Need friends to keep me on track ! 50 + lbs to lose



  • slbeckum
    slbeckum Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I think you and I could really help each other out. Not only are our goals exactly the same but so is our current measurements (give or take a few) :) I'm 23 5' 7", 214 and trying to get to 130 ultimately but recently set my short goal for 200. I don't have any friends on mfp and need some bad. I have a hard time holding myself accountable and sticking with things, but I am ready to start back with my workouts and would really enjoy having someone with similar goals to help keep me on track and motivated!!
  • I have a ways to go so hopefully I can help and someone can help me. I'm just glad to see I am no longer alone trying to lose weight.
  • LisaMB7714
    LisaMB7714 Posts: 7 Member
    slebeckum- I sent you a message
  • mammakat0830
    mammakat0830 Posts: 117 Member
    Add me, Im 5"7 and started at 214 (before MFP), down to 179 and need to lose another 25-30 pounds :)
  • Lita46
    Lita46 Posts: 2
    Hi I am in N. Michigan and starting over as well. I have 50lbs I want to loose and today was day One. I would like to join a group that is supportive and understanding.
  • wantintolose40
    wantintolose40 Posts: 28 Member
    HI, please feel free to add me as well! We can all us the support and help keep each other motivated. I am going to be weighing in on Fridays.
  • 30lbsorbust
    30lbsorbust Posts: 27 Member
    Been there ~ done that. I log my food, water & exercise everyday. I weigh (probably too much :blushing: ) at least weekly & measure at least once a month. I was so discouraged in August 2013, I donated all my smaller size clothes. However, in Sept., I decided to give it one more shot and give it 100%. The weight hasn't come off fast, but I am a happy camper (down two sizes). I would be glad to be your weight-loss buddy.
  • mistiblake08
    mistiblake08 Posts: 80 Member
    Hello! I'm new to MFP and don't have many friends to keep me motivated. I'm 23 years old, 173 lbs and looking to lose 53-63 of it. Add me. :)
  • Hi All
    I am new to MFP as well have a lot to lose but just looking through this page makes me think this time it could really happen.
    I am 36 5ft 6 the support from you all would be brill. Please add me.:wink:
  • Viggyfuss
    Viggyfuss Posts: 20 Member
    Id like to join if you all started a group :). I'm fourty -something (chronologically) and am on my "change of lifestyle" (Not diet) journey and would love to give and receive support. So....feel free to add me :)
  • freshstart180213
    freshstart180213 Posts: 170 Member
    Hey im jules need to lose up to 60pounds but havent decided quite how much yet will stop once my clothes feel nice only been back 3 days really need loud friends (I know that sounds weird) bjt what I mean is I need regular commenters people that are highly motivated and will motivate me and I will do the same for you I am really determined to do this at the moment I only have 6 weeks before I have bowel surgery so looking to lose as much as possible but 12 pounds is my goal so please friend me
  • riverain
    riverain Posts: 55 Member
    I have about 30 lbs to lose and need more friends so we can all motivate each other. Everyone please feel free to add me! My goal is to permanently change my habits so I can spend the rest of my life healthy and happy.
  • adriadawn19
    adriadawn19 Posts: 174 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I am 22 and 5'5" 186 looking to get to 150 for now but idealy would like to lose around 50 pounds.
  • hoperochelle11
    hoperochelle11 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi! I'm 24 5'9" and started to lose 90--I've lost 51 so far and still have 39 to go. Always looking for supportive friends to keep me going, and that I can help keep going :) add me if you like
  • SueTN2
    SueTN2 Posts: 79 Member
    I also need to lose 50+ and need to get healthy , please add me too..thanks
  • I also need to lose 50+ lbs and would love some friends to buddy up with. Dieting alone is no motivation. Do friend me if you'd like to support each other!
  • I would love to have some more MFP friends to help keep me motivated and to share diaries with! 27 years old, mother of two... busy, busy!! Looking to lose 40+lbs!!
  • Hi, I could really use all the support I can get! I have a hard time getting started and staying motivated, but it's time because I have a lot of weight to lose.

    Feel free to add me!
  • TakadeaBrooke
    TakadeaBrooke Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I have the same problem. I'm 15 weighing 200 pounds and I want to lose 50. I would love to be your friend and keep each other accountable.
  • ripley821
    ripley821 Posts: 11 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm at 195 right now (5'7) and want to get down to at 135-145. Today is Day 2 :)