Tall Women and Weight



  • I am 6ft all and I weigh 230 pounds. Before I had children, I weighed 130. I feel like that was underweight, so I don't expect to get that far. But I would like to get down to 150-160. I would be happy with that. Maybe even 170, and if I can keep going, then lower. I am just starting out, so it's all very overwhelming. But I think I can do this :)
  • LoveInnocent
    LoveInnocent Posts: 44 Member
    haha you girls make me feel short I don't like that feeling!!! I am 5, 8. My heaviest was 250, I am 235 now, my ultimate goal is 180 but I think I'd be happy at 200. I have a large frame body, very big bones for my height, I wear a size 12 womans shoe, 10.5 in guys and got huge and long limbs, I SHOULD BE TALLER!!! Overall though, I think I carry weight very well, no one except my mom realizes how much I weigh XD, and that's because my mom is obsessed with being skinny. But yeah I got myself down to 170 when I was 5,7, and I looked great but I have since built up more muscle mass and I've mature in my body type too, I was 15/16 then and my chest was only a C-cup. I'm a H now, haven't lost any boob weight yet hoping not to lose too much >.<. XD
  • LoveInnocent
    LoveInnocent Posts: 44 Member
    Oh my Gosh..thank you for this post....I wondered. I was always embarrassed and hated the weight question, because I had always the highest number. I was the heaviest, but although the tallest girl. My goal will be 175, that's when I am a size 12 and feel good and healthy.

    Great, I am not alone!

    Remember to work out, sometimes you might find you look just as good at 190 cause you've toned up and got that muscle.
  • carriemya
    carriemya Posts: 13 Member
    I agree. I don't think ideal bmi ranges are accurate for tall women, I'm 5'10" with a medium frame. The skinniest I've ever been was 152 size 4, but honestly I looked gross (and people told me i looked too thin) and obsessed over every little thing that went into my mouth. It wasn't a weight that I could maintain for long. I'm shooting for 158-160 now.

    This is exactly my issue! I'm tall and have a large frame - when I look up my "ideal weight" or "healthy BMI range," it feels really unattainable. I've been shooting for 160's, but everything I've seen online tells me to shoot for the 140's. =| I feel like, can that be right?? Would 160's still be unhealthy for me? Ugh.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    I'm not as tall as some here, but have to take tall sizes in pants & shirts due to long limbs. I'm 5'8" with a 34 inseam and buy 36's if I'm wearing heels. My bone structure is quite fine though - even at my heaviest I had a relatively small waist. My feet are US size 8.5 AA narrow, my glove size is 6 1/2 and I have very long fingers with ring sizes from 3-7 (thumb is 7) and tiny wrists & ankles (my pinkie & thumb touch when encircling my wrist).

    Technically at my heaviest I was just in the overweight category 165 lbs but felt like crap. Now I am back to where I was 4 years ago when I was 46 and my body fat % has gone from 29.5% to 21% and I now weigh 131 lbs. I know I will never be back at 125 where I was when I was 23 years old, but that's a reflection of my age of course, and I am happy & healthy where I'm at now.

    Body fat percentage should be your guide when looking for a healthy weight... some may be a mesomorph somatotype and will be bulkier with muscle and weigh more while still having a healthy bodyfat % while others may be ectomorphs with narrow lean looking bodies and a healthy bodyfat & muscle percentage. I happen to be a combo right in the middle of ecto & meso (I was a physio Rehab Assistant and a Registered Fitness Instructor for over 25 years before I got very sick & gained weight).

    QUOTE "Body Fat Percentage
    The American College of Sports Medicine suggests that the optimal body fat percentage is between 21.6 percent and 25.6 percent for you as a 50 year old woman. The average body fat percentage for 50 year old women is between 30.1 and 33.4, which is considered overweight. A body fat percentage above 32 percent is considered to be obese. Even if your weight is within a normal range, you may have a high percentage of body fat, due to a lack of exercise or yo-yo dieting, which reduces muscle mass with each cycle of losing and regaining weight."

    Updated March 13/2014 at Livestrong.com
  • 85fiona
    85fiona Posts: 78 Member
    I'm 5"10 and currently weigh about 211lb having lost about 11.5lb in the last 3 weeks, my starting weight was the most I've ever weighed and I am disgusted with myself! My current goal is to get down to about 185lb which is what I weighed a few years ago and after that aiming for 165-175lb. Id say I probably have a largish frame, I have massive boobs anyway, but narrow back (size 32(uk) bra size) although I have put on a fair bit of weight the last few years I've only gone from a size 14-16 to a solid size 16 (uk size). I guess if your tall you tend to hold your weight better, I'm sure people wouldn't believe me if I told them my weight!
  • KaysKidz
    KaysKidz Posts: 208 Member
    Add me to the tall and overweight club. I'm 5'11" and 292.4. :( Started out at 300 a few weeks ago and down almost 8lbs. I'm happy with that. I set my goal for 165, but honestly will be happy at 180. If I hit 165, ya'll will hear me scream. :) Last time I was 165 was about 20yrs ago. And yes, the BMI is screwy. Even now, it has me at morbidly obese. I'm not. I'm currently in a 20/22 and want to be in a 12.
  • KaysKidz
    KaysKidz Posts: 208 Member
    Also, at 5'10" and 148 lbs, I am still a size 12 at some stores. I have really wide hips. Because of these wide hips I actually have the "thigh gap" that people talk about but I honestly don't think that's attractive... I also have really broad shoulders. I've never felt dainty or feminine in my life.... And nobody believes that I'm a size 12.

