25 To Life -- AUGUST



  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    hello to all. I am having a rough day already. I did good this week as far as working out . 3 days in a row. BUt I cant get a grip on my eating. I will eat healthy fods 90 percent of the time, but I have no sense of when enough is enough. I mean in my head while I am eating I tell myself you dont need this. you have had enough. But I eat more anyway!! Its so frustrating. I get so tired of being so mad at myself..but obviously i cant blame any one else. And then the other major bad habit is eating late at night. I know its horrible to do. what can I do. Should I hang up signs over the house telling me not to eat . If you have any suggestions please let me know. I go back to work in 5 weeks. I work at a school so have the summer off. I have gained weight since i left and would like to loose 10 pounds b4 i go back but its not gonna happen if i keep up these bad habits. Thanks for listening.

    It is so hard to control but I set limits. I portion how much I can eat and will not go past or I will keep eating. You have to be very strict and I tell myself not now all the time people must think I am crazy at times because I tell myself out loud. :laugh: Its like if I hear it I wont do it. Keep up the good work. :drinker:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    hello to all. I am having a rough day already. I did good this week as far as working out . 3 days in a row. BUt I cant get a grip on my eating. I will eat healthy fods 90 percent of the time, but I have no sense of when enough is enough.

    My advice is: PLAN AHEAD, PLAN AHEAD, and PLAN AHEAD!

    Eventually you will get more in the habit of making the right decisions... but for a while, you really have to sit down and make your plans for what you will eat long before you are (A) hungry and (B) looking at food. If you have already made the decision about what you are eating today, then you don't have to worry about making the "right" decision when it is staring you in the face (if that makes any sense).

    A couple other thoughts: NEVER have more food on your plate than you think you should have - I will always eat it when it is there! Make sure to drink a big glass of water while you are eating - it helps you to feel full sooner. That is also a good technique for late-night eating: have a big glass of water instead. If you are still hungry afterwards, have something small and healthy like some carrot sticks or a handful of grapes. And most importantly - don't give up on yourself. Sparkles is right - it is never too late to save your day. If you catch yourself overeating, don't think, "oh, I've failed, I'm a horrible person, I might as well eat more". Instead, just stop, remind yourself that this is a lifestyle change, and make plans for how you will do better next time. Heck, even hopping up and doing 50 jumping jacks or something will help you feel a little better - it is better than nothing, and definitely better than giving up.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Jen & Sindy - I'm glad you guys can relate! But I can also see why people wouldn't think you have that much to lose - you are both looking pretty good to me! :happy: I did see that woman who had the tummy tuck - her before and afters were crazy! But it seemed like it really was primarily loose skin - which I doubt actually weighs very much.

    I am pretty sure about where I "should" be because I had a body composition test earlier in the summer and they set a target for me of 155 based on 23% body fat. I think I could probably go down to 20% which would put me at 149, or maybe 18% which would put me at 145.5. My goal still says 140 but I am probably going to change it - that would be less than 15%, which I doubt is realistic for a non-athlete woman! 150 is probably a better target for me.

    I would highly recommend getting this done if possible. I did mine at the Y and they used the calipers/skin fold method. It gave me a MUCH better perspective to realize that a lot of my weight (120 lbs) is actually bones, muscles, and organs!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member

    There is that girl who got the tummy tuck, have you seen her? her name is slipping my mind, but anyway, that's EXACTLY what my stomach looks like! (before she got it done!),

    her name is ambertimmons21, shes a real sweetheart and looks great!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    ok, so, the week has finally come to a close! I am in need of this weekend!

    I forgot to tell you guys that i actually led pilates yesterday! The teacher could not make it at the last minute, and they elected me to lead the class! So of course I did, because I would rather do that than for everyone to not have class...

    also, i finally read 158 again, so i guess it took me 3 full days to loose the water that I had gained during TOM... but im glad that it went back to that, made me feel a little more justified.

    Jen, i cant wait to hear about how the 5th birthday pool party pans out...

    bye for now
  • buckeyebabe
    Hi all!

    I have been MIA again. AGhhhh!!! School starts in a week here and so we have been running around trying to do the haircuts, supply shopping, clothes shopping, school visits and fee payment...you know how it goes. I have also been a bad, bad, girl....haven't logged once in about 2 weeks. I am still running 5 days a week a minimum of 3.5 miles so I haven't jumped off the deep end...I just need to start holding myself accountable again.

    Sparkles....you look great! Love the new pic! Your arms/shoulders look so tone and lean and your legs look so tiny in the jeans! kudos to you my dear!!

    Welcome to our new friends foxy and honey. Hang in there! It's a long journey but it is so worth it.

    Jenn...what do I have to do to you to get you to throw out that mean scale?! I gave you a step by step game plan not to long ago and it seems you didn't follow it!!!!!:tongue:

    I am still sitting at 163. Acutally, today I was 166 but TOM is here and he's mad this month!!! So I am hoping that I will fall back to 163 here in the next few days. If not, TOM won't be the only one who is mad. :noway:

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • honeybunchthree
    honeybunchthree Posts: 76 Member
    Hey everyone. Tonight I did my third day of a double work out routine. I walk 4 miles every morning and I added a workout through our local gym called, boot camp, and it is hard.
    Tomorrow I am going to weigh:grumble: in and see if I lost anything.

    Its been a stressful evening, but maybe things could turn around.:explode: I almost ate some icecream for self comfort, but I took one spoonful and put it back in the fridge.:grumble:

    Hi everyone! just checking in.
    I lost 2 more pounds, getting closer, little baby steps.
  • foxxxymommy
    thanks for the support guys. I have sat down and planned out my food for the day. Iwhat i will eat how much and the exact time. And I am definately drinking water in between to take my mind off it. Thx foe the tips. Its gonna be a good day!!!! Hope everyone is doing well.
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member


    here's the cake I made!

    here we are with my boys!

