Review of Jillian Michaels body revolution



  • tripletsmom07
    tripletsmom07 Posts: 2 Member
    Great post! I started doing JMBR a couple of weeks ago and I absolutely love it! I have lost 5 lbs so far and that's without following the diet. I intend on following the diet to speed up progress since I have 50 lbs to lose. The diet is the hardest part for me it seems. Good luck to everyone and keep posting your progress! It's so motivating!
  • I also own JMBR. I love the workouts, and I will be starting week 3 tomorrow. Does everyone do it 6 days a week? I am active, and sometimes do not want to do a workout dvd when it's so nice outside. I run, walk, and hike outside, and try to do JMBR at least 3-4 times per week. Will I just see results a bit slower (which is okay, i'm also using MFP and tracking 1200 calories per day). I know being active is being active no matter what it is. i was just curious if everyone always does this 6 days a week. I have not fallen off the bandwagon - which is also a great thing (sometimes I get bored, and stop doing certain workouts).
  • JennyNotSoSkinny
    JennyNotSoSkinny Posts: 93 Member
    I started on June 4th so 2mw begins my week 11. I'm actually sad that it's almost over but I have ordered more JM dvd's to keep me going until I decide to restart the program.

    My review: I have a love/hate relationship with JM. I f*cking hate that b*tch a lot of days, but at the end of my workout after I look myself in the mirror at my sweaty shirt and look at how many cals I burned on my HRM, she's a bit less of a b*tch than she was 30 minutes prior. I totally recommend this program to anyone who loves her.

    She speaks on losing 5 - 6 lbs per week, but I didn't see that as possible even in my beginning. I refused to follow the food plan provided because I didn't eat half the crap on it and if I'm going to make a lifestyle change, I'm going to have to be able to eat what I want (in moderation of course). I was doing more than what the plan asked because I always did 30 minutes of cardio after each DVD and I worked out hard with a trainer on the weekends, but I still think a lot of my success came from my daily workouts with JM.
  • I ordered the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution on 10/30/12. I received one confirmation of the order (attached). I received the order on 11/3/12.
    On 11/5/12 I received another order. I opened it and compared the packing slips from the two orders and the contents of the new order and determined I was sent a duplicate order in error.
    I immediately contacted the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution toll free customer service number listed on the packing slip and spoke with a customer service rep and explained that I received a duplicate order in error and wanted to return the duplicate order for a full refund. He told me I could return it for a full refund minus the $14.99 shipping fee or I could pay to have it shipped using another shipping method myself but either way I would have to pay to return this duplicate order sent to me in error.

    I told him I didn’t feel I should be penalized with having to now pay to return this duplicate order that I never requested and asked to speak to his manager. He became rude at this point and said, “he’s only going to tell you the same thing” and immediately cut me off and put me on hold though I was still speaking to him. When his manager came to the phone he was not friendly at all, just very stern with a nonchalant attitude as though he didn’t care about me as a customer or the fact that a duplicate order was sent to me in error and did say exactly what the other rep said. I was advised to call again by a family member to see if I would get a better customer service rep…the 3rd person I spoke to was the worst of all and was also unwilling to help me return the package I was shipped in error without incurring additional costs. That call was over in less than 20 seconds.

    I love Jillian Michaels and was excited to try the Revolution Program. I think it is terrible that she has this type of customer service and has no regard for her customers/fans who spend their hard earned money on her products. I purchased this product in good faith thinking I would only receive and be billed for one. I received one confirmation of the order and did not have any error messages appear when I placed the order. I think it’s terrible that I received no assistance (just bad attitude/customer service) in returning the duplicate order sent in error (which the first rep confirmed was an error saying that the orders generated seconds apart and that a 2nd confirmation may have went to my spam folder, which I checked my spam folder and did not receive a 2nd confirmation of order). Based on the poor customer service and lack of assistance in returning the order sent in error without incurring additional costs; I have returned both orders. The manager said I would be refunded in full for both as long as I used/paid for the return using a track-able shipping method which I did (attached, please find the priority mail confirmations and tracking numbers for both orders. Also attached is the original order confirmation and the two packing slips with order details). I was a big Jillian Michaels fan and now I have a bad taste in my mouth for her and everything that has to do with Jillian Michaels based off this horrible experience. This experienced cost me $19.90 in shipping fees returning the items. I didn’t even get to try the products out…I gained nothing from this. But, a duplicate order generated and shipped in error, poor customer service with no beneficial resolution to me the customer, my credit card being charged twice in error and additional fees shipping the products back.

    You should receive the shipments in 2 to 3 business days and I expect FULL refunds for both orders credited to my account ASAP upon delivery. I will not recommend anyone to purchase from Jillian Michaels based off this experience and funny a week ago I had nothing but great things to say…now all I have is this very bad experience to tell others about instead...
  • shellux
    shellux Posts: 164 Member
    bump for later
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member

    You should receive the shipments in 2 to 3 business days and I expect FULL refunds for both orders credited to my account ASAP upon delivery. I will not recommend anyone to purchase from Jillian Michaels based off this experience and funny a week ago I had nothing but great things to say…now all I have is this very bad experience to tell others about instead...

    That really sucks that you had to go through all of that! However, I think the anger should be towards the distributor Gaiam, not necessarily Body Revolution itself.
  • Tamicejl
    Tamicejl Posts: 65 Member
    I have it at home and started it and fell into a slump and stopped..... It is challenging and takes effort but you can do it ..... I am going to start next week.
  • Jovan0609
    Jovan0609 Posts: 233 Member
    I'm just started week 1 of my 2nd month with the program and I AM IN LOVE WITH IT!! I lost 14 inches all over in the first month alone. The first weeks of the workout aren't really that difficult, especially if you're coming off of Ripped in 30 (which is what I did.) She definitely ramps it up as the weeks continue though. What I'm realizing is that things that I could barely do or had to do the modified version of in weeks 1 and 2, I'm actually completing in weeks 5 & REAL pushups. :-)

    The workouts are only 30-35 minutes long and you can expect to burn between 250-350 calories. You will complete two different DVDs for two weeks. The first one you're supposed to do on Mondays and Thursdays and it hits the front of the body. The other one is for Tuesdays and Fridays and it works the back of the body. Wednesdays and Saturdays are your cardio days, and Sunday is your day of rest. You get one cardio DVD taht you can do for the entire month. I got a little bored with it after a week, so I started changing it up by doing the elliptical instead or a dance class.

    I have not been following the diet because like someone else stated, a lot of the foods on there I'm not too fond of. I am, however, making sure that I don't exceed my calories that MFP allows to ensure that I have a deficit and I upped my protein intake, as well.

    I only had 5 more pounds to lose, so I've only seen a 2 pound loss on the scale (which I was excited about because I've been on a plateau for 3 months), but the inches I've lost and the tone and definition that I'm seeing in my arms, legs, glutes, and back are enough motivation for me. I've also noticed a considerable difference in my mid-section just after the first month (and so did my boyfriend). I would agree with everyone else that some of the workouts can be a bit strenuous for those who have knee problems, but you can always modify the exercise or not do as many. It's nowhere near what P90 does to your knees though.

    As I said before, I'm only on month (phase) 2, but I highly recommend this program. Hope this helps... :smile:
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    trork77, write on the body revolution facebook wall, you'll get a response from this guy to email him then he'll fix things up for you real quick. Me and a friend had issues and he fixed both just like that.
  • jupityjupe