Other reasons for losing the weight?



  • kacylaine
    kacylaine Posts: 154 Member
    I also would like to be fit and strong in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Rule # 1 CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO. I refuse to be one of the first to go!

    You don't have to run fast, just faster than the person behind you. :bigsmile:

    Yes...and have a chain saw with you! :wink:

    "You're a great friend but if zombies are chasing us I'm tripping you."

    Seatbelts! Gosh, that movie is hilarious.
  • NicoleL83
    NicoleL83 Posts: 68 Member
    This is a great thread. I want to lose weight mostly for self confidence. I am blessed to have a husband who find me attractive and beautiful no matter what, but I want to feel attractive and beautiful no matter what I wear! I think I look ok and then I see a picture of myself and I tend to cringe. Also for my health, my mom had a minor heart attack when she was 53 so I need to shape up so I can live a long healthly life. Also I want to run marathons and lots of them. Thanks again for starting this thread!!
  • AutismMom
    AutismMom Posts: 127 Member
    AWESOME thread!!

    Of course, like everyone, I want to loose the weight for myself - been prego for the past 4 years, and I totally miss my old body - it has been a baby rental apartment for a while ;)

    another maybe selfish reason - I want to be a hot mom!!! I want to show and help other moms out there, that if I can do it with 3 kids under 3 and one having Autism, then you can do! I want that Milf status :) lol
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I want to add another "other" reason - I've been a fairly successful person so far in life - did well in school, went to a good college, got my Master's degrees, have a good job, etc. But... I've NEVER really been at a healthy weight. That is one area of my life where I've been failing since puberty hit. As sad as it is, people judge based on looks, especially in the "business" world. I've applied for my CPA license and should have that in the near future... I'm proud of what I've accomplished, and plan to accomplish more, and want to *look* successful too!!!
  • SayRah
    SayRah Posts: 104
    I plan on getting more tattoos! At the moment, I have a bird on my shoulder, but I also want a tattoo on my lower back and my hip. I'm paranoid about stretching or out of proportion tattoos, so I really want to be as fit as possible to avoid this :)
  • I started for all the right reasons, but not to long ago I got a little side motivation. A (skinny) friend of mine was shopping with me when I got my first size 10 pants, while I got super excited she says "God, I suddenly feel so fat". Hello, did you mean to say that out loud? Im sorry your bothered that Im getting closer to your size. But on the other hand I owe her a super big THANK YOU because the extra motivation has done wonders for me. Im gonna be your size sooner than you think. I am now in an 8, and I WILL get in a 7 just to show off the tag. Oh and I will wear it well too, I can get in and zip them now but there will be No muffin top when I show off that tag to her.
  • Doing it to be healthy, but on a side note it would be nice to put on a shirt again and not have to worry about how well it hides my gut. The older I get, it seems as if all my weight heads strait for the belly. So hopefully a side benefit of being healthier is a flatter stomach, doesn't have to be flat, just flatter.
  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    my initial reasons were because i had been dumped by my first long term boyfriend. i wanted to look as good as possible so i could attract a wider range of men. i never felt like i was ugly, just that the weight kept away a good portion of men. shortly after i got into a brief (but rather emotionally charged) fling with a guy who was very small (around 5'7" and 140lbs, compared to my 5'3" 226 lbs!). it was weird to be so much bigger than him, but he was still attracted to me, so it was really all just me. but i still want to be smaller than whomever i date.

    also one day i want to get married and have kids, so 1) i want to be able to fit into a wonderful wedding dress and 2) i know added weight can cause pregnancy complications, so why not be ready when the time comes instead of rush to lose it then?
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    There are a lot of reasons. But really, the biggest reason is that I'm unemployed, thus poor and I couldn't afford new clothes. So I needed to be able to fit in my old clothes. Well, now my old clothes are hanging off of me again.

    This is pretty silly, but my ex used to always say that she felt the ideal man had a little facial hair, decent fashion sense, good taste in music and a small gut. I'm not tooting my own horn: one of those I clearly have, a couple she felt I had at least, and one I didn't have, because my gut was HUGE gut. (Well, not really huge, but I had put on 40 pounds while we were dating.)