    Bodies are so weird!!

    The way you described yourself, is exactly how I'm built as well. Only at 148, I would look dead!! 165 is as low as I can go. Maybe it's all in that 1" as I'm 5'11". At 165, I would probably be a 10, but would be thrilled with a 12!
  • LoveInnocent
    LoveInnocent Posts: 44 Member
    Also, at 5'10" and 148 lbs, I am still a size 12 at some stores. I have really wide hips. Because of these wide hips I actually have the "thigh gap" that people talk about but I honestly don't think that's attractive... I also have really broad shoulders. I've never felt dainty or feminine in my life.... And nobody believes that I'm a size 12.

    Bodies are so weird!!

    The way you described yourself, is exactly how I'm built as well. Only at 148, I would look dead!! 165 is as low as I can go. Maybe it's all in that 1" as I'm 5'11". At 165, I would probably be a 10, but would be thrilled with a 12!

    Gotta remember we all have different amounts of muscles too and are still all built differently! No two people will look the same at the same weight, unless you are twins but even then there could be little differences XD
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I am 6' tall and my goals weight is 165. As I get closer to that - that is gonna be thin. I would like to lose the stomach but wow - sometimes being to thin ages a person, and I'm mid 40's already, lol. I might stop at 175. I plan to come up with some kind of weight lifting plan this summer so that might help with the not looking old :P

    I just looked up an Ideal Weigh Calculator - and one of them gives a range of 136-184. The others are from 153-to161. I can't imagine what it would take to get my body down to 155 - or what I would look like.
  • mmmskyler
    mmmskyler Posts: 21 Member
    I am six foot even, and weighed 145 at my lowest. I don't feel I looked sickly, or too thin.

    Just depends on your body, grrl.
  • I'm 5'9" and originally set my goal at 175. I started at nearly 280, so I had a lot to lose. When I got to 175, I decided to shoot for 165. When I hit 165, I decided to try for 155. Do you see the trend? :blushing:

    I kept going, trying to get to 145, which is still in the healthy range for my height, but at about 148, I decided my arms and legs looked too thin. I still have a bit of a poochy tummy (after losing over 100 pounds, I suppose that's unavoidable), but decided I'm more comfortable around 150-155, so that's where I'm maintaining. I'm in mostly size 8L pants with a couple of pairs of 6L, and medium tops.

    Wow that's amazing! How long was your journey on losing that many lbs?
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    5'10 and 133Ibs
    12% bodyfat.

    I have never weighed more than 150, so between 133 and 140 is where my body naturally likes to be.
  • fedup30
    fedup30 Posts: 141 Member
    5'9" checking in! I am about 231 lbs now. At my thinnest I was 145 (in high school). I was told all the time to eat something....and that I was too skinny. the last time I was happy with my weight I was about 155-160. This is what I am aiming for. I currently wear a size 15/16 pants, when I was 145 I wore a 9/10. I have to lose quite a bit for it to be noticeable, or to change sizes.
  • missionskinnynow
    missionskinnynow Posts: 88 Member
    Im 5'9. I started at 170, Im currently at 131. I want to go down to 125 (only to reduce body fat), build muscle , and come back to around 130-132
  • discobarbie1971
    discobarbie1971 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm so happy I found this thread! I'm 6ft tall was 257lbs, currently at 236lbs. My first goal was to get to 197lbs but now I'm thinking I should aim for more. Great positive posts, really inspiring. I like being tall apart from when I stumble into the rows and rows of petite clothing racks in the shops and struggle to find one pair of long jeans!
  • KaysKidz
    KaysKidz Posts: 208 Member
    Yep, because apparently tall people can't be fat! Even Lane Bryant sucks in their tall section. Someone could make a fortune on cute plus size tall clothes!
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I am six foot even, and weighed 145 at my lowest. I don't feel I looked sickly, or too thin.

    Just depends on your body, grrl.

    Oh I totally agree. I was just speaking for myself.

    it is also totally possible that when I get there it won't look anything like I imagined. When I think of losing 30lbs it seems like so much - but when I think of how much my body changed with the last 30lbs - not that much really. Lots of people don't even notice :P
  • I have been reading through the original post and many comments and I just want to say how inspiring all of you are! I am back at it logging and would love friends if anyone would like to add me. I find it motivating to motivate others and see all the work and progress everyone makes. I agree, it's ultimately how you feel not what the scale or bmi chart says. I set a goal to be at the top of my bmi and will reevaluate when I get there. I don't think numbers are everything but I think that is a great place to start. Thanks again for all the inspiration and good luck to you all!
  • nicolemviolette
    nicolemviolette Posts: 105 Member
    I am also 5'11"
    I weighed 125-128 pounds before I got pregnant (my weight fluctuated from day to day)
    I ended up in the hospital for being too underweight. I didnt think I looked bad, personally, but everyone told me I was too thin and looked sick. My doctor said I should have been at least in the 160's range. I am now 32 weeks pregnant and almost 170 pounds. Which my doctor said isnt a huge deal (that Ive gained so much) because right now im "just in the healthy weight range for my height," so id say about 170 is healthy for this height. Everyone tells me I look great for being 8 months pregnant, even though I feel extremely huge. :p