Need opinion.... Not getting along with Gym go-ers



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I would definitely find another gym. The staff sounds unprofessional and the facilities obviously are sub par. Even super cheap gyms like x-sport have locker rooms. I totally get why you joined, convenience is huge, but this gym sounds like a headache.

    There are **** tons of private gyms out there without locker room facilities. My gym is three old self storage garages where the owner just knocked out the's pretty much like working out in my own garage. It however is an outstanding gym with a boxing ring, all the power lifting equipment you could ever want, tractor tires and sleds, heavy bag area, just doesn't have a locker room which is only sub-par if you need a locker room. Conversely, many of the main stream, commercial gyms have lovely powdering facilities, but nary a squat rack.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    My suggestion is to share the room with her. Maybe give each other back massages, snap each other with towels, and other suggestive activities.
  • misskris78
    misskris78 Posts: 136 Member
    I'd try talking to her first. Tell her that you noticed that you needed the facilities at the same time, and find out if there is a compromise. Worst case: She's a massive $#$*&. Best case: You've made a new friend. If it's the worst case, either put your makeup on at work or find another gym.
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    I am with those saying find another gym. It sounds kinda crummy. If you can't do that, if it's not convenient whatever, then maybe try a different workout time for a week or so and let things cool off.

    Okay, so having said that, I also use an elliptical at the gym quite frequently. Recently, a woman came in and turned the fan on while I was in the middle of my workout. It blew like a tornado and my hair was all over my face. She did not ask me first, nor did she seem to care that I was having to swat the hair out of my mouth because I didn't want to interrupt the flow of my workout. I did not appreciate it, I thought her very rude, but I was almost done with my workout and I just let it be. Then I sprayed a good bit of disinfectant on the machine I had just worked out on and let the smell blow all over in her direction. Childish? You bet.

    I would suggest that if you need to turn a fan back on if someone turns it off, or if you need to change the environment in any way while you are sharing the gym facilities, then ask the people working out if they mind. I always do. Just a little wave to get their attention and point to the t.v. or the fan or whatever it is you need to change.
  • Natmarie73
    Natmarie73 Posts: 287 Member

    This morning, was the final straw in my book. I guess the trainer must have talked to her about the bathroom because today she walked right in went straight to the bathroom. And she stayed in there until after I left. (over 45 minutes) I ended up changing and putting my makeup on at work. I haven't said anything to her, because i feel like she is one of those people who has to "win" every argument no matter how stupid and immature they look in the end. I really don't have time to argue with a child, nor do i want to stoop to her level. I'm paying for my membership, though. Should I tell the manager I need a refund and find a new gym? Or request that there be a trainer/supervision there at all times? Please help!

    What time do you get to the gym? Could you perhaps get there earlier and finish your workout before she gets there?
    If she is deliberately hogging the bathroom to stop you using it and doesn't respond to your attempts to sort out the problem like adulst then the simple (but childish and extremely satisfying) response would to just stay in the gym until she gives up and leaves the bathroom. She can't hide in the bathroom all day surely.
  • _cdaley
    _cdaley Posts: 79 Member
    I would definitely find another gym. The staff sounds unprofessional and the facilities obviously are sub par. Even super cheap gyms like x-sport have locker rooms. I totally get why you joined, convenience is huge, but this gym sounds like a headache.

    There are **** tons of private gyms out there without locker room facilities. My gym is three old self storage garages where the owner just knocked out the's pretty much like working out in my own garage. It however is an outstanding gym with a boxing ring, all the power lifting equipment you could ever want, tractor tires and sleds, heavy bag area, just doesn't have a locker room which is only sub-par if you need a locker room. Conversely, many of the main stream, commercial gyms have lovely powdering facilities, but nary a squat rack.

    You're totally right- I should have been more clear. Based on what OP described, which is that she uses the gym either before work or during lunch, a gym without a decent number of showers is sub par to her needs. Unless she can go to work sweaty, she might do better at a gym that has a locker room. I mentioned x-sport because it is a chain with locations in a number of places that is also pretty cheap. One of the gyms I work out at is Equinox, which has a beautiful locker room with tons of amenities, and the other is UFC, which has two small bathrooms but a great boxing ring and heavy bag set up. Both are great for different reasons! OP, I hope you find a gym that works for you :)
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    to quote bugs bunny

    "of course you realise, this means war"
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Small gym problems. She probably feels like she owns the place. My personal method would be confrontation, and seek a resolution one way or another, then get on my life. But that may not work for you.
  • krys185
    krys185 Posts: 8
    It's her problem, she's wasting 45 minutes sitting in a toilet when she could be working out! Either that or still sleeping and eventually waking up on the right side of the bed.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    . Conversely, many of the main stream, commercial gyms have lovely powdering facilities, but nary a squat rack.

    meh- I go to a small powerhouse- has 3 racks- it's small- not a large crowd. within 2 weeks I knew the regulars on my lifting schedule.

    still has a locker room and a shower for more than one person.

