Am I the only one who does this?



  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    I wear my cheapo Walmart workout clothing with pride. It is cotton, it is breathable and it is cheap.

    I came to work!
  • creativerick
    creativerick Posts: 270 Member
    I doubt people are as concerned with you as you think they are.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I go to 24 Hour fitness and I live in a city that is NOT a college city. Mostly 30 something - 50 something professionals. Everyone at my gym is there to work out, I don't even see any flirting, to be honest.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I wear my cheapo Walmart workout clothing with pride. It is cotton, it is breathable and it is cheap.

    I came to work!

    some how all that says it can't be cute and attractive??

    OMG>... look at all my make up running all over my face!!!!

    holy chit!!! MY STUFF MATCHES!!!!

    Underwear too!!!

    PRed my dead lift that day- just a hair short 300 lbs.

    all of that means nothing because apparently my socks matched my pants- and I was wearing mad crazy eye liner.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I wear my cheapo Walmart workout clothing with pride. It is cotton, it is breathable and it is cheap.

    I came to work!

    some how all that says it can't be cute and attractive??

    OMG>... look at all my make up running all over my face!!!!

    holy chit!!! MY STUFF MATCHES!!!!

    Underwear too!!!

    PRed my dead lift that day- just a hair short 300 lbs.

    all of that means nothing because apparently my socks matched my pants- and I was wearing mad crazy eye liner.

    If I saw a girl at the gym wearing that I would instantly want to be her best friend.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I'm friends with everyone- clearly I have no shame LOL :D

    also- just plucked this off my pin up friend's page- thought it was hysterical- because there are some days- my lipstick is totally holding me together!!! 10001532_856816111001471_1806600236713263253_n_zpsb4083d85.jpg
  • Sassymama66_75HARD
    Sassymama66_75HARD Posts: 91 Member
    Tank top - capri pants - low socks and bright pink tennis shoes. I am NOT cute in the least - but I am comfy.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I do not give a flying donut what I look like at the gym, and I am afraid I do tend to be somewhat irritated by those who turn up in full makeup and who stand in front of the changing room mirror, preening themselves as if they are getting ready for a modelling contest, or hoping to pick up a hot male there. I go there to train, and to train hard. This means I end up a sweaty mess, with hair sticking to my forehead, clothes soaked and a far cry from the front covers of fitness magazines. I do not care. My trainer approached me based on the fact it showed I was serious and worked out hard. He also had a dislike of women who go to the gym, caked in makeup, dressed up to the nines in bright pink matching sets. I am sure I sound judgemental, I am sure I am being judgemental. But it is just one of few things that seems to grate on my nerves. Maybe because I workout so hard, and against a lot of obstacles (68% lung function) and see these girls sweeping in with no intention of using the gym as it is intended to be used.
  • TheLadyBane
    TheLadyBane Posts: 299 Member
    some how all that says it can't be cute and attractive??

    OMG>... look at all my make up running all over my face!!!!

    holy chit!!! MY STUFF MATCHES!!!!

    Underwear too!!!

    PRed my dead lift that day- just a hair short 300 lbs.

    all of that means nothing because apparently my socks matched my pants- and I was wearing mad crazy eye liner.

    Haha, I absolutely love your workout clothes. You look like you are there to kick some @$# and have fun at the same time:)
  • I usually walk into the gym looking ok and walk out looking like a drowned rat...I do work and get sweaty
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I wear my cheapo Walmart workout clothing with pride. It is cotton, it is breathable and it is cheap.

    I came to work!

    some how all that says it can't be cute and attractive??

    OMG>... look at all my make up running all over my face!!!!

    holy chit!!! MY STUFF MATCHES!!!!

    Underwear too!!!

    PRed my dead lift that day- just a hair short 300 lbs.

    all of that means nothing because apparently my socks matched my pants- and I was wearing mad crazy eye liner.

    You'd have pulled 405 with baggy sweats and no eye liner.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Eat clean, train dirty I say............ So no... NO DRESSING UP at the gym!

    You are there to sweat, not look pretty... Its not a fashion parade/catwalk.... God they need to grow up...!!!
  • tnoc2
    tnoc2 Posts: 2
    Eat clean, train dirty I say............ So no... NO DRESSING UP at the gym!

    You are there to sweat, not look pretty... Its not a fashion parade/catwalk.... God they need to grow up...!!!

    No disrespect to the people turning it into a fashion show, but when I work out, I sweat so much that i'd ruin anything nice. Also a reason I dont like to wear expensive headphones, afraid i'll short them out or something.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Hey everyone! Hope your day is going well!

    So here is my thing,I do a lot of home work outs, so when I actually go to the gym, I go there to Get.Stuff. Done. I don't go there to flirt or hang out, I go there to sweat. And a lot. The thing is, I go to the gym at my university and it's filled with girls with their hair done all nice and cute, make up on, and some cute matching outfit (Once I saw a girl on the bike in heels. No lie) and they glare at me for having the audacity to show up in a baggy shirt and shorts with my hair pulled back out of my way and either in a messy ponytail or braid.

    So my question is, am I the only one who does this? Should I start dressing up? Are the days of showing up at the gym to work out over? I could really use some feedback that Im not alone in this lol Do you guys get this too?


    I haven't read anything except this OP, and I feel like the correct answers are:
    "yes" you are the only one
    "yes" you should start dressing up
    and "no"

    i will check my answers later, but i'm pretty sure i nailed it.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    You'd have pulled 405 with baggy sweats and no eye liner.

    I know- what was I thinking!!!
    You are there to sweat, not look pretty... Its not a fashion parade/catwalk.... God they need to grow up...!!!

    you do know sweating is NOT a good indicator of a good workout right?

    You know what is cool about growing up? Not caring what other people think- if you are okay with what you look like- then you should be okay with what other people look like. Life's too fricking short to not be happy with who you are and what you look like.

    People who care more about what other people look like- are really insecure and jealous- if you weren't- this wouldn't be an issue.

    As they say- Haters gonna hate.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Sadly, you are just going to a crap gym. Ages ago, I went to a gym that was actually a pick up joint in disguise. I say, if you go to your gym to exercise, ignore the others and exercise. I'm currently going to a gym that is awesome. Everyone is there to exercise. There are no girls showing up as you described, busily posing in front of the mirrors, pretending to lift weights at my former gym. There are wonderful gyms out there. I love mine and I hope you find one like it some day. Meanwhile, ignore the divas and build yourself a body the others will secretly envy. Best of luck to you!

    Love how you assume that looking in the mirror is "pretending". It's a lot easier to lift with mirrors around, you can make sure your form is correct. It's not a vanity thing.
    Yep. I sweat like crazy and look AWFUL when I work out, but I check my form in the mirrors when my trainer isn't there watching and keeping me in check.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Sigh this thread.... :yawn:
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    Everything I have have matches, but that's only because I only ever buy black or dark grey gear, so it just matches by default. I clearly like to think I am a ninja in the gym :laugh:

    Love the superman pants!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Everything I have have matches, but that's only because I only ever buy black or dark grey gear, so it just matches by default. I clearly like to think I am a ninja in the gym :laugh:

    Love the superman pants!

    You're doing it wrong. Your workouts would be 136% more effective if you're sh1t didn't match.

    It's science.
  • Rottnme
    Rottnme Posts: 167 Member
    If you're asking it sounds like you may be in the wrong gym. I would suggest giving a couple of others a try if that is a possibility. When you find one that fits you, you won't ask these questions. If this is your only logical option, do what you are there for and get out. There are ways to get your workout in, it just takes the attitude to get there.