March Challenge



  • melmustloseweight2014
    melmustloseweight2014 Posts: 102 Member
    SW: 92kg
    CW: 85.5
    GW: 84kg
    UGW: 75kg
    Goals this month: Walk everyday, Stick to meal plan

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/08 85.5kg
    3/15 85.8kg
    3/22 84.6kg
    3/31-Final weight
    Total weight lost:
  • jackson7478
    jackson7478 Posts: 700 Member
    SW: (Starting weight) -- 369
    CW: (Current weight) -- 277
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) --270

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/01: 277 lbs
    3/08: 276 lbs
    3/15: 275 lbs
    3/22: 274.1 lbs
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:
  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    Weigh in Dates:
    3/31-Final weight
    Total weight lost:
  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    Way to go keep up the good work!!
  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    Keep up the good work!
  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member
    SW: 289 (Jan. 13, 2014)
    CW: 273
    GW: 260
    UGW: 200

    Goals this month: Stay clean eating, celebrate my 50th, exercise like a mo'fo (4-6 days/week, 1.5 - 2 hrs./day), recover from broken rib, get back to weight training, burn 500 cals/hr for cardio, start hiking.

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/01- 273
    3/08- 269
    3/15 - 265
    3/22 - 268
    Total weight lost:
  • audreegrl74
    audreegrl74 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm also a day late and this is my first post on MFP forum. I'm so excited!

    SW: 235
    CW: 207
    GW: 200

    My goals for this month are as follows:

    1. Exercise 5 days a week.
    2. Drink water instead of diet soda.
    3. Walk 5 miles a day.
    4. Log all my food every day.

    3/2: 207
    3/22: 200.6

    Ok! Ready to start!
  • audreegrl74
    audreegrl74 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm also a day late and this is my first post on MFP forum. I'm so excited!

    SW: 235
    CW: 207
    GW: 200

    My goals for this month are as follows:

    1. Exercise 5 days a week.
    2. Drink water instead of diet soda.
    3. Walk 5 miles a day.
    4. Log all my food every day.

    3/2: 207
    3/15: 201.8
    3/22: 200.6

    Ok! Ready to start!
    So, I thought I wasnt getting anywhere so I missed my 3/8 weigh in. But, I did my 3/15 weigh in and I am 201.8!!! Ive been working hard and its finally starting to pay off!!! Yay!!!
  • melmustloseweight2014
    melmustloseweight2014 Posts: 102 Member
    SW: 92kg
    CW: 85.5
    GW: 84kg
    UGW: 75kg
    Goals this month: Walk everyday, Stick to meal plan

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/08 85.5
    3/15 85.8
    3/22 84.6
    3/29 85.1
    3/31-Final weight
    Total weight lost:
  • jackson7478
    jackson7478 Posts: 700 Member
    SW: (Starting weight) -- 369
    CW: (Current weight) -- 277
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) --270

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/01: 277 lbs
    3/08: 276 lbs
    3/15: 275 lbs
    3/22: 274.1 lbs
    3/29: 276 lbs (totally blew it this month, too much stress)
    End of Month - 3/31 --

    Total weight lost: 1 lb.
  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member
    SW: 289 (Jan. 13, 2014)
    CW: 273
    GW: 260
    UGW: 200

    Goals this month: Stay clean eating, celebrate my 50th, exercise like a mo'fo (4-6 days/week, 1.5 - 2 hrs./day), recover from broken rib, get back to weight training, burn 500 cals/hr for cardio, start hiking.

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/01- 273
    3/08- 269
    3/15 - 265
    3/22 - 268
    3/29 - 265
    Total weight lost:
  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    Weigh in Dates:
    3/31-Final weight
  • melmustloseweight2014
    melmustloseweight2014 Posts: 102 Member
    SW: 92kg
    CW: 85.5
    GW: 84kg
    UGW: 75kg
    Goals this month: Walk everyday, Stick to meal plan

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/08 85.5
    3/15 85.8
    3/22 84.6
    3/29 85.1
    3/31-Final weight 84.8
    Total weight lost: 0.7
  • jackson7478
    jackson7478 Posts: 700 Member
    SW: (Starting weight) -- 369
    CW: (Current weight) -- 277
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) --270

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/01: 277 lbs
    3/08: 276 lbs
    3/15: 275 lbs
    3/22: 274.1 lbs
    3/29: 276 lbs (totally blew it this month, too much stress)
    End of Month - 3/31 -- 278

    Total weight lost: zilch +1 wasted month, first month without a loss:grumble: :sad:
  • rramirez1272
    rramirez1272 Posts: 159 Member
    Weigh in Dates:

    I ended my month gaining 2lbs
  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member
    SW: 289 (Jan. 13, 2014)
    CW: 273
    GW: 260
    UGW: 200

    Goals this month: Stay clean eating, celebrate my 50th, exercise like a mo'fo (4-6 days/week, 1.5 - 2 hrs./day), recover from broken rib, get back to weight training, burn 500 cals/hr for cardio, start hiking.

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/01- 273
    3/08- 269
    3/15 - 265
    3/22 - 268
    3/29 - 265
    3/31 - 262
    Total weight lost: 11 lbs! Didn't win my weight loss challenge at work. Extremely happy with the results!!!
  • gbutterfly
    gbutterfly Posts: 23 Member
    1 day late but count me in:
    I'm 44 years old, menopausal, I try to do a variety of exercise (zumba, bollywood, running for cardio - trying to get better about doing weights)

    SW: (Starting weight) 177
    CW: (Current weight) 174.5 (I just got my fitbit and started last week)
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 169
    I know it's only 5 lbs - not very ambitous but for me slow and steady is more realistic.

    Behavioral Goals this month: continue to log food daily, increase exercise to 5 days/ week, strength training at lest 1 day/ week, and sleep a minimum of 6 hours a night, exercise enough most days that I can safely eat 1500 calories (instead of only 1200 which is ridiculous!)

    I am also training for a mud run April 24 so by the end of the month i would like to be able to do at least 2 unassisted pull ups. right now I can only do the kind on the machine that subtracts weight from your body.

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/01 Starting weight 174.5
    3/31-175 but I lost 2 inches so.....Total weight lost:

    3/31-175 but I lost 2 inches so.....not a total failure since inches are more important to me than lbs. now I need to loose the fat that is on top of the muscles I'm building

    Behavioral goals:
    exercise at least 5 days/week: check (5-6 days most weeks)
    strength training at least 1x/week - ummm some weeks I did it 2 days but there was one week I didn't to strength at all so prefer cardio.
    pull ups: not there yet but have worked arms and back quite a bit.
    sleep - um - definitely not there yet (like tonight up late doing taxes)
  • gbutterfly
    gbutterfly Posts: 23 Member
    SW: 289 (Jan. 13, 2014)
    CW: 273
    GW: 260
    UGW: 200

    Goals this month: Stay clean eating, celebrate my 50th, exercise like a mo'fo (4-6 days/week, 1.5 - 2 hrs./day), recover from broken rib, get back to weight training, burn 500 cals/hr for cardio, start hiking.

    Weigh in Dates:
    3/01- 273
    3/08- 269
    3/15 - 265
    3/22 - 268
    3/29 - 265
    3/31 - 262
    Total weight lost: 11 lbs! Didn't win my weight loss challenge at work. Extremely happy with the results!!!

    wow you are our total challenge champion- maybe i can be more like you next week!
  • AviBeFit
    AviBeFit Posts: 15 Member
    edited March 2015