    Had a great time! I was EXHAUSTED!!

    By the way, yesterday when I got on the scale, the "nice" scale said 154 which means I HIT 40 POUNDS! woo hoo!, but I also have TOM, and ate a little crap yesterday, so by the end of the week, we'll see what the scale says!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Wow, Jen! That cake is awesome! I especially like how the blue frosting looks like waves. I bet your son loved it. :happy:

    Congrats on your loss, honeybunch! That is great! :drinker:

    We had a great time camping over the weekend, despite some nighttime rain. I went on several walks and even rowed a rowboat for awhile, so I figure that probably helped to compensate for the (vegetarian) s'mores that I had on Saturday night. :laugh: I even managed to get my pushups in on Friday in between packing up the car. So all in all, I had a good week. We'll see what the scale says tomorrow!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Well lost 1 pound this week better than no pound. Hope everybody did well.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Finally those 2 pounds are gone! This is my first real loss in over a month. Hooray!

    Congrats Sindy - 1 pound a week is awesome. I think I am going to change my goal to 1.5 or 1 and see if that makes any difference (I had been at 2/week).
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Finally those 2 pounds are gone! This is my first real loss in over a month. Hooray!

    Congrats Sindy - 1 pound a week is awesome. I think I am going to change my goal to 1.5 or 1 and see if that makes any difference (I had been at 2/week).

    I changed to 1.5 or 1 pound a couple of weeks ago when I was on that plateau. Think I might have been starving myself. I have been loosing since I changed it and added a walk in the morning as well. WTG on the 2 pounds gone.

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    We fell off the front page, so I am giving us a BUMP before I head to bed. Where is everyone these days?

    I have been on track this week - now I just need to get some sleep so I can force myself to the gym tomorrow morning before work (I usually go after) because I have a MASSAGE scheduled tomorrow night. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: After all these pushups, I am really looking forward to it!

    I hope you all are doing well. :flowerforyou:
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Everyone here is so diligent with keeping in touch with one another. I have posted on a few of these challenges/support groups but never keep up with it which is why I probably dont loose the kind of weight you are all loosing. I like this one the best! My goal for the next week is to post here at least 1 time per day! I am at the beach so exercise and eating right will be particularly hard but maybe being on this thread will lend me the motivation I need to stay on track.

    Thanks everyone! And I will be chatting with all of you soon! :tongue:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Welcome pdxmomof2 :drinker: most of us log at least once a day. This is a very supportive group. Good luck.

    WTG cp a good massage is very inviting. Keeping on target myself. :drinker:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Welcome pdx!
    Well, I've gone to the gym M, T, W. My kids want me to go today, so I'll be getting off this computer and getting dressed to go! I changed my goals to eat a little more and see what happens. I logged in yesterdays food and it said "if every day were like today I'd weigh 146 in 5 weeks" yipee!

    I hope so!
    I tried a targeted sculpting class yesterday. It used all these different devices, ladder you had to jump over, bosu, wabble thingies you had to keep your balance on, balls to do situps and do hamstring lifts, and a bunch of other stuff, it was fun and while I was doing the weights on the ball (which was set up in front of the mirror) I was checking myself out and I almost cried. My stomach looked ..... thin?! of course I was stretched out on the ball and sucking my stomach in while doing the weight presses, but i was thinking, holy cow, I wish I had a camera, at this angle I actually looked good! ahaha LOL! Of course it was gravity, so, maybe if I just walked around with a big ball and lay down on it I'll always look thinner! LOL! so silly!
    anyway, off to the gym!
    and remember, flush out that food with water, water, water
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    ooh Jbar, so funny you should mention how you saw yourself in the mirror.
    Every single pilates class, i strive to get by the mirror, because while i am stretching and moving, i look over at myself laying on my back which is something you never ever get to do..and feel...excited! My belly finally dips in, and when i arch my back with some of the moves, it seems to accentuate it more!! I can definitely identify there!

    I do, however still think i am having a problem with starvation mode...I know, i know, a lot of the reason i am staying at the same weight is the whole muscle gaining thing...but i have been doing a terrible job at keeping myself in check, especially on high calorie work out days. Shame on me!! I need get back to logging every detail, and i have let it slip by the wayside because of the whole limited internet at home thing. It sucks!

    Anyway... a little down because i have only managed to maintain at around 158-160 for what seems like forever now. I guess i need to figure out what my deal is... besides being overly critical of myself! Back to logging religiously i go.. i was so obsessed with it when i started the site, and now it seems ive fallen out of the habit!!

    on a positive note, next weekend, i will be in Jeremy and Mandas hood, so we are going to do lunch or something! WAY excited!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    oh i forgot this part, i thought yall would get a kick out of it...

    yesterday when i weighed, i had my dh hold up the uh....heavy part of my upper anatomy (i have always been very top heavy with narrow hips and huge boobs) and as far as we can tell, they weigh almost 3 lbs each!!!!! LOL

    now i wonder how much my dreadlocks weigh..they are 5 years old and very heavy! When i cut my hair eventually, i wonder how much it accounts for!!!??
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Ok, here is my 2nd day of posting. I am at the beach this week so walking is going to be my only option to exercise. A good walk on the beach always does the body good. I am off to grocery shop this morning and make wonderful choices of course. Lots of fruit, veggies and lean protien! Good luck everyone!
