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  • AmelieMustLoseWeight
    AmelieMustLoseWeight Posts: 180 Member
    After losing 35lbs and working my butt off ( quite literally )
    I ended up gaining it all back when I moved away. I was scared to go running because the new place i moved too was very remote and i watch way too much ID channel ( lol) I joined a gym but i had to drive over 20 mins to get there so i cancelled it.

    Im sad but i know i did it before and not that long ago so Im pushing forward to work hard again.
  • Sierre120
    I've been binge eating all week, so tomorrow I actually have to restrict and get myself back in the right mindset.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    I got sick in the beginning of February and used that as an excuse to eat like **** for like 3 weeks. Gained about 6 lbs back and it took me the entire month of March to lose it again. Now I'm at the weight I was before I got sick.
  • jamie610811
    jamie610811 Posts: 1,735 Member
    All December and a little into January :-) had lost 13lbs even with my shoulder injury. But in 37 days I had put on 21lb due to drinking and eating takeaways :-( Not a lover of xmas because my children are 300 and 400 miles away . But have as of last week lost it all again :-) been hard work but onwards and downwards :-)
  • carrieg20
    carrieg20 Posts: 10 Member
    Last month, my daughter and I made 24 cupcakes. Over a two day period I ate 15 of them.
  • ezloshead
    ezloshead Posts: 167 Member
    I think when we fail we learn, and I learned A LOT from my biggest failure in recent years:

    A year and a half ago, I used MyFitnessPal and had lost 30lbs (and counting) in just a few months. Felt great, felt healthy: then I met a guy. I fell in love with him and off the wagon. He loved pizza and wings, so I ended up eating like him. I started smoking again, because he did. I basically gained back almost all of it. Last summer, he cheated on me and left me for someone else, out of the blue. After my weight dipped a bit from the sheer stress of it all, I ended up gaining it all back and then some. I felt horrible emotionally and physically, and I didn't care.

    Now, I'm taking control back from him, and trying to remember that next time I fall in love, it doesn't have to be at the expense of my own health and happiness. <3

    Holy crap, that's a good one! You go girl!! No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
  • ezloshead
    ezloshead Posts: 167 Member
    It's amazing how many of us have let a partner interfere with our weight and self image. I'm glad most of these stories had a happy ending.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Geez. So much failure, so little typing space. :)

    I guess lately my biggest failure is probably the same failure I always fall to. That is, being over 40 now I have a strange sense of entitlement. Somewhere in my head I justify over eating and making bad choices by telling myself I deserve it - that I have been doing 'okay' for so long that I can let things slip. But we ALL know where that slippery slope goes when you start sliding...down....down...down. So I've curtailed the free fall and centered myself again. I make sure I listen carefully to the thoughts in my head and those quite voices that might lead me down the wrong path again. I KNOW I can do better and be better. I just need to make the right choices.

    So with that, I am exactly at the same weight I started at this time last year. I have improved flexibility, muscle mass, and my overall look, but not as much as I had, or would like.

    I know this is a life long journey though and short term setbacks will happen.

    Keep moving forward.
  • flyingbeta
    flyingbeta Posts: 42 Member
    WOW, did I blow it yesterday! I've had random treat days since the beginning of the year, but they were just little one-offs, like a snack-sized bag of chips or a couple of cookies. But the demon Fatticus, Eater of Everything possessed me yesterday and I ate...oh, I can't even write it all out. Some bright spots, though: I think I single-handedly bumped up the day's net profit at the local Wawa, I felt nauseated afterwards (in the past I would have felt satiated), and today I haven't had even the least desire to go off plan. I'm going to keep an eye on whether this was just a temporary slip or if I'm really in danger of going Full Bluto.

    It's interesting that so many posters on this thread have been virtuous for a good bit of time, then had a meltdown. But yesterday's over, can't take it back, so file it away and get on track.
  • GummyHuman
    GummyHuman Posts: 193 Member
    I haven't lifted weights in 3 weeks. I am still eating right. I am still biking and kayaking but I just haven't had the motivation to lift anything.
  • kmbweber2014
    kmbweber2014 Posts: 680 Member
    I have zero motivation and have gained 6 pounds in two months. It's tax season and I'm stressed out (I'm an accountant) and I've been using that as an excuse. I hardly workout and haven't been eating well.
  • NicoleHJones
    NicoleHJones Posts: 19 Member
    I used to weigh 130 before kids.After kids weight went up to 210.I went down to 130 again and have gained 30 pounds back.I am determined to lose this weight for good.
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    I bought some mini rice cakes as a healthy snack. I ate the entire bag in one sitting! Over 700 calories!
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,456 Member
    This is exactly what I needed to read today. I haven't been under my weekly goal in months, and I'm the same weight as November 10th. Logging has been a chore and quite embarrassing, and my running has pretty much stopped since I did my first 5k Turkey Trot last year. I've seriously thought, why bother, I just can't stop binging and eating.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Failure : - Moderation with certain foods is my failing.
    I tend to emotionally overeat, or sometimes, simply feeling a bit too full can trigger me to full on binge.
    I have always been an all or nothing person. It just seems to be my nature.
    Along with a past history of EDs, which may not help me.
    BUT, I am challenging myself and rather than simply banning these foods from my home(even though I only ever used to buy them when I felt emotional), I am buying them in, and learning to moderate them, and continuing to try, even when I mess up.

    Success - Hit my goal weight last night, in spite of periodic, severe binges.
  • missyjane824
    missyjane824 Posts: 1,199 Member
    some days I feel the amount of time I've been on this weight loss roller coaster is a failure. I've managed to stick with it but I'm well over 18 months and not to goal yet.

    On a more not so serious note - last weekend I failed to leave enough calories to eat more than one serving of ice cream. The other day I was intending to eat 11 (what came out of the bag on the first go around) dark choclate M&Ms and indulged in 27 (went back for a few more and didn't stop at just a few). Gasp!
  • TangoRojo
    Hello all. I am new to this forum. Today is my first evening where I decided to take control of my weight and my eating. So, I had to log what I had today, what I am normally doing to myself, even if it totaled 2200 calories (I should only have 1200).

    I realize this is an "over the top" day but, it isn't unusual. I have been averaging 1900 to 2600 calories per day which is why I am now 154 lbs. I am only 5'5" with a small frame so I should only weight about $128-133 lbs. I have never weighed this much without being pregnant. This is terrible! The minute I started thinking about dieting, I reach for food immediately like I just did with another piece of pumpking loaf (the mentality goes like this, "I better eat what I like because tomorrow I won't be able to. I have to eat whatever I like because I may never be able to have it again because I have to start dieting." I ate when I do that. It becomes a scarcity thing. This is what is causing weight gain more than anything.

    I wonder if that's why the experts say diets don't work...because it's a normal human reaction to the fact that you are just about to take the pleasure of food away, to reduce intake which means you will experience hunger, etc.
  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    I binged on condensed milk, by the spoonful.... yep. It was a new low.

    Omg I did that once!
  • monica_621
    monica_621 Posts: 22 Member
  • getitamb
    getitamb Posts: 2,019 Member
    I ate a chilis flatbread pizza last night over 1000 cals wontbbe doing that anymore .
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