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rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • serafinelaveaux
    serafinelaveaux Posts: 45 Member
    Nothing in years... I have a well earned reputation in my neck of the woods for taking no chit from no one so while I'm sure they're talking, they stick to doing it behind my back. But in the past....

    1. An old boyfriend's brother, let's call him Douche, loved to crow "Cowboys love fat calves!" every.single.time he saw me. I freaking hated being around him, but one time he decided to bring his girlfriend along and go with us when we went clothes shopping. At one place she came out of the dressing room in these cute white jeans, to the ooohs and ahhs of both guys, and I said "Oh hey those are cute!". To wit Douche replied, "Probably not so cute in a size eighteen." I didn't say anything, just waited until she came back out, got the jeans from her, went into the dressing room and put them on because as it turned out we both wore the same size ten. She just put her weight on differently, long thin legs and a thick midsection whereas I'm more hourglassed with bigger thighs. Jeans fit me better than they did her, and I came out of the dressing room with both middle fingers flying. The worst part though was that my boyfriend never stuck up for me. I dumped him soon after.

    2. Waiting tables, I had a guy tell me he only tipped good looking waitresses, not fat cows, then told the manager they needed to hire skinny waitresses only, coz the fatties made people not want to eat. I was a size twelve. I swapped off the table to someone else, but when they left, two of the guys with him came over and apologized for him and slipped me $10.
  • The biggest I've ever been was 140lbs at 5"3. During the time I was gaining weight I was eating a muffin and my older sister said to me "you're getting kind of fat."

    I stopped eating the muffin and felt pretty down on myself. I probably didn't need the muffin, I wasn't even hungry. It just felt like a compulsion to me to want to eat it. A few months after that my dad said "you're starting to fatten up a bit."

    Honestly I'm happy for their honesty. It was the wake-up call I needed. My mother was not helpful at all and kept trying to tell me to not lose weight, that I was fine the way I was. She's pretty chubby. I started going to the gym and eating healthy despite her discouragement.

    I'm down to about 123lbs-126lbs right now (I've gotten 121lbs-126lbs on electronic scales so I don't know what to believe). I still think I look pretty horrible, hoping to get down to 110 or 115 in time for the summer so being in a swimsuit won't make me anxious.

    I can't imagine how awful it would be for a stranger to go up to you and insult you. I would cry like a baby.
  • Two weeks ago my mother in law called me a fat cow ???? hurt pretty bad but motivates me to start losing weight again.
  • votkuhr
    votkuhr Posts: 276 Member
    This was when I was 15 kg heavier:

    I was reaching for a chewy chocolate cookie (yum!), and this person at work commented, “Are you sure you want to eat that?”

    In my mind, I was like “UGH, EFF OFF!”. And then I proceeded to bite into the cookie, go HMMMM, smile and walk away.
  • tx_chik
    tx_chik Posts: 6
    Hmmm the rudest thing... "You have such a pretty face. If only you would lose weight." Most ppl who know me, know that I have a mouth on me so if you talk mess. I can throw it right back at you.
  • MellMo1971
    MellMo1971 Posts: 22 Member
    My fat, diabetic uncle said "you don't miss many meals, do you?". He was not a nice guy (now deceased) and really had no room to talk considering his weight and medical issues.
  • I've never told this story before because it was just too painful, but what the heck. When I was around 21, a hundred years ago, I walked into a bar with some friends - Pat O'Brian's in New Orleans, to be exact. As soon as I walked in, a guy stood up, pointed at me, and shouted the words from a popular TV commercial, "WHERE'S THE BEEF? THERE'S THE BEEF!" A whole bunch of people turned to look at me and laughed. I ran to the restroom, where I stayed all night, crying, while my "friends" partied on in the bar. Pretty much didn't go anywhere at all for years after that experience.

    And while I'm at it, there was the time I was at a little "banana split party" at a friend's house. She brought us all our splits from the kitchen and mine was last. They all looked yummy! Only problem was - mine arrived covered in ketchup, much to the great amusement of everyone there. It was because I was fat, you see, so she didnt think I should have one. And I guess she thought I deserved to be humiliated as well.

