What time of day do you work out?

I can't make myself work out early in the morning before breakfast like some people do. I tend to work out either before lunch or after lunch.

Do any of you work out later in the evening, like after dinner? I was just wondering if really matters what time of day you work out. I've heard working out in the morning boosts your metabolism for the day. Someone else told me that it's pointless to work out in the evening, but in my opinion, if you're burning calories, it shouldn't matter what time of day it is.

Just wondering what everyone's thoughts were on this! :smile:


  • Sjarkey15
    Sjarkey15 Posts: 57 Member
    9 or 10 in the morning for me! But I have a flexible work schedule.... I used to work out in the evening. I think as long as you are moving, it doesn't matter what time it is. It's better than nothing:-)
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    Whenever I can fit it in…...
  • hilly510
    hilly510 Posts: 46 Member
    I can't exercise within 2 hours of eating so I'll work out before dinner. I used to do it in the morning on an empty stomach, but my boyfriend is a night owl and just will not let me get to sleep early enough. And I know if I tried to do it a couple hours after dinner, that would be 8-9pm and I would be wired when I tried to go to bed.
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    5:35am - M-F, Sunday whenever I can fit it in.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Whenever I can fit it in, which for me is invariably around 9 or 10pm at night. I don't think it really matters.
  • FlatTummyTrish
    FlatTummyTrish Posts: 88 Member
    I never exercise in the morning, it's usually around 5. I would suggest exercising before dinner because your metabolism is still high after a workout, so when you eat something afterwards your body burns it faster. I also find that after cardio and strength my body demands proteins, so I tend to eat healthier for the rest of the day :)
  • LizaGetz
    LizaGetz Posts: 57 Member
    I work out after dinner, usually about 8pm every night. There is something to be said about working out at the same time every day - your body adjusts to it and then recognizes it as peak time for performance per my personal trainer, who is an MMA coach. He says boxers and fighters will train late in the day or in the evenings because that is when their fights usually are. Runners, whose races are in the morning, benefit most when they train in the morning, as close to race time as possible.

    Also, check out this article:
  • rissa876
    rissa876 Posts: 38 Member
    On the weekdays I work out after work, from 5-6:30pm. Weekends I like to go in the early afternoon. They say there's benefits working out first thing in the early morning but its hard when you have to get the kids to school.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    M-F after work around 5-6pm. Weekends around 7am. I am thinking about doing it all in the morning though.
  • cchew686
    cchew686 Posts: 108
    Between 8:30 and 10 at night for me. Post toddler bedtime. :wink:
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I never exercise in the morning, it's usually around 5. I would suggest exercising before dinner because your metabolism is still high after a workout, so when you eat something afterwards your body burns it faster. I also find that after cardio and strength my body demands proteins, so I tend to eat healthier for the rest of the day :)

    I'm not sure that is true and even if it were what would the benefit be of burning something faster?
  • 4aces61
    4aces61 Posts: 292 Member
    Right after work, around 2-3 o'clock.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I have certainly heard the rumor spread around that you should work out in the mornings but as far as I can tell there is nothing substantive there, it is just something people say and it doesn't really matter when you eat and it doesn't really matter when you work out.
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    Two days a week I have exercise class 8:30-9:30am.
    One day a week I work out at 7:30pm
    One day a week I work out at 2:30pm

    The important thing for me is not to exercise after 8:30pm or else I have trouble getting to sleep at 11:30pm.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    First thing in the morning because that's what works best for me. I work out at home, and once my family is up, a workout is not likely to happen. So I'm up and working out by 5am - before my kid is up and getting ready for school, before hubby is moving - just me time. Plus in the summer, I like to get it done early to beat the heat of the day, so I'm either hitting the weights in the living room, or out running at dawn.
  • logicman69
    logicman69 Posts: 1,034 Member
    I work out twice a day. In the morning before breakfast and again in the evening after dinner.
  • 90anvv
    90anvv Posts: 4 Member
    I go m-f at 4:45am before work. I am usually too busy after work to go, plus in the mornings the gym is almost empty and it is easy to get a great workout in with lots of free equipment. The only downside is that it’s harder to lift heavy so early in the morning and at times it can be hard to get 7-8 hours of sleep prior. Regardless I push through it every day.

    I have been doing this routine for a few years and have notices that I get far more done at work in a day, it’s a great warm up for the day ahead.
  • I really feel like I HAVE to work out in the morning, it puts me on track for the day with eating good.
  • I work out twice a day. In the morning before breakfast and again in the evening after dinner.

    Id love to start exercising twice a day too... if only we had more hours in the day. :)
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    In the evening after work.