

  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    Well according to scooby, my tdee - 20% is 1911 calories! This is based in me exercising 3-5hrs a week. I don't know how I can meet that number! Plus I've been gaining 1-2lbs every couple of weeks, which i can't figure out. I started this journey at 166lbs. Then I went to 168. I am now 170 on a good day. I haven't seen 168 in a few weeks now. I don't know what's going on! I run 3-4 miles 3 days a week and do some strength training also. Today I think I've done well eating wise but I've gained 2lbs since this morning(started at 171, and now at 173!), which I know is normal but still..... Seems I can only lose a pound if I run. Then it goes back up again. Even my measurements have stalled. Now in hungry, ready for supper and frustrated!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Well according to scooby, my tdee - 20% is 1911 calories! This is based in me exercising 3-5hrs a week. I don't know how I can meet that number! Plus I've been gaining 1-2lbs every couple of weeks, which i can't figure out. I started this journey at 166lbs. Then I went to 168. I am now 170 on a good day. I haven't seen 168 in a few weeks now. I don't know what's going on! I run 3-4 miles 3 days a week and do some strength training also. Today I think I've done well eating wise but I've gained 2lbs since this morning(started at 171, and now at 173!), which I know is normal but still..... Seems I can only lose a pound if I run. Then it goes back up again. Even my measurements have stalled. Now in hungry, ready for supper and frustrated!

    Seem pretty focused on scale weight. Have you measured your waist and hips with any regularity?
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    Yees I have measured regularly, and I've went back up a size which is why I'm frustrated! I know I pay too much attention to he scale and I'm working on that. I just don't get the weight gain every couple weeks either.
    Well according to scooby, my tdee - 20% is 1911 calories! This is based in me exercising 3-5hrs a week. I don't know how I can meet that number! Plus I've been gaining 1-2lbs every couple of weeks, which i can't figure out. I started this journey at 166lbs. Then I went to 168. I am now 170 on a good day. I haven't seen 168 in a few weeks now. I don't know what's going on! I run 3-4 miles 3 days a week and do some strength training also. Today I think I've done well eating wise but I've gained 2lbs since this morning(started at 171, and now at 173!), which I know is normal but still..... Seems I can only lose a pound if I run. Then it goes back up again. Even my measurements have stalled. Now in hungry, ready for supper and frustrated!

    Seem pretty focused on scale weight. Have you measured your waist and hips with any regularity?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Do you use a food scale and weigh, measure, log everything accurately?

    There are days in your food diary where you are eating 1100 and days where you are eating 1700, 1800. Why don't you try consistently eating 1800 for a month and see what happens? Don't change things whenever you see the scale go up or down. In fact, put the scale away and just focus on eating and working out.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    So, i weighed myself this morning, after not weighing for a few days. up 2 lbs! how is this happening?!!!! I'm certainly not eating that many calories to gain one pound, let alone 2! I have even been exercising, just like I do every week! I know weight fluctuates daily, and I did recently up my daily calories, based on my actiivty level. I've been quite good this week so far food wise too. I'm so furstrated! since I started this journey, I've gained, not lost.

    I know after upping my calories, I should give it a while before I freak out, but i just don't get this.

    No, i do not have a food scale, but I do measure my food, even using a smaller dinner plate.. I don't feel I'm eating too much either. UGH!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    You seriously need to throw your scale away if that's your reaction to it. It isn't helping you.

    Your weight will fluctuate a good 5-6 pounds randomly naturally and that's perfectly normal. Clearly you did not eat 7000 calories above your maintenance level between now and 2 days ago so those 2 pounds are not fat. Scale weight should be used as a measure of progress only on the timescale of months certainly not days.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Here, let me show you something really quick.


    That is my weight loss when I dieted three years ago. I ate consistently the same amount of calories every day regardless of my exercise I just ate an amount below my calculated average TDEE and stuck with it.

    I want you to notice something about the timescale. Look at the whole thing and there is a very obvious and consistant weight loss over the entire period. Now with your eyes look at any given month. Look from February to March for example. Or March to April. Notice something? Even over the period of one month if I had looked at my weight over that time it would have appeared to just be bouncing up and down randomly with no clear decrease over time.

    It takes many months of consistant dieting to see a clear weight loss. You can weigh yourself more regularly than that just to have some data to track with but KNOW this and know that if you go up 2 pounds over 2 days its meaningless.