    I was always disgusted with my stomach and wanted to get healthier, but had a very hard time because of her sporadic eating habits (which I couldn't, in good conscience, say anything about as she was a recovering bulimic, and I wanted to be supportive of her—and it didn't really matter anyway, I mean, if she wants to have eight small meals throughout the day, more power to her), and the fact that any time I said anything about my stomach, she would always defend it and tell me that I wasn't overweight and I didn't have any fat on me ... For a time I didn't think that I'd ever see her again, but she wants to get together after the holidays to talk (just about stuff, she just lost her grandpa and unfortunately I'm still one of the few people she can really speak to about things without being made to feel inferior for having feelings), so we'll see then if my purpose for losing the weight—I guess to prove that I did have weight to lose and that I could still be attractive with a flat stomach and, eh, probably more so—came to fruition. Stomach's not flat yet, but I'm going to work really, really hard on it now ... Heh, I've got at least a week.
  • I started for all the right reasons, but not to long ago I got a little side motivation. A (skinny) friend of mine was shopping with me when I got my first size 10 pants, while I got super excited she says "God, I suddenly feel so fat". Hello, did you mean to say that out loud? Im sorry your bothered that Im getting closer to your size. But on the other hand I owe her a super big THANK YOU because the extra motivation has done wonders for me. Im gonna be your size sooner than you think. I am now in an 8, and I WILL get in a 7 just to show off the tag. Oh and I will wear it well too, I can get in and zip them now but there will be No muffin top when I show off that tag to her.

    :drinker: :glasses:
  • I want to wear an awesome spring dress for graduation! yay! oh, and I miss shopping for hot clothes. Also, I want to be a fun mom and I can't be a fun mom if I get so fat I can't go on roller coasters, so here's to nipping that in the bud!
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    I want to add another "other" reason - I've been a fairly successful person so far in life - did well in school, went to a good college, got my Master's degrees, have a good job, etc. But... I've NEVER really been at a healthy weight. That is one area of my life where I've been failing since puberty hit. As sad as it is, people judge based on looks, especially in the "business" world. I've applied for my CPA license and should have that in the near future... I'm proud of what I've accomplished, and plan to accomplish more, and want to *look* successful too!!!

    I've just applied for my license as well.

    My other reason is simple, I want to play better golf.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I started for all the right reasons, but not to long ago I got a little side motivation. A (skinny) friend of mine was shopping with me when I got my first size 10 pants, while I got super excited she says "God, I suddenly feel so fat". Hello, did you mean to say that out loud? Im sorry your bothered that Im getting closer to your size. But on the other hand I owe her a super big THANK YOU because the extra motivation has done wonders for me. Im gonna be your size sooner than you think. I am now in an 8, and I WILL get in a 7 just to show off the tag. Oh and I will wear it well too, I can get in and zip them now but there will be No muffin top when I show off that tag to her.

    I can relate to this. I have an aunt (my mother's baby sister) who is quite young in her 30's and has always compared herself to me. After she had kids she killed herself to get smaller than me. I was in High School at the time playing sports so I was super fit and I thought she was being ridiculous. Well, long story short I put on A LOT of weight 5 years ago after having my daughter and I have always felt like she was secretly happy that I was fat everytime she visited. So January of this year I started losing weight. Saw her in May and her jaw dropped. I was in a 12 at the time (started out in a size 18). She offered to give me some of her clothes that were too big for her so I wouldn't have to buy any. She gave me some 10's stating her exact words, "you can have them. I will never be that big again!". Ummmm...excuse me? Since when is a 10 big? Here I am ecstatic just to be in a 12 and she has to say something like that. Well, I am happy to say that not only are the 10's she gave me too big now but I am in a size 6/8. I just wore my first size 6 jeans last week! I haven't seen her since this summer. But I will see her during Spring Break. Hopefully by then I will be bikini ready. :laugh:

    My main reason for losing weight is for health. On my 5'2 frame I felt like I couldn't breathe when I would lay down at night.
    I literally felt like I was suffocatiing myself. Of course for vanity reasons I want to look good too.
    I have tried over the years multiple times to lose. I think the thing that finally clicked this time was someone very close to me told me that I couldn't do it. I felt like a failure...because why would they think that I could when I had multiple failed attempts in the past?! I wanted to prove to them and myself that I could. Now, after losing 67lbs they are eating their words and I know I can do anything I set my mind to.
  • Innerglow
    Innerglow Posts: 1,074 Member
    I've always been fat. Well maybe not, but i've felt fat since elementary school. I was made fun of at school and then verbally abused at home by my brother. (I am happy to say that my brother and I now have a pretty good relationship, not perfect, but good)

    I want to be able to play soccer again and not be embarassed running down the field huffing and puffing.

