Juice plus - newbie



  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    My mom has a buddy who sells Juice Plus. She has made very clear that it is in NO way a weight loss supplement. It's a way to get in extra vitamins and minerals that you could be deficient in if you didn't get the S.A.D. amount of fruits and veggies in your diet. It's not supposed to flush out toxins. It's not supposed to kick start weight loss. It's not an appetite suppressant. It's not a meal replacement. It's just vitamins made from fruits and veggies.

    Honestly, save the money and buy real fruits and veggies. Shop around the outside perimeter of the grocery aisle for this effect.

    Or eat pizza. Whatever.
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    You will shortly get hated on by many! Beware!!

    I don't juice, "cleanse" or whatever, but search on this site and if I were you, don't ck this particular thread again bc you'll just be all upset or angry bc of what you'll read.

    Good luck!!
  • zilfig64
    zilfig64 Posts: 71 Member

    Don't use science in Juice threads.... They don't like science.

    Oh no!! the dreaded "S" word!! - carefull you might be banned for using it!!

    Do you mean science like these articles,


    or bro-science: " I had a friend who lost "X" lbs in "Y" days doing this awesome juice diet..." Without the rest of story.. it was all water weight and they gained it back within "A" days after.
  • charshan87
    Navyrigger, Thanks you for your comments and I would love to hear people success with their weight loss.

    My mind has not been made up thats why I asked if people had has success so them who havent can explain why.

    My post was not put up by a stupid women wanting everyone on here to tell me its a miracle diet and to go for it, I wanted general responses to help me make the decision not smart *kitten* responses from people telling me about how I plan to waste my money.
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    MapleFlavouredMaiden Posts: 595 Member
    I don't mind science, what I don't appreciate is peoples judgement and rude comments.

    All I wanted to know is if people had a success with this not peoples opinion on how I spend my money.

    If you knew anything at all about science you wouldn't be in here asking about juice fasts

    Not only that, but "success" needs to be properly defined here. If you think "success" is losing water weight and possibly some muscle, then yeah, it will work. If you want it to mean successful long term FAT loss, no it wont.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Navyrigger, Thanks you for your comments and I would love to hear people success with their weight loss.

    My mind has not been made up thats why I asked if people had has success so them who havent can explain why.

    My post was not put up by a stupid women wanting everyone on here to tell me its a miracle diet and to go for it, I wanted general responses to help me make the decision not smart *kitten* responses from people telling me about how I plan to waste my money.
    it's simple. You don't buy weight loss. Juiceplus is yet another pyramid scheme that tries to suck people in to paying for a bottle of expectations.

    problem is, you buy them, don't lose weight... but that distributor still has your money.

    there is no reason to believe that your body doesn't detox itself. That was already answered a few posts in. No reason to get snippy about any of this.
  • charshan87
    Thanks you for your response, I wasnt being snippy sorry if it came across that way
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    "Smart *kitten*" comments didn't begin until you started flinging sass, if I'm reading this thread correctly. Lots of good advice in here, though.

    If someone rubs you the wrong way, just let it roll right off of you. No reason to be so defensive.

    ***EDIT: This is in general, not directed at a single person or persons***
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    you've had an account here for while, but this may be applicable:

  • charshan87
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My mom has a buddy who sells Juice Plus. She has made very clear that it is in NO way a weight loss supplement. It's a way to get in extra vitamins and minerals that you could be deficient in if you didn't get the S.A.D. amount of fruits and veggies in your diet. It's not supposed to flush out toxins. It's not supposed to kick start weight loss. It's not an appetite suppressant. It's not a meal replacement. It's just vitamins made from fruits and veggies.

    Honestly, save the money and buy real fruits and veggies. Shop around the outside perimeter of the grocery aisle for this effect.

    Or eat pizza. Whatever.
    They actually do now have meal replacement shakes.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Navyrigger, Thanks you for your comments and I would love to hear people success with their weight loss.

    My mind has not been made up thats why I asked if people had has success so them who havent can explain why.

    My post was not put up by a stupid women wanting everyone on here to tell me its a miracle diet and to go for it, I wanted general responses to help me make the decision not smart *kitten* responses from people telling me about how I plan to waste my money.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but you do need to take all of the attention you are putting into losing weight from a miracle diet, and put that focus and attention into eating at a small deficit, and being extremely accurate with what you put in your mouth. Then try adding some light cardio, and some resistance training. I mean a couple of months ago you were going to try the Cambridge Diet, and now this, you clearly are looking for the easy way out.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    You've got a challenge in front of you, with your weight loss goal. It won't be easy, but it's doable if you take a sustainable approach. Here's some recent thoughts I had that may be relevant.

  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    So I am wanting to start the juice plus and detox my body, my cousin has lost 12 pound in 2 weeks.

    Has any body had success with diet??????

    Didn't we JUST do this?

    I think a bot must be regenerating the querys.

    Beep beep - Eep Op Ork Ah-Ah
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    So I am wanting to start the juice plus and detox my body, my cousin has lost 12 pound in 2 weeks.

    Has any body had success with diet??????

    And on the off chance that this is a bonafide question, #1, my apologies and #2, you MUST know that losing 12 lbs in 2 weeks is crazy, right? that's a little less than a pound a day. If it actually happens, it's all water weight.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    And for the people who are talking about juice fasts, that is NOT what JuicePlus+ is. It's supplements that are supposedly "real food) (though how pills and powders and gummies are "Real food" is beyond me) that give you some sort of megadose of fruit and veggie servings to "bridge the gap" for not eating enough fruits and vegetables during the day.

    They also apparently have meal replacement shakes.

    The claims the company makes are outrageous. The most recent I've seen is that when we eat fresh, real fruits and veggies, our bodies use up 80% of the nutrients just for digestion and don't absorb them. If you take these supplements, your body doesn't have to break them down and therefore absorbs 100% of the nutrients.

    JuicePlus+ has been credited by its supporters as curing everything from migraines to autism.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I've done juicing before in general, for about 1-2 weeks and lost 6-7 lbs.
    It's hard at first, but you adjust and definitely see results with not only weight loss but
    also in how you feel and look. I might do it again to crush my plateau and flush toxins :)

    you realize that your body flushes toxins on its own, right?

    ndj is my hero. :bigsmile:
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    So I am wanting to start the juice plus and detox my body, my cousin has lost 12 pound in 2 weeks.

    Has any body had success with diet??????

    Wait 6 weeks. Revisit cousin and see how much weight they have regained. I will say 14 pounds. If you dont correct the intake problem that got you fat in the first place, you are doomed to fail.

    Good luck though:flowerforyou:
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    So I am wanting to start the juice plus and detox my body, my cousin has lost 12 pound in 2 weeks.

    Has any body had success with diet??????

    uh oh...
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    curious as to what toxins this cleanse will get rid of that your body does not detox on its own? Can you please name one?

    ^^Same reply to same question every juice thread, lol.