how do u stay on track when....



  • HauteLlama
    HauteLlama Posts: 21 Member
    Has he had mashed cauliflower or mashed broccoli? That is what I make for my friends and family all the time and they love it. x
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    And he does understand that part of it but he makes fattening scalloped potatoes or baked potatoes things like that that I can eat but would prefer not to bc im trying to lose weight not eat 500 calorie baked potatoes.

    nothing wrong with a potato.

    try being less restrictive.

    are you familiar with IIFYM?
  • Have you tried cooking for yourself? I know that it can be intimidating, especially when you're used to having someone cook for you, but you should give it a go! You can even prep easy meals like salads and sandwiches ahead of time so you don't even have to think about it. It might even inspire your husband to eat healthier, too! I find it easiest when my whole household is involved.

    Here's a link to recipes catered for beginner cooks:

    I wish you well on your journey!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Let's see you're an adult, you make choices... either make the choice that you will eat at a calorie deficit and get some exercise in or continue making excuses, which is also a choice to remain the same. Start taking responsibility for yourself and stop blaming your husband and whatever else.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    I can eat meat just not fatty greasy things like tacos...burgers...roast things like that. I have Crohns disease.

    Hmm, this might have been helpful info in the beginning. Even still, you shouldn't restrict yourself to just salads for dinner. Like a few others have said, perhaps you could make dinner for the family, that way everyone can eat the same thing.
  • topp35
    topp35 Posts: 50 Member
    Let's see you're an adult, you make choices... either make the choice that you will eat at a calorie deficit and get some exercise in or continue making excuses, which is also a choice to remain the same. Start taking responsibility for yourself and stop blaming your husband and whatever else.
  • MsLaTisha83
    MsLaTisha83 Posts: 54 Member
    Continue to communicate with your husband as you've been doing. You have to make time for yourself and your health. Crohns disease is serious and if certain foods aggravate the situation, than you need to avoid it. No discussion needed. I would personally accuse my husband of trying to kill me if he told me I had to eat something that would make me sick (btw, I'm divorced so don't take my advice on that one :-) lol) Your husband need to jump on board. Exercising together would be great for the two of you so he can still spend the time with you and you can get your exercise in. If he's not willing to do that, than you need to have your space. Maybe right after the kids go to school, you can go for a walk, he can shower, watch tv and you'll be back before he knows it. The two of you can cook meals together. Another great bonding activity. Experiment with different recipes. Maybe he can tweak the meals that he make to fit your dietary needs. My boyfriend is sensitive about my not eating his meals but he doesn't cook everyday either lol

    As for the kids, my girls are 12 (almost 13), 11, and 8. I would absolutely leave them home alone to exercise. 12 is the legal age to babysit in my state. Or I would make them go with me. We have a lake nearby and state parks that the girls enjoy going to. Do you have something like that? Bike riding is another fun activity. You can also log onto youtube and find some great free workouts. I got my exercise in using home videos back when my kids were younger. Good luck!
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    And he does understand that part of it but he makes fattening scalloped potatoes or baked potatoes things like that that I can eat but would prefer not to bc im trying to lose weight not eat 500 calorie baked potatoes.

    And just for reiteration, you could make it yourself. My husband does all the cooking for our family, too. Unless I want something different. Then I have to make it or go out and buy it myself.
  • topp35
    topp35 Posts: 50 Member
    Lol r u kidding me! I walk 2 miles aday that was nvr even part of my post it was about cooking go reread it smartie! !!
  • topp35
    topp35 Posts: 50 Member
    Ok with that little smart post im done...I dont have time to play on my computer all night. Im going outside ti play with my kids. Have a good night everyone:)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If the dinners your husband prepares are not healthy then I'd have a serious discussion with him about fixing that. Children need proper nutrition and they need to learn what a healthy meal is, so that when they hit their 30's they are not faced with having to lose weight. Or start preparing healthy meals for the family yourself. There really should be a reason to eat differently than the rest of your family just because you want to cut down on calories. Just have smaller portions.

    If you are home all day, why don't you have time to exercise? I'm not being snarky, I just don't understand why you couldn't work some type of exercise into your day if you can set your own schedule.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Ok with that little smart post im done...I dont have time to play on my computer all night. Im going outside ti play with my kids. Have a good night everyone:)

    wait what?

    not sure which post pissed you off, but you've been given some pretty solid advice.
    sounds like you have time to exercise.
    if you want something specific, cook it.

    what more are you looking for here?
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Ok with that little smart post im done...I dont have time to play on my computer all night. Im going outside ti play with my kids. Have a good night everyone:)

    wait what?

    not sure which post pissed you off, but you've been given some pretty solid advice.
    sounds like you have time to exercise.
    if you want something specific, cook it.

    what more are you looking for here?

    Yeah, I was also confused.....

    Anyway, is communicating not an option? Are the choices etched in stone?