30 Day Shred!



  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I'm doing it off and on when I'm not running or working full shifts at the barn so not everyday. It takes some getting used to. I don't have the dvd but I'm going to order it or pick it up so I can try level 2 next week.
  • FitMe758
    FitMe758 Posts: 177 Member
    I have done this twice and now do heavy lifting so I wont be joining but what I can do is offer encouragment.

    On my first round in 33 days I lost 9 inches.

    3.5 off my chest
    2 under my chest (bra strap area)
    1 off my natural waist
    1 off my waist at my belly button
    1 off my hips
    1/2 of my thigh...

    And I dropped 3% bf.

    I increased my endurance and strength (couldn't do male pushups at the start but could at the end)

    I only took 3 days off...(had too but not because of the exercise outside influences)

    It isn't easy I wont lie...day 11...first day of round 2 I almost cried when I was done...

    but it is well worth it.

    Yay! Thank you so much for posting your results. So motivational to hear.
  • mamaleftwich
    mamaleftwich Posts: 256 Member
    Good Luck to you all! I joined a group that had started on April 1st. I had previously just finished Level 1 and had started Level 2. I have 10 days left for Level 2 and more than likely will move on to level 3 to complete the DVD.
  • wseakell
    wseakell Posts: 11 Member
    I started this last month and could totally see a difference, but then lost my momentum. I would love to join this group for encouragement and plan to start back up tomorrow! :) GO 30-day shredders - we can do this! (I plan on doing the DVD 4 times a week along with my new obsession of hot yoga 3 times a week!)

    Can't wait to submit our "after" stats in a month!
  • wseakell
    wseakell Posts: 11 Member
    Yay! It's a great DVD, you'll like it. I have the 5 lbs weights too and might get some 3 lbers because some of the arm movements are very hard. What I like is that it's super short too - only like 27 minutes long.
  • sam_c_93
    sam_c_93 Posts: 23 Member
    I'll be following this! I've just started level 2 today. It was hard but I've done it now and hopefully it will get easier! I haven't lost any weight from level 1 but I have definitely noticed more tone. I forgot to take inches though, silly me, so I don't know if I lost any inches.

    Good luck :)
  • bunnybabe282
    bunnybabe282 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in! I'll start tomorrow being as I have a gym appt today. I've tried before but I always lose motivation.
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 284 Member
    I started this week and am on Day 3 today. Feel free to add me anyone doing it so we can motivate each other :wink:
  • leeannsandon
    Im in, ive just finished day three, I have muscles that are aching like crazy, muscles I never knew I had, when I started I knew I wasnt getting enough protein so I did a bit of digging and started whey protein to help after a work out and it is starting to help I have one with breakfast with a blended banana and one post work out and it tastes nice too, I learnt something on here the other day and it s not always about what the scale says its your composition it is for me any way as I leant when you lose weight you lose muscle too so I only do little cardio, the 30ds with 5lb dumb bells then add a bit at the end with the dumb bells

    My motivation is wanting to post on the success stories with before and after pics

    I took a pic of myself the other week and hated what I saw, so every now and then I look at it and think yuck yuck
  • fatlittlewoman
    fatlittlewoman Posts: 21 Member
    rest day yesterday and day two completed today!!! Hope everyone else is still on track? I'm thinking about the others doing it as well, keeps me motivated! Will have a rest day again tomorrow and then do day 3 on sunday. By rest day I mean doing something else like biking and a rest from the dvd.
    Happy shredding!
  • elenireads
    elenireads Posts: 24 Member
    I'd love to join you guys. I will begin tomorrow - at this point my work outs have consisted of some rigorous hikes and spinning classes, but only two or three times a week at most. I like the idea of checking in and being motivated by others who are doing the 30 day shred.

    Following . . . thnks
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Doing day 3 today. My routine is pretty off from the suggested schedule; I run with C25K for two days, then do 30DS, then repeat. So 30DS is my "off" day from running, because doing both in the same day exhausts me!
  • sam_c_93
    sam_c_93 Posts: 23 Member
    I was thinking about adding on C25K as well because I started that once - got really close to the end but ended up getting bored. I don't think the schedule is as important as everyone makes it out to be with 30DS. You can do it how you want to do it. I certainly don't do it every day, normally about four or five days a week.

    Day 3 of level 2 today. I'm quite liking level 2 because I'd got to the point with level 1 where I was hardly breaking a sweat, but I'm dripping at the end of level 2 which feels good, and I'm aching a lot in my abs which I like.

    I feel a bit disheartened because I felt like I could feel a difference in my body, but my before and after level 1 photos are exactly the same, if anything I look bigger! I really hope I can notice a difference by the end of level 3. I'll be upset if I don't because I'm not losing any weight, so I at least want to look better or else it was all for nothing!
  • jackie6888
    I'll join in on this thread. Today will be day 3 on the shred, I'm on level 1 and it is kicking my butt...I was sweating like crazy this weekend and my thighs scream every time I stand up and sit down :) I'll take it! Looking forward to my improvement in a week... and hope I'll be able to move to level 2 but for right now, it will be good just to get through level 1. I don't get up early enough to do it before work so I'll have to do it after work this week. Have a great day everyone!
  • momsoup
    momsoup Posts: 15 Member
    I would love to join this group. today was day 5 of level 1. the first four days my legs were soooo sore! but I kept pushing thru. I plan to do it everyday as I am afraid I will lose motivation and give up. no pounds lost yet but i've noticed my pants fit different, don't seem to be as tight! can't wait to hear everyone's progress and successes. i'm really excited! we can do this! :-)
  • crys_aintgivingup
    crys_aintgivingup Posts: 115 Member
    I did the 30 DS level 1 on and off for about a month (I was mainly working out at the gym). So after my gym membership expired, I am now onto 30 DS level 2. Today was Day 5 of level 2. The push ups feel easier to handle and I don't need to pause as much in between the circuits, but I still sweat like a pig by the middle of the workout!
  • momsoup
    momsoup Posts: 15 Member
    one week results... I didnt lose any weight and I gained an inch in my thighs! :-( but I lost an inch in my waist, biceps, bust, shoulders, and butt!!! definately has motivated me more to keep going :-D
  • momsoup
    momsoup Posts: 15 Member
    actually Sunday was my 30 days, but now just getting a chance to post:
    weight- lost 5 pounds
    waist lost 1.5 inches
    hips lost 1 inch
    calf lost .5 inch
    bust lost 1.5 inches
    shoulders lost 1.5 inches
    neck lost .5 inch
    butt lost 1.5 inches and
    body fat % down .19%