Tall Women and Weight



  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    I'm 5'8" and weigh 184. Aiming for 160-140. I want to put on muscle when I get to that range so I imagine I'll end up at the higher end of that range but will see.
  • vrice3
    vrice3 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 6'0 and my goal weight is a comfortable 180. Ideally I'd like to be a size 12, but I'm just going to take things a step at a time. I've never been that weight before so I don't know what size I'll be. It's really motivating to see other tall women on here doing the same as me. This past summer I gained 40 pounds, which has shot me 60 pounds over what I'd like to be. I really wouldn't mind be a size 16 as long as I was a good looking size 16. I think that's what's important- liking how you look, because when people see you they don't see the numbers. I'm just starting out on here and anyone who'd like a friend for motivation should definitely talk to me! :)
  • I am 5"11 and have set my goal weight as 185....yes that is still above my BMI but I am more concerned with body fat percentage, I have to drop 7% more body fat then I am at my goal....should put me at around 180-185ish.

    This is the right mindset. I am not that tall. I am 5' 7", which is taller than average, but not close to 6' at all, but I am 145 lbs. I am the same clothing size that I was last summer when I weighted 135 lbs, but I am at a lower body fat percent. I started lifting weights last year, and I am heavier now because of gaining muscle. I don't even pay any attention to my weight or BMI now. I just check my weight sometimes because I am curious. I really don't think BMI is a very good tool to measure fitness.
  • JillSalus
    JillSalus Posts: 19 Member
    One of the positives about being tall (6'0"), is that I "hide" my weight very well. At 240 lbs, (YIKES!) most people wouldn't ever guess that much. However, I also have a very large frame, so if I lose 30 pounds no one notices either. And dropping 30 pounds means that I only go down 1 pant size. So being tall definitely has it's benefits and frustrations. Anyway, my goal weight for my height and frame is 175 lbs. Some women this height are okay in the 140's, but I know I would look like a skeleton.

    This. I can gain or lose 20 lbs and no-one notices. I am 5'10", 203lbs, and wear a size 16. I was 130 lbs quite a few years ago and a size 12 (maybe a tight 10). Still trying to understand that one.
  • sandtisch
    sandtisch Posts: 32 Member
    I am just a little under 6ft (1.82m) and lost 12 pounds in the past six weeks since I joined a local "Change your Weight"-program. My goal weight is "U100" (under 100 kg) or "U200" (under 200 pounds). Way to go ...

    I would also love to fit into my high school soccer size again (EU 42 - US 12) as I was comfortable in that range - or maybe it was the more active lifestyle? However, I am working on both right now.

    For my size, I have relatively short legs (33/34 inch only) and a longer upper body (long tops fit on me like regular tops on everybody else) with an hourglass to pear shape. And calves that tell I grew up playing soccer and riding my bike a lot ...

    And I can totally relate that nobody is able to guess my real weight properly because it is so well distributed all over. :)
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    I am just a little under 6ft (1.82m) and lost 12 pounds in the past six weeks since I joined a local "Change your Weight"-program. My goal weight is "U100" (under 100 kg) or "U200" (under 200 pounds). Way to go ...

    I would also love to fit into my high school soccer size again (EU 42 - US 12) as I was comfortable in that range - or maybe it was the more active lifestyle? However, I am working on both right now.

    For my size, I have relatively short legs (33/34 inch only) and a longer upper body (long tops fit on me like regular tops on everybody else) with an hourglass to pear shape. And calves that tell I grew up playing soccer and riding my bike a lot ...

    And I can totally relate that nobody is able to guess my real weight properly because it is so well distributed all over. :)

    I am opposite of you. I have long legs and a short torrso. I can easily fit regular tops. But my pants have to say Long/Tall.. I am 5'9"

    BTW I am jealous of your calves. I am staright up and down and always wanted calf mucsles!!!
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Best thing about being tall: my maintenance calories are 2500 + exercise calories.

    Worst thing about being tall: listening to short people talk about how "disgusting" it is to be 120 pounds.

    Best thing about being tall: you can hide weight gain well.

    Worst thing about being tall: long haul flying in economy class.
  • clairelizzy1972
    clairelizzy1972 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm also 5'11 and would love to be under 200. Most people I know don't believe me if I say my weight. Looking back at pictures I looked my best at around 190 and with some muscles (yes it's a little higher than most charts say). When I got there on Weight Watchers years ago my leader told me I looked 'skinny' even though their recommended weight for 5'11 is 174. I don't think 185 is too far off track. I will hopefully join you there next year!

  • VanderTuig1976
    VanderTuig1976 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm not as tall as you....I'm 5'7 1/2. But I agree that taller women do seem to be able to "wear" more poundage a bit better than shorter gals. I have always been embarrassed by my actual weight....and have made excuses for it even though a lot of my weight comes from my height and frame. About 10 years ago, when I was in my early 20's, I made it down to 135 by essentially starving myself and doing a crazy amount of exercise. I've always looked good at right around 150 which puts me in a size 8 or 10. After having had baby #4, I am on a reduced calorie diet and am strength training. Although, I'm very close to goal weight, I am trying hard not to be distracted by my actual weight. Rather, I'm trying to learn to focus on other measures (e.g., how my clothes fit, inches lost, body fat%). I encourage you to do the same:) Weight is just a number; go for optimal health:)
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    I'm 5'10" and currently around 182. At my highest I was over 289. I have been hovering around 185 for 2 years and got slightly under last year, but wasn't doing a good job at anything then. I also echo what another poster said - it's nice than nobody can tell when you gain ten pounds but nobody can tell when you lose it either. Last year, I gained 10 pounds (I later found this was partly caused by a medical condition) and nobody noticed.