    There's more where that came from, but that'll do for now. Whew, that felt good! It breaks my heart to read these stories...but at least now we know that we are not alone.
  • DucklingtoSwan
    DucklingtoSwan Posts: 169 Member
    I think it's actually a little therapeutic to be reading everyone's stories! I won't bother repeating all of the typical elementary/jr. high/high school/ mean mom/ unsympathetic sister/ cruel brothers incidents that have plagued so many of us... I did get the pregnancy question twice... one about twenty or so years ago from from a very sweet little old couple who'd offered for me to go ahead of them in checkout (I assumed it was because I only had one or two things as opposed to their cartful) and we got to chatting and the lady asked, "When are you due, dear?" I felt like I'd been shot right in the gut, but they were so sweet and nice and were not being mean or hateful at all, and in their defense I was wearing a high-waisted babydoll style dress that would make Kate Moss look expectant. I didn't have the heart to embarrass them, so next thing I knew I just opened my mouth and said, "January."

    The other time was maybe five years ago, I was in the waiting room while my daughter had her weekly speech and occupational therapies. it was a different day than we normally were there, so I had plenty of new faces to people-watch. There was a VHD (Very Hot Dad) that came in with his charges, and it was clear he had his hands full with the oldest, a girl who looked about 12 but functioned more like a much, much younger child. She was big for her age and very sweet and affectionate, trying to cuddle in his lap and asking a million questions like little ones tend to do. She spotted me, came over and asked if she could give me a hug. I told her I never turn down a free hug and as she gave me a big bear squeeze she asked if I had a baby in my tummy.

    There was that old feeling of being shot in the gut again, but I put on a big smile and said something like, "No, no baby, I'm just a big girl." She just said, "Okay!" And hugged me again and I looked over at Very Hot Dad and the look on his Very Mortified Face was so comical I almost laughed out loud. I threw him an "it's all good" look as he kind of mouthed, "I'm so sorry." His consternation turned it into more of a comical moment and eased a bit of the sting from the girl's innocent remark.
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    Wow, out of all of my travels I found the Thai's are the most respectful. I never feel out of place or different there. Other parts of Asia and the West I am always made to feel awful about my weight but never in Thailand. I am sorry you had this experience.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Wow. With all these comments, it's no wonder some people wake up disappointed that they didn't die in their sleep. I'm one of those people. I don't venture out of the house unless I need to, try to work out during off-hours and hide behind bulky clothes.

    Regarding the OP - the 'sister-in-law' is just plain awful as a human being. Being European is no excuse. My European in-laws are amazing and caring people. Seriously, if you can, minimize your time with this person - she is toxic.
  • nolabone
    nolabone Posts: 117 Member
    My brother use to call me "lard *kitten*" .... in elementary school. He's 10 years older than me. We get along great now though, but I have so many memories of crying over it.

    I have a lot of skinny friends that have told me I am "well proportioned for my size..." Thanks?

    A different family member has told me that I need to lose weight if I want to wear dresses or cute clothes. She also has complained how my niece takes after me, and how unfortunate it is that she has a similar body type to me. This woman is also 70+ pounds more than me, and is my nieces mom....
  • McCrabby
    McCrabby Posts: 77 Member
    I've never told this story before because it was just too painful, but what the heck. When I was around 21, a hundred years ago, I walked into a bar with some friends - Pat O'Brian's in New Orleans, to be exact. As soon as I walked in, a guy stood up, pointed at me, and shouted the words from a popular TV commercial, "WHERE'S THE BEEF? THERE'S THE BEEF!" A whole bunch of people turned to look at me and laughed. I ran to the restroom, where I stayed all night, crying, while my "friends" partied on in the bar. Pretty much didn't go anywhere at all for years after that experience.

    And while I'm at it, there was the time I was at a little "banana split party" at a friend's house. She brought us all our splits from the kitchen and mine was last. They all looked yummy! Only problem was - mine arrived covered in ketchup, much to the great amusement of everyone there. It was because I was fat, you see, so she didnt think I should have one. And I guess she thought I deserved to be humiliated as well.