    This is something you are likely going to be doing for a year at least if you want to do it right and having panic attacks over changes that happen on the scale of days is not going to help you.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    wow! that's amazing! i never looked at it like this. I know the scale is messing with my head, obvioulsy. I guess I would just like to know why? I have even went back up a size. it's frustrating because I really do work hard, when I work out, and to see no real change make me so frustrated. I just can't seem to get on the right track.
    I eat better now that I ever have, and still nto losing. I workout, I run, i do circuit and strength. So what the heck? the last year and a half I've gained about 4lbs. A month ago, i weighed 168, now I'm 170 on a good day, 172 today. so, I'm worried it will just keep creeping upward!

    I try to run 4 times a week....usually 4 miles( I have astma so sometimes I walk a for a minute, but then run), then I will do some leg work(lunges, squats) or abs.
    If I don't run, I do jillian michaels DVD's and do some weights. I don't workout 7 days a week......but wondering if I'm going to have to start!

    I guess the hardest part for me is knowing that if anything I'm doing more than I did a year ago, but gaining, instead of losing. i worked so hard to lose and now I'm not.
    Here, let me show you something really quick.


    That is my weight loss when I dieted three years ago. I ate consistently the same amount of calories every day regardless of my exercise I just ate an amount below my calculated average TDEE and stuck with it.

    I want you to notice something about the timescale. Look at the whole thing and there is a very obvious and consistant weight loss over the entire period. Now with your eyes look at any given month. Look from February to March for example. Or March to April. Notice something? Even over the period of one month if I had looked at my weight over that time it would have appeared to just be bouncing up and down randomly with no clear decrease over time.

    It takes many months of consistant dieting to see a clear weight loss. You can weigh yourself more regularly than that just to have some data to track with but KNOW this and know that if you go up 2 pounds over 2 days its meaningless.

    This is something you are likely going to be doing for a year at least if you want to do it right and having panic attacks over changes that happen on the scale of days is not going to help you.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Well the "why" is that your body occasionally retains water. This could be due to hundreds of different small reasons that you are never going to be able to predict which is why your body weight will appear to fluctuate randomly.

    There will never be a period in your life where every day you stand on a scale you weight exactly X. It will always be X + or - 5 pounds.

    The big causes are: How much water did you drink? How much sodium did you have the previous day? What stage in your cycle are you at (as a woman)?

    I am going to make up some numbers okay so if they don't fit you that's fine just making them up to illustrate a point.

    Lets say you weigh yourself regularly over a week. You will probably see something like this.

    (168, 168, 165, 170, 169, 167, 171)

    Then two months from now you see this

    (164, 161, 164, 165, 166, 167, 163)

    If you focus on just the week then it looks like you are making no progress. You pick two random days to compare and it might look like you are putting on weight. But, if you compare the average of one week to a week that is two months later you will notice you have lost 4 pounds on average.

    I actually think regularly weighing yourself is worth doing but ONLY if you can get out of your head enough to realize that the numbers are only meaningful over long time scales of at least a couple of months.

    If you find that your daily changes in scale weight bother you then I suggest you stop weighing yourself, it isn't that helpful to you.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Water weight. You had a couple of high sodium days there, which can cause you to retain water. Also, on a day you lift or the day after you lift, you might show higher on the scale, because your muscles will retain water for the repair process. Also, depending on where you are in your monthly cycle, you might be retaining more water...... digestion, if your body hasn't eliminated everything when you weight...... etc etc etc.

    Hide your scale, put it up high on a shelf in the garage or the basement, someplace you don't walk by it every day.

    You don't have to work out 7 days a week.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I am doing a similar diet right now and here are some of my numbers from the scale:

    From March 10th to March 14th:


    From March 31st to April 4th


    My heaviest day out of all of those was the most recent, April 4th. But if you look at the average of those two weeks I've gone from an average of 186 to an average of 185 between those two time periods. That's over 3 weeks. In my opinion 3 weeks isn't sufficient time to confirm because of the fact that your weight can vary randomly by 5 pounds pretty easily. In two months time I'll be able to tell if I am losing weight or not but until then I just measure on the scale and don't let the day to day bother me.