    If you join a gym with 2 bathroom- you need to get over the fact you'll have to wait for the bathroom. Clearly someone else feels entitled.

    That being said if I went to a place with only 2 bathrooms- there is no way I'd be in there for 30 minutes- yes that's a reasonable time to get ready but for a small facility in the interest of others- I'd make it a 5 min shower- fix hair to 'good enough' and do make up at work.

    OP I'd just find a new gym- that doesn't seem worth the hassle.
  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    I would find a new gym if you need to spend 30 minutes getting ready. It is rude to monopolize the only women's bathroom for that amount of time just for vanity. I can understand the other woman getting upset about it, although she is definitely dealing with it childishly.

    If I were you, I would talk to her - apologize for taking so long in the bathroom and tell her you didn't realize any women were waiting. Then I would tell her that in the future I would take the briefest of showers and do my hair & makeup at work.
    5 min is an appropriate amount of time.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    This is why it's so important to be really polite when you go to a small gym. If the OP had been really nice to the new person they probably could have just talked and worked something out. But now that it's war, there's not much you can do. One of you two will probably have to quit. Until then it will just be an unpleasent experience.

    And isn't there some way you can spend less than 30 minutes in one of the only two bathrooms??? That would annoy the heck out of me. Can't you brush your teeth and do some of that stuff before working out?
  • PolacaFL
    PolacaFL Posts: 213 Member
    Sounds like you are acting entitled: "My fan, my bathroom"

    Try being more considerate towards others.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Yeah, talk to her. Worst thing that could happen... cat fight!

    Ask her to grab a beer with you after work.
  • getlessheavy
    getlessheavy Posts: 10 Member
    simple, ask her if you can buy her a cup of coffee to chat a bit - it's really nice having another lady there in the morning working out too, and would like to figure out how to make it work for both of you!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Was the fan oscillating, at an angle, or blowing directly on you.

    If it were oscillating or blowing on other machines, you could have just moved it so it was only blowing on you, thus defusing the situation. I can't stand the industrial fans at the gym and ask people to do this all the time.
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    I personally would find another gym. It sounds like the locker room facilities are sub-par, and unless either you or this other woman change your workout schedules, it's just not going to work for you.

    Did you visit the gym before you bought a membership? The lack of shower facilities would be a deal-breaker for me, especially if you plan on only working out before work. (I do go to a yoga studio without showers, but only in the evenings so that doesn't bug me.)
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    I would stick it out a bit longer. She is clearly trying to make a point, in the way any b*tchy girl does. She will soon get bored of focussing more on what you're doing than what she is doing. If it carries on for the next few weeks then I would say something to management. Someone complained about you so you're well within your rights to complain about someone else.

    You could always bang on the bathroom door - if she complains, you can just say it's what the manager/trainer advised to do in that situation!
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    It sounds to me like the blame here is shared equally. Neither of you wants to act reasonably, because you're both convinced that you're "right" even if that's not the case.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am laughing and shaking my head right now...

    I mean really??? seriously considering leaving a gym you like because you feel that one other woman is being nasty...

    There is this thing called conversation...when the fan got turned off it would have been very easy to say

    "Hey sorry if this bothers you let me see if I can get it so it doesn't blow on you so much..."

    With the bathroom 30mins??? really and you knew another woman was there...seems selfish and passive agressive to me...

    And after you were approached by the staff it would have been just as easy to talk to the other woman, apologize for taking that much time but you didn't realize she needed the wash room and that maybe since you both want to workout in the morning you could come up with a compromise...

    Like shower...get out, get dressed, let her shower, get dressed then you share the facilities for make up and hair...

    It's like you are both trying to out muscle each other at a gym...if you were men I would tell you to put the measuring sticks away...neither of you is winning this war you both just look petty now.