    There's more where that came from, but that'll do for now. Whew, that felt good! It breaks my heart to read these stories...but at least now we know that we are not alone.

    Oh. My. God.

    You need new friends. I was horrified reading this! Actually, this whole thread is just a downer.

    I really hope you've found some supportive, caring people to share yourself with.
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    I was walking by a construction site once and a worker called out "Hey, how much do you charge?" Then made a disgusting pig squealing sound.

    Nasty toxic b****s are not limited by race, ethnicity, family relation, weight, country, city, town, or gender. The best way to get even is to succeed despite their efforts to bring you down.

    What a beast that woman is. I'm sorry. I would have to say something awful right back at least once, I'd make it a good one like the one poster suggested "Oh, well, I can lose the weight, but you'll probably always be a nasty person." Then walk away and never speak to her again. Cut off the offending wart.

    Refuse to let her keep you from family functions or talking to your boyfriend's brother or anything else you want to do or any place you want to go. Replace the dread you feel at possibly having to see her with absolute pity for the wretched person she is inside and be happy you aren't like her. Shine it on. Be happy. The heck with that witch. She's drinking hater-ade and it's making her a miserable person. No need for you to be one also. Go where you please, do what you please.
  • lilyflor
    lilyflor Posts: 123 Member
    I was asked once on the train how long was I on my pregnancy :( I wanted to die, but I lied I said 5, I was not going to let the woman humiliate me in front of others.
  • ashleearoha
    ashleearoha Posts: 165 Member
    On my 18th birthday my grandparents came from New Zealand to see me and at this time I was applying to join the Air Force and my pop said "don't you think you should lose some weight before trying to join the defence force".
    It hurt at the time but it really made me look at myself and I am a completely different person now..physically and mentally. i'm glad he said it.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    how much do you have to loose?..

    honestly i want to lose like 40 lbs. I recently lost 35 lbs 2 years ago but slowly gained it back ever since i moved here. I'm used to city living. I live in the country where there are not too many designated spots to workout unless you drive some place.

    Cant you use the advantage of living jn the country. I do and it workout place. I Walk or Jog in the lanes without fear of cars or people.
    I have never been to the US so I don't know what your idea of the country is.

    Anyway bottom line the woman sounds like a ***** and needs a slap.
    Sounds to me like she is belittling you to make herself look better.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    The rudest, to me, was: "Have you stopped lifting?"
  • I've never told this story before because it was just too painful, but what the heck. When I was around 21, a hundred years ago, I walked into a bar with some friends - Pat O'Brian's in New Orleans, to be exact. As soon as I walked in, a guy stood up, pointed at me, and shouted the words from a popular TV commercial, "WHERE'S THE BEEF? THERE'S THE BEEF!" A whole bunch of people turned to look at me and laughed. I ran to the restroom, where I stayed all night, crying, while my "friends" partied on in the bar. Pretty much didn't go anywhere at all for years after that experience.

    And while I'm at it, there was the time I was at a little "banana split party" at a friend's house. She brought us all our splits from the kitchen and mine was last. They all looked yummy! Only problem was - mine arrived covered in ketchup, much to the great amusement of everyone there. It was because I was fat, you see, so she didnt think I should have one. And I guess she thought I deserved to be humiliated as well.

    There's more where that came from, but that'll do for now. Whew, that felt good! It breaks my heart to read these stories...but at least now we know that we are not alone.

    Oh. My. God.

    You need new friends. I was horrified reading this! Actually, this whole thread is just a downer.

    I really hope you've found some supportive, caring people to share yourself with.

    I have! That was in my twenties - I'm 51 now and I have a wonderful, supportive hubby and family, as well as some good friends. I know those are horrible stories, but no worries, I'm a happy lady with a good (though still fat) life. :-)
  • eattilldie
    eattilldie Posts: 10 Member
    i have a friend(close friend.huh?)she z always there to comment abt my weight literaly calls me a buffalo.i dnt knw wat to do with her.she does all this as she z joking bt she z not .****ing embarrasing.
  • crystalcastles9
    crystalcastles9 Posts: 38 Member
    "You have beautiful face, it's a pity about your body" - My Mother.