with an easy diet. You need to open hand of many things that you are used to forever. You cannot have any sugar, you cannot have any canola oil, you cannot have drinks other than teas, 2 cups of coffee per day and water. I just think this is totally unrealistic.
    In their advertisement they say that Weight Watchers is ridiculous because you need to cont points. In their diet you also need to control the portions but it is even hard specially because they use the US metric system which I think it is a total lack of respect considering that they sell their products for other countries than US and most of them use a different system.
    They also try to sell you more and more products all the time, something that I don't like. Their meal plans have foods that I've never heard about and I am sure it will be very hard to find here in NZ.
    Anyway, it was a total disappointment.
    They say that if you don't like it, they will refund you. I've already asked but considering everything that I saw so far I am very septic and do not believe they will keep their promise. :-(
  • sargerahn
    sargerahn Posts: 1
    I think the question Twoboysmom2 raised Is valid. I too sat through the whole video for continued research on getting healthy and the advertisement caught my eye.

    I see there are "members" of Beyond Diet commenting on this thread so le's make it simple and fair.

    If the program is something you believe in, then you can answer the question or the "hook" s advertised tag:
    The five foods you should never eat"

    So if legit, what are they?
    If you can answer them here in this blog without redirecting or trying to sell something, I think you may pick up a few people who are willing t try.
    If you can't answer the simple question (that the program advertised as a hook) than please stop posting on this forum as the people here are serious about getting healthy and fit.
  • Joaninha11
    As I mentioned before, I joined Beyond diet and regretted. But at least they kept their promise and sent me a refund. I just found this diet totally unrealistic and not simple at all. Isabel says that you need just small change to your diet and this is so not true. I did not waste that much of time reading everything on her website. Just looking the food plan and reading some answers that her team gave to their members, was sufficient to realise that this would be impossible for me. I will tell you why:
    - You need to be prepared to never eat anything with sugar or artificial sugar, expect stevia.
    - You need to eat only organic food, even organic eggs and wine. Are you prepared to go to a friend's house and ask if the food was prepared with organic egg? ;-)
    - You cannot eat processed food anymore (do you really know what it mean and how difficult it is?)
    - You will have to restrict your wine consumption to 1 glass of organic red wine per WEEK
    - You can only drink water and tea and a little bit of coffee.
    - You can only have very specific type of breads
    - They include in their food plans, foods that will be very difficult for you to find, unless you leave in US

    How can Isabel call it a small change to my diet??!!