    This morning I weighted 182.4 which is my all time low for this diet period but I'm not excited by that, it probably just means that yesterday I didn't have much sodium. Only time will tell, this is a slow process.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    I've been reading some posts regarding TDEE vs. MFP calculations. When I did my TDEE method - 20%, using an activity level of modrate exercise, I get 1901 as my calorie goal. With MFP, using an activity level of lightly active, I get 1900. I do sit all day but on days I workout, I run 3-4 miles and then do weights, and things like planks, push ups, crunches, squats, lunges, etc. I've really been trying to eat the 1900, so that when I exercise, I'm still left with around 1500 cals. Is this the correct way? (i didn't log this past weeked, as i was out of town). I didn't weigh myself for 7 days, which I'm very proud of because i was so obsessive about that. Now I'm up 3lbs this morning. I know this happens when you up your calories, and i need to give it more time. I guess what I'm wondering is.....i workout regularly, try to eat decent. I do not have food scale, but don't feel I over eat. I know many have said that before, but I honestly don't feel I do. I really want to understand this process and learn from it. this weight gain I've had since I started this journey, and even going back up a pants size.....why? What is it that I'm missing? I do have a lot of stress in my life, but I don't think that's the sole issue here. Almost 2 years ago now, I ate a lot worse, and weighed less than I do now. I've tried going backward in my head to see if I could, "it started at this point, when this happened". but I can't recall anything. It seemed to happen rather quickly(the weight gain). So, now gaining weight, even when working out.....what is going on? will i just keep gaining and gaining? Even my losing inches has stalled.

    current stats:

    height: 5'11
    weight: 173(today)
    waist(natural)- 29
    at belly button-32
    hips- 40
    calves- 14
    thighs- 24

    I'm not sure what I'm asking here, if anything, so I apologize if i'm wasting anyone's time! I suppose the only person that can answer my questions is myself or perhaps a physician, if it comes to that.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    This is probably one of the most useful threads I've read on MFP.

    Thanks OP for asking and thanks for the great responses!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I've been reading some posts regarding TDEE vs. MFP calculations. When I did my TDEE method - 20%, using an activity level of modrate exercise, I get 1901 as my calorie goal. With MFP, using an activity level of lightly active, I get 1900. I do sit all day but on days I workout, I run 3-4 miles and then do weights, and things like planks, push ups, crunches, squats, lunges, etc. I've really been trying to eat the 1900, so that when I exercise, I'm still left with around 1500 cals. Is this the correct way? (i didn't log this past weeked, as i was out of town). I didn't weigh myself for 7 days, which I'm very proud of because i was so obsessive about that. Now I'm up 3lbs this morning. I know this happens when you up your calories, and i need to give it more time. I guess what I'm wondering is.....i workout regularly, try to eat decent. I do not have food scale, but don't feel I over eat. I know many have said that before, but I honestly don't feel I do. I really want to understand this process and learn from it. this weight gain I've had since I started this journey, and even going back up a pants size.....why? What is it that I'm missing? I do have a lot of stress in my life, but I don't think that's the sole issue here. Almost 2 years ago now, I ate a lot worse, and weighed less than I do now. I've tried going backward in my head to see if I could, "it started at this point, when this happened". but I can't recall anything. It seemed to happen rather quickly(the weight gain). So, now gaining weight, even when working out.....what is going on? will i just keep gaining and gaining? Even my losing inches has stalled.

    current stats:

    height: 5'11
    weight: 173(today)
    waist(natural)- 29
    at belly button-32
    hips- 40
    calves- 14
    thighs- 24

    I'm not sure what I'm asking here, if anything, so I apologize if i'm wasting anyone's time! I suppose the only person that can answer my questions is myself or perhaps a physician, if it comes to that.

    Something doesn't sound quite right if MFP is giving you 1900 and TDEE - 20% is 1900. MFP does not include exercise. The activity level you set "lightly active" etc, is not for exercise, it is just how active you are in your daily life.
    Your MFP calories + exercise calories should end up being about the same as your TDEE - %.

    When you say "I'm still left with 1500 calories" after eating 1900, are you saying you are logging exercise of 1500 calories?

    Also, if you are 10 pounds from goal, you should be eating at a 10% deficit, not 20% OR setting MFP to lose half a pound a week.

    If you use TDEE - % goal, you do not eat more when you exercise, it is included.

    If you use MFP + exercise calories, then you need to eat SOME exercise calories, but again if you said you are logging 1500 of exercise calories, that has to be wrong, only world class athletes exercising for hours and hours would burn that, or very obese people working hard.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    "When you say "I'm still left with 1500 calories" after eating 1900, are you saying you are logging exercise of 1500 calories? "

    I interpreted her statement differently. I assumed she was thinking her exercise was 400 calories burned and that she wasn't eating it back so that after exercising and eating 1900 calories she was "left" with 1500 net and she is asking if that is reasonable.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Your TDEE - 10% at 3-5 hours moderate exercise is 2168
    Your TDEE - 10% at 1-3 hours light exercise is 1923

    You would eat that amount every day - do not eat more for exercise.