    I have a pretty good sense of style but feel like a *kitten* when I try on most clothes.

    My ex's family has a strong history of diabetes and I want to be a good example of healthy living for my daughter.

    I want to be able to go to the beach/pool and feel confident in a bathing suit

    I want to feel good about myself

    I dont want to be a "duff" any longer

    I want to participate in life instead of watching it pass me by

    I want self-esteem cause I don't know what that feels like
  • jdp21
    jdp21 Posts: 155 Member
    I am doing it for many reasons, I guess.

    1. Self-confidence: I think for all of us, this is a big one. I just don't feel confident in myself when I go out looking the way I do, and I feel that a slimmer, more toned me will help me with that.

    2. Health: this is a no-brainer, really. I sweat a lot regularly, and I kinda hope that dropping the unnecessary weight will help stop this. I feel gross when I go into a room! It'd also be nice to stop breathing so heavily...

    3. Family: this is one of those additional reasons, I guess. My parents have always been riding me about my weight issues ever since high school, and I just want to do it so I can show them I am capable and so they'll stop.

    4. Friends: for a long time this was aimed at one friend in particular who, whenever I suggested trying something new to help with diet and exercise, would always put it down: this included telling me that jogging won't do anything for me, then telling me a gym is unnecessary, then telling me that cutting out and adding in certain foods wouldn't work, etc. And then, the summer before last, he lost a whoooole bunch of weight, and I just felt left behind because of it. So, I wanna catch up, and show him that I can do it with proper methods: proper diet and exercise.

    5. Just to know I can do it: I think it would be the greatest accomplishment in the world.
  • MsPitt
    MsPitt Posts: 78
    I'd like to try some medieval re-creation style fighting, and need to be in better shape to do it. I recently joined a group called the Society for Creative Anachronism and I keep seeing these great rapier tournaments and heavy arms/armor battles, and I want to join in! But, at my current weight, I'd have way too much knee trouble to survive for very long.

    Also, I'd love to be able to upgrade my wardrobe, and being plus-sized makes that much more challenging and expensive.
  • BigGail
    BigGail Posts: 465 Member
    I wanna feel like having more sex!

    And yes - it's working!
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    LOL! I have one of those crazy reasons. I want to look AMAZING at my 10 year high school reunion. Revenge? Maybe a little. The rest of my life is already pretty damned perfect and totally jealous-worthy, now I just need to get myself there too. I was always the biggest girl in class, and we didn't have a ton of kids in my high school so I know it didn't go unnoticed, and I know a rockin' bod won't go unnoticed either. :)

    I also want to be able to walk into any store and be able to buy something, maybe even without trying it on. Bliss.
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    I use to weight around 140 (height 5'2) and peaked at its highest at 154. I didn't mind being around 140 but my family use to mock me and my boyfriend of five years told me he was ashamed to take me out and left me. Unbelievable. I'm not a superficial person and thought it was okay as long as you had a good heart.

    So I lost weight to prove to him that I can be found attractive. Unfortunately, I seem to have lost a sense of who I am in the process because I've turned into someone who is fussy about food, obsessed with my weight and fashion and trying to impress people by looking good to fake the confidence. I've become really self conscious and I was never like that before. I feel like I'm not really doing it for me but thats slowly changing.. I've learned that its important to value myself too.

    I'm 127 - 128 right now and still losing weight. Hopefully this year will be a good one for me.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    1.My husband and I want a baby.
    2. I want to wear shorts for the first time during the dreadful summer heat.
    3. I want to feel like I still "got it".
    4. It wouldn't hurt to look hot again and get a few whistles here and there.. :tongue:
    5. I want to run a marathon and finally say to some very specific people to suck it.
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