    I used to think my goal was 150 but after considering my body, how I look now, my muscle composition and my frame I think i will be happy at 165. It is definitely more about my belly size than anything so if 165 does not get my stomach where I want then I will keep plugging away! I am back to slowly but surely losing!
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I'm 44, 5'9", 147.5 as of this AM. My goal is 145. I'm a Martial Arts student that lifts weights (newbie for heavy) 2x's a week. I do Martial Arts 3x's a week. I have a "greyhoundy" /rangy frame in the medium small range. You can get measured for this. If I ate as little as my more petite friends, who struggle with weight issues, I'd starve to death so being tall makes a difference!

    I always recommend a routine that includes strength, flexibility and endurance. I always recommend taking up exercise that interests you. Strength training is using weights. Even so, you can do it at home, at the gym, go light or go heavy. Stretching can be many styles. Yoga, Martial Arts, Ballet or runner to name a few. Endurance is the fun part for me. Dance, MA, running, biking, hiking, swimming.....Also, tall women are more at risk for osteoporosis so watch your diet from being too low!
  • karencercone1
    karencercone1 Posts: 29 Member
    Love this!!! I'm 5'8 starting wt of 188---down to 169# right now, want to get to 155. I do agree tall women disguise wt alot easier. I wear a size 14 now--was busting out of a size 16. always looking for new MFP tall friends! :)
  • I agree. I don't think ideal bmi ranges are accurate for tall women, I'm 5'10" with a medium frame. The skinniest I've ever been was 152 size 4, but honestly I looked gross (and people told me i looked too thin) and obsessed over every little thing that went into my mouth. It wasn't a weight that I could maintain for long. I'm shooting for 158-160 now.
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    I'm 6'0", and I was TOO skinny at 145 in high school, but I think I'm at my most confident between 165-175. Granted, if I'm building more muscle, 175 is probably a better estimate. The lowest I've been since high school is 172 and I was a comfortable size 8-10. I think had I replaced about 10 lbs of fat remaining with muscle at that time, I'd have been a very solid size 8 and felt very comfortable at that weight. Right now I'm 190
  • msLigits
    msLigits Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Im 6'2 and always around 172-186lb, around size 10-12, BMI 22-24. I have been an athlete for most of my life have a good amount of muscle on me, currently lifting 2x a week and doing cardio 6 days a week... I just want to be lean and be able to see my abs :) Therefore, I want to lean out to well under 20% body fat, and settle in at around 160-170lb, and hopefully wear size 8. Its already so hard to buy stylish clothes being so tall, hopefully dropping a few sizes will help :)
    I remember at one point I was about 6'0 tall and just around 152 lb around age 16... that did not look good on me. I think around 165 will be ideal.
    Good luck and please feel free to add me as a friend here!
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    5 ft 11 and you have a goal of 180 - I think that is really good........ I am sure you will reach it just fine!

    Yes I do think the taller we are, the skinnier we are, People are shocked when I tell them what I way.... There like..........NO WAY!!!!!!

    I either carry it well or its all hidden looool!!

    I have toned up a lot now, so currently weighing I would say 145/6??? 5 ft 9

    I want to lose 4/5lbs to get to 140 and maintain that for a while
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    HEYYYY yall!

    I am 5'9 and I weight 193.6 lbs, I have very muscular thighs and a big butt but I would love to be the nice slim 175lbs! I started my firness pall again today and it calculated that i can consume only 1360 calories a day!!! This is goin to be quite challenging!

    Cant you exercise to eat the calories back?

    That doesn't seem like enough calories for your stats?? Maybe set it to lose say a 1lb a week so you get more calories, ok maybe slower, but you wouldn't be starting. I couldn't get by on 1360 a day.

    I think my BMR is 1450 - Have you worked out your BMR & TDEE?
  • BahamaMama85
    BahamaMama85 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm 5"8 SW is 215lbs CW is 214 (as of this morning :) My first goal weight is 170lbs and I'll re-evaluate from there.
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    One of the positives about being tall (6'0"), is that I "hide" my weight very well. At 240 lbs, (YIKES!) most people wouldn't ever guess that much. However, I also have a very large frame, so if I lose 30 pounds no one notices either. And dropping 30 pounds means that I only go down 1 pant size.


    This ^ - and also agree with the person a few pages back who said it can be good that people don't notice so much when you gain, but it can be a bad thing as you can easily go into a bit of denial yourself about not "needing" to lose the extra. That's kind of the reason I joined MFP and decided to get a grip now before it gets any worse.

    I'm 5'10", nearly 45 years old and have a large frame. Broad shoulders, big hands, my wrist bones are actually double the size of several women I know, and my rib cage is really broad which makes it difficult to get certain types of dresses and tops to fit without being too big round the hips. Started MFP at 14 stone 0 / 196lbs wearing UK 14-16 clothes. Not sure of my goal weight as I never used to weigh myself so I don't know what weight I was when I was happiest with my size, so just aiming for a stone initially and see how I look from there.

    Glad this thread has been resurrected!
  • The_Movie_Chair
    The_Movie_Chair Posts: 112 Member
    Oh my Gosh..thank you for this post....I wondered. I was always embarrassed and hated the weight question, because I had always the highest number. I was the heaviest, but although the tallest girl. My goal will be 175, that's when I am a size 12 and feel good and healthy.

    Great, I am not alone!