    The amount MFP gives you to eat should be somewhere around 1500-1600 I would guess, then you would eat more for exercise which should bring you up to 1900+

    Pick one of these methods or the other, don't mix and match methods.

    Are you losing any inches? Since you are so close to your goal weight, you could be dropping fat without dropping weight. Water retention could be masking any weight loss. This is more important than the number on the scale.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    "When you say "I'm still left with 1500 calories" after eating 1900, are you saying you are logging exercise of 1500 calories? "

    I interpreted her statement differently. I assumed she was thinking her exercise was 400 calories burned and that she wasn't eating it back so that after exercising and eating 1900 calories she was "left" with 1500 net and she is asking if that is reasonable.

    That makes sense, if she still has her diary set the MFP way.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    no, i'm not logging 1500 calories of exercise. I'm logging what I eat, which I've been trying to eat 1900 calories. so that when I exercise and burn around 400, that I still have 1500. I log that exercise as 400 calories. I will stick with TDEE I think. since MFP can be confusing, at least for me! I agree something isn't but I don't know what..........

    I've been reading some posts regarding TDEE vs. MFP calculations. When I did my TDEE method - 20%, using an activity level of modrate exercise, I get 1901 as my calorie goal. With MFP, using an activity level of lightly active, I get 1900. I do sit all day but on days I workout, I run 3-4 miles and then do weights, and things like planks, push ups, crunches, squats, lunges, etc. I've really been trying to eat the 1900, so that when I exercise, I'm still left with around 1500 cals. Is this the correct way? (i didn't log this past weeked, as i was out of town). I didn't weigh myself for 7 days, which I'm very proud of because i was so obsessive about that. Now I'm up 3lbs this morning. I know this happens when you up your calories, and i need to give it more time. I guess what I'm wondering is.....i workout regularly, try to eat decent. I do not have food scale, but don't feel I over eat. I know many have said that before, but I honestly don't feel I do. I really want to understand this process and learn from it. this weight gain I've had since I started this journey, and even going back up a pants size.....why? What is it that I'm missing? I do have a lot of stress in my life, but I don't think that's the sole issue here. Almost 2 years ago now, I ate a lot worse, and weighed less than I do now. I've tried going backward in my head to see if I could, "it started at this point, when this happened". but I can't recall anything. It seemed to happen rather quickly(the weight gain). So, now gaining weight, even when working out.....what is going on? will i just keep gaining and gaining? Even my losing inches has stalled.

    current stats:

    height: 5'11
    weight: 173(today)
    waist(natural)- 29
    at belly button-32
    hips- 40
    calves- 14
    thighs- 24

    I'm not sure what I'm asking here, if anything, so I apologize if i'm wasting anyone's time! I suppose the only person that can answer my questions is myself or perhaps a physician, if it comes to that.

    Something doesn't sound quite right if MFP is giving you 1900 and TDEE - 20% is 1900. MFP does not include exercise. The activity level you set "lightly active" etc, is not for exercise, it is just how active you are in your daily life.
    Your MFP calories + exercise calories should end up being about the same as your TDEE - %.

    When you say "I'm still left with 1500 calories" after eating 1900, are you saying you are logging exercise of 1500 calories?

    Also, if you are 10 pounds from goal, you should be eating at a 10% deficit, not 20% OR setting MFP to lose half a pound a week.

    If you use TDEE - % goal, you do not eat more when you exercise, it is included.

    If you use MFP + exercise calories, then you need to eat SOME exercise calories, but again if you said you are logging 1500 of exercise calories, that has to be wrong, only world class athletes exercising for hours and hours would burn that, or very obese people working hard.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    my inch loss has stalled as well...... :(
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    If I'm dropping fat, wouldn't I lost inches/weight?
    Your TDEE - 10% at 3-5 hours moderate exercise is 2168
    Your TDEE - 10% at 1-3 hours light exercise is 1923

    You would eat that amount every day - do not eat more for exercise.

    The amount MFP gives you to eat should be somewhere around 1500-1600 I would guess, then you would eat more for exercise which should bring you up to 1900+

    Pick one of these methods or the other, don't mix and match methods.

    Are you losing any inches? Since you are so close to your goal weight, you could be dropping fat without dropping weight. Water retention could be masking any weight loss. This is more important than the number on the scale.