Wellbutrin and weight loss



  • Xingy01
    Xingy01 Posts: 83 Member
    I started taking Wellbutrin a few months ago. The weight is coming off easier than ever. My doctor did tell me that Wellbutrin will suppress some people's appetites. It seems to have that effect on me. It also makes me have more energy and want to go out and move around more. 35 of the 45 lbs I've lost have been while taking Wellbutrin
  • Can Everyone please specify whether they are on WB XL or WB SR? I think there is a difference.

    I started Prozac 20mg once a day early in 2012 after finding out my mother had stage 4 breast cancer. Prozac numbed me and helped me cope with the overwhelming emotions. I have always been a kind and very sensitive person who carries the weight of my friend's and family's issues on my shoulders, and deal with it by rambling on and on with whoever is present and will listen. The Prozac put a stop to all that. I was not bothered with other people's problems, problems that I was powerless to do anything about anyway.

    On Prozac I lost 6 lbs within 2 weeks, but was numb and had Zero libido. So the doctor added WB SR 150 once a day. In about 2 weeks on those two medicines I decided to stop the Prozac bcz I had no motivation to get off of the sofa. On just the WB SR 150, motivation returned in about a month as did my libido. But I couldn't sleep, had memory lapses, ringing in my ears sometimes, and constipation.

    Later in 2012 I started WB XL 150 when my doctor accidentally prescribed it instead of SR. I liked the XL better than the SR, because I slept better, had less of the memory loss side effects, no more constipation, and rarely had the ringing in my ears. Maybe bcz of the slower, steadier release of the meds into my system over a 24 hours period.

    On WB SR 150, I didn't lose or gain back the weight I had lost on Prozac, even though I did not exercise. On WB XL 150, I gained back the weight and then some within a month. Both made me crave sweets, but the SR made me happy to just eat about 6 to 10 Jolly Ranchers nearly every day. On WB XL, I ate bread, high fat sweets like donuts and cake, and rich cheesy meaty meals. And now the XL had started to affect my sleep.

    I stopped taking WB XL three weeks ago, because I was tired of the lack of sleep side effect, increased carb cravings, and lack of creativity in my book writing. Result: I slept better after the first few days, and had decreased carb cravings. But I did not write one word, and began stressing and ranting over annoying things I could do nothing about. Plus I put on weight and retained lots of water while eating less than I had been eating on the WB XL and exercising the same as I had been.

    I started WB SR 150 again today because I don't like who I am off of it. It gave me peace of mind and evened out my emotions. Weight gain or loss is not my goal with the meds, but I certainly hope I don't gain.

    Thanks everyone for keeping the community posted on your experience with WB. :flowerforyou:
  • mikeanddebi1
    mikeanddebi1 Posts: 5 Member
    I am on Wellbutrin XL...the jitters have started to stop and so have the headaches. But I'm careful to NOT have more then one cup of caffeine. I have been on it almost two weeks now.
  • Im on wellbutrin right now. And I lost 15lbs in 6 days. Ik its not healthy but im under a doctors care. He also told me to eat gluten free. I havent had much energy to do anything tho.
  • runnergirl0419
    runnergirl0419 Posts: 17 Member
    I was originally on Zoloft for depression and it worsened everything ten-fold. Became extremely extremely depressed and gained 5 or 6 pounds in just 8 weeks. I am already a small person so the 5 or 6 pounds looked and felt absolutely terrible. Went to my doctor and she prescribed Wellbutrin. After being on the Wellbutrin I have lost 7 pounds, feel happy, cheerful, motivated, and better than I have in months. I would recommend it to anyone.
  • Bfross415
    Bfross415 Posts: 1
    I got put on Celexa 20mg and was on it for almost a year I have gained 30lbs! And I have lost my sex drive. I am starting wellbutrin xl 150 tomorrow (I have to continue celexa too as I wean off)... I hope it makes me lose weight!
  • kbeloved
    kbeloved Posts: 67 Member
    I took wellbutrin for about 3 weeks and loved it! until i had a severe allergic reaction and broke out in hives and ended up in the ER. it definitely helped with my depression and suppressed my appetite. I lost 6lbs in two weeks. I wish i could take it because it worked so well for me, but now i'm doing things the old fashioned way and eating healthy in combo with exercise. Feel free to add me I have also taken celexa but am anti-depressant free for the time being
  • I took Wellbutrin for two months. It suppressed my appetite, but also prevented me from focusing very well and made me get agitated very easily... The very little weight loss I experienced was not worth it and I packed the weight back on after I got off the meds.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    I am looking for those that have been on Wellbutrin before. I am currently on Celexa 40 mg for depression starting in Nov 2011 when I became suicidal. Well, one of the biggest side effects of it is weight gain in which I have gained 15 lbs. I have been watching my diet and exercising faithfully 4 days/week with no success. Today, I saw my dr and told her of my concern. She said that my anti-depressant is very much the culprit, so we are transitioning me to Wellbutrin. For the next 2 weeks, I will be take 20 mg of Celexa along with my Wellbutrin then just Wellbutrin. I am looking for those that have been on it while trying to lose weight - any success? Any issues? She said if it works for me, I should notice a difference in a few weeks. I have worked really hard on my weight, and I don't want to start putting it back on again. These 15 lbs that I have "gained" really, really bother me. Thanks in advance.

