New Year...New Challenge! 40lbs by June 1st. Who's In?



  • healthydoseofglitter
    Ok so here are a few of the details of the challenge that I have been thinking about:

    Name: Snowflakes to Sunshine 40lb Challenge

    Start Date: January 1st, 2011

    Group join deadline: December 28th, 2010 (This will give me time to get everyone's name and create a sort of chart for weekly progress)

    Weigh-In Day: Friday mornings (Please let me know if this is ok) I picked this day because its right before the weekend, and for some reason Mondays can be hard because over the weekend is when people tend to slip a little.

    The goal of the group is to motivate each other, keep each other accountable and share ideas and successes. With that being said, if there is someone that does not check-in to the group for two straight weeks...their name will be deleted from the chart. I hate to do this, but like I said order for this to work, EVERYONE has to be on board and accountable.

    I also thought it would be great to check in to the board each day to share something like a new workout that you did, a tasty recipe, if you are struggling with something. This is just to ensure that you get the support you need; because as we know, weight loss is a DAILY struggle.

    Please let me know if you guys have anything to add to this! Can't wait!

    Fridays are wonderful for weigh-ins :)
    Here are my stats for now, higgest weight that I actually allowed myself to look at the scale 262 (it was probably a lil higher at one point)
    MFP Starting Weight - 258.8 ~Current Weight (as of this morning) 238 ~Goal Weight 140

    I am hoping to be at 198 at the end of our challenge ...
  • bridgett28
    bridgett28 Posts: 41 Member
    Friday weigh-ins are great.

    My stats are as follows:

    Starting weight: 343lbs
    Current weight: 229lbs
    Goal weight for challenge: 189
    Overall goal weight for 2011: 170

    Good luck and have fun with challenge. Remember if you don't make the 40lbs goal mark, but you have lost some weight along the way, it is still a loss and that is better than nothing (or gaining!)!
  • TeresaSavage
    TeresaSavage Posts: 1,506 Member

    My Highest weight was 207.4 / One week before Thanksgiving
    My fitness program Start weight : 200.4
    WEIGHT NOW : 193.2
    MY Height 5'31/2

  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Friday sounds good to be, I weigh everyday anyway. :tongue:
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Silly little question-should we send our stats to you on Dec 28th, or on Jan 1st to get started? I would prefer to not send them now-as I want as accurate as a read out as possible on my weight loss.
  • sweetcheeks27
    sweetcheeks27 Posts: 162 Member
    I would love to do this! :) I have a family reunion in June so that would be wonderful.
    Fridays work great for me as well.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Fridays would work for me as well!! I am so excited to get started!! and by the way I think it is a great idea to boot people out after two weeks!! this gives people the motivation to check in every week!! I think this will help keep other people on track!!!
  • glorimay
    Hello I am so glad my sister shared this website with me. I have recently moved to my home town after being away for 28 years and have done nothing buy eat since i got here. I am so ready to get back on the good foot so count me IN. Thanks
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    friday weigh-ins are perfect, i think i might change my weigh-in day because you make a really good point!
    i'm so pumped!!!
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    Im in!:flowerforyou:
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Are you going to start a new topic when Jan 1st rolls around? To make it easier to keep up with instead of everyone saying "IM IN!" LOL :)
  • Nargistsheikh
    Hi,I am Nargis .I would like to get in .I just join in today .Want to lose weight and be healthy.
  • dkbstill
    I am definitely IN! It has been so hard for me to loose the weight because I do not have the support I need to stay on track. Hopefully with the joining of this challenge, I can be held accountable by those who are IN! I am still trying to loose the baby weight from 4 years ago. In addition, I want to be healthy for my children and fit into those sparkly Banana Republic pants I still have in my closet from like 9 years ago. 196 pounds with 50 or more to loose.......I AM IN!:bigsmile:

    SW: 196.5 pounds
    GW: 135 - 140 pounds
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    I personally plan on sharing my stats on January 1st. So everyone can send me their beginning stats on that day.

    I will start a new thread on the 1st, so we can have a clean start to the thread. It will be titled "Snowflakes to Sunshine 40lb Challenge"

    If anyone else has any suggestions, please let me know. I am more and more excited as it gets closer!
  • ladybuggirls07
    ladybuggirls07 Posts: 15 Member
    I would like to try this!! I'm still somewhat of a newbie to this site, and I've never done one of these, so any help and info would be sooo helpful!!
  • nilisabel
    In. Goal by June 1st. :happy:
  • jlrufo
    jlrufo Posts: 6 Member
    Perfect timing!! I would love to join this challenge. I love the name and I also love the accountability factor - please feel free to boot me out if I don't check in! It will keep me going.

    I am also pretty new here so all of you will probably see some friend invites from me! It will be easier to communicate with all the challengers that way. :)

    Good luck everyone! Enjoy your holidays!

  • jslmom1
    jslmom1 Posts: 21 Member
    Count me in!!! I'm a newbie so bare with me. :)
  • sugarCrystal
    I'M ALL IN!
  • akaDuchess
    akaDuchess Posts: 45 Member
    This matches my personal goals so count me in! Thanks for setting this up.