30 Day Shred!

Hi everyone! I joined myfitnesspal to get some motivation and support! I want to live a healthier lifestyle and the first step to that is to start exercising. I just bought Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and I haven't started it yet. I was thinking about starting tomorrow. Would anyone like to do it with me!!?? We can call it the 30 Day challenge!

I hardly exercise these last few years, so I KNOW it's going to be painful. Any words of motivation or success would help! Anyone down!?:glasses: :glasses:


  • crys_aintgivingup
    crys_aintgivingup Posts: 115 Member
    I'm planning to start the 30 DS on Saturday as my gym membership will expire on Fri. I hve been doing 30 DS on and off, and plan to really commit to it this time! Feel free to add me and let's get this done together! :D
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I started yesterday! I'm in!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I have done this twice and now do heavy lifting so I wont be joining but what I can do is offer encouragment.

    On my first round in 33 days I lost 9 inches.

    3.5 off my chest
    2 under my chest (bra strap area)
    1 off my natural waist
    1 off my waist at my belly button
    1 off my hips
    1/2 of my thigh...

    And I dropped 3% bf.

    I increased my endurance and strength (couldn't do male pushups at the start but could at the end)

    I only took 3 days off...(had too but not because of the exercise outside influences)

    It isn't easy I wont lie...day 11...first day of round 2 I almost cried when I was done...

    but it is well worth it.
  • fatlittlewoman
    fatlittlewoman Posts: 21 Member
    I will do it with you!!! I have done it before but not stuck with it. Didn't have any encouragement though. Maybe this time we can help each other along :)
  • becksxxx70
    becksxxx70 Posts: 234 Member
    I started yesterday! I'm in!
    Me too! I'm very stiff today! :laugh:
    I'm logging it as 20 mins 'aerobic' as 'circuit' seemed a bit high on calorie burn to me.
    It will probably take me 6 weeks to complete as I probably won't be doing weekends!
  • BrownSugar1217
    BrownSugar1217 Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in my husband and I were talking about this last night!.. feel free to add
  • i'm on day 2 of the shred count me in, must admit after those lunges stairs r proving to be a struggle!!!!
  • Littlemissjackie1
    Littlemissjackie1 Posts: 122 Member
    You can count me in! and feel free to add me. I have made it to the first week of level 3 before it was tough but well worth it. I am thinking of starting it today and would love to be a part of a support group to keep me motivated!
  • lolosensan
    lolosensan Posts: 251
    Good luck everyone! It only gets easier and easier. I just want to add that if you're doing it every day be careful. Apparently JM says that its meant to only be done 3-4 times a week. If your knees are sore (make sure you're keeping proper form) take rest days. I do her DVDs every other day with cardio on off days. Keeping a calendar helps stay on track. No injuries y'all!:smile:
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    I just finished it and lost 7.8 pounds, and I can for sure tell the difference in my body. Just keep looking at the 30DS results threads on here to keep you motivated! That's what got me through.
  • fatlittlewoman
    fatlittlewoman Posts: 21 Member
    I think it does make a lot of sense to do it every second day. That's my plan! I did it this morning. yay! Day #1 down. Day 2 coming on thursday :)
  • FlatTummyTrish
    FlatTummyTrish Posts: 88 Member
    At the end of March I finished level 1 but then had a flu so I'm starting again, today is day 3 I really recommend focusing on healthier eating and adding more protein to your diet, last time I ate anything and only saw little results but this time it's magnified as I eat clean. Feel free to add me I log on every day :)
  • amyhoss
    amyhoss Posts: 414 Member
    I want to start today!
  • KielyShannon
    KielyShannon Posts: 1 Member
    I started monday, so today is day 3! It's tough, but it's so short it isn't worth NOT doing!

    Add me if you'd like, I look forward to working away the inches with all of you :smile:
  • I'm in Today is day one. It really hard for me to lose weight. especial the fact the i have thyroid. :( But i have to try to lose some weight. Wish me luck.
  • katrkels11
    katrkels11 Posts: 115 Member
    Hey everybody! Ive done 30ds several times in the past but never finished it. I'm going to start today and I want to actually finish it this time. Feel free to add me anybody. I need all of the motivation I can get
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    Hi everyone! I joined myfitnesspal to get some motivation and support! I want to live a healthier lifestyle and the first step to that is to start exercising. I just bought Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and I haven't started it yet. I was thinking about starting tomorrow. Would anyone like to do it with me!!?? We can call it the 30 Day challenge!

    I hardly exercise these last few years, so I KNOW it's going to be painful. Any words of motivation or success would help! Anyone down!?:glasses: :glasses:

    I am going to do day 2 today. Day 1 was very hard (I did it on Monday) but I found a couple of other people on here who are starting as well and that is keeping me focused.
  • I bought it last week, and bought the hand weights too (5 lbs, I wasn't sure how heavy to get them?) but then the whole family got horrible chest colds, so as soon as this junk is gone, I can't wait to start! I might be a little behind, but I'd love to join the challenge
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    I think it does make a lot of sense to do it every second day. That's my plan! I did it this morning. yay! Day #1 down. Day 2 coming on thursday :)

    I agree.
    I did Day 1 Sunday. (and died)
    Monday: Couldn't sit or stand-- so I went for a 2.5 brisk walk pushing the kids in a huge stroller.
    Yesterday: Still couldn't do a single jumping jack but did JM's Shred it with Weights (love!)
    Today: Will do Day 2 of 30 DS and hope I can recover better.
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    I just finished it and lost 7.8 pounds, and I can for sure tell the difference in my body. Just keep looking at the 30DS results threads on here to keep you motivated! That's what got me through.