    I was on Wellbutrin XL about 3 years ago for a year. It made me have no appetite and I lost 25lbs. After I decided I didn't need it anymore I gained it all back and then some with a raging appetite. Just be careful.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Can't help you. I took Wellbutrin a number of years ago and although I had terrible tremors from it, I found it a great way to lose weight. I was sorry to go off it, but the tremors were pretty bad.
    RWTBR Posts: 140 Member
    I have lost a ton of weight on wellbutrin 300 XL

    Oh, LOL, I just realized I already commented on this post months ago.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I take it. It hasn't affected my weight loss at all!!
  • Kdmcfly
    Kdmcfly Posts: 1
    I have been on Wellbutrin for about 4 years now. It is wonderful, and has saved my life. I never really had issues with my weight... Until I switched to bupropionxl. It seems like once a week I am bigger and bigger. I eat moderately healthy, and work out 5 days a week. I noticed weight gain, in spite of my healthy lifestyle, so I started upping my cardio. I still continued to gain weight!!! I am so disgusted. I am trying to switch back to Wellbutrin. Hopefully I can shed some of the extra weight.
  • jlshea
    jlshea Posts: 494 Member
    Today is day 1 of Wellbutrin XL 150 mg. I was on it about 8 years ago and am excited to try it again now that I have better insurance.

    I had been on Buspar for 2 years. I'm so mad that it worked great for my anxiety but I literally gained 40 lbs in 2 years.

    I'm excited for my new journey.
  • resadlj39
    resadlj39 Posts: 1
    I because of anti depressants have gained alot of weight. I was concerned so I am currently on Bupropion XL 450 mg. It has been great in my efforts to lose weight. Finally the numbers on the scale is going down instead of up. It helps with appetite and energy levels. I hope it works out for you.
  • toastsoy
    toastsoy Posts: 1
    I was on Paxil for a year and gained 14 pounds on it! No anxiety but it made me sleep so much that I know that didn't help with my weight (it also numbs your feelings, I think I didn't cry OR laugh for a year!) I finally got off that and started Wellbutrin's generic Bupropion XL 150mg a week ago. What I noticed so far was that I don't crave alcohol (with paxil I did--weird and probably contributed to my weight gain), with this I can only have like 2 glasses of wine and two beers. I also noticed that I am more thorough with my studies, I don't made small dumb mistakes like I used to (I have mild ADD), my appetite has definitely decreased, not by a lot but I see that I get full really easily and seem to only eat when I am actually hungry. No weight-loss yet but I am hoping. My anxiety is still there, so I am also hoping it helps with that too. My mood so far has been ok, no real changes yet. When I went off paxil I started having emotions again which is wonderful. I have no negative reactions to Bupro--at first I thought I was having anger outbursts but then I realized I was just getting my period :) On paxil, my period came and went with no pms issues. So with this Wellbutrin generic--so far so good, but I have a feeling it hasn't fully "kicked-in" yet.
  • nonacgp
    nonacgp Posts: 132
    I've been on Wellbutrin for 4 yrs. now. Initially, you will see a decreased appetite and probably lose some but over time, this wonderful side effect is no longer evident. A lot of people experience this initial effect from the medication. Many of my patients have also reported initial wt. loss but gain it back soon after. So...let it give you the boost in wt. loss that we so often need to stay motivated! But don't depend on it to last.
  • sunger12
    sunger12 Posts: 3 Member
    Ahhh, I feel your pain! When I went on Celexa this past fall, I gained 30 lbs in 6 months. It was awful (especially since I had worked so hard the previous 3 years to lose 50 lbs all all my hard work was destroyed in 6 months because of depression).

    I expressed my concerns about my weight gain to my doctor and she switched me to wellbutrin (well, the off brand wellbutrin). While it was fine, it did nothing for my weight. In the last month, I have actually stopped taking my AD and have felt better than ever! I am back to exercising and eating healthy. So far, I'm 6 lbs down and it feels amazing. I'm hoping to continue the weight loss trend without having to get back on AD.
  • mikeanddebi1
    mikeanddebi1 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been on Wellbutrin for 3 months now. What I did notice was that my initial weight loss has slowed. But in the beginning I discovered I could not have sugar due to jitters. But in the last month I was having a few skittles here and a few M&M's there. I cut that sugar out which I think was fueling my hunger. So far on Wellbutrin I have lost 18 pounds and the cutting the sugar out in the last week really helped!
  • Lucky you! I gained about 40. Then again, I was on it for years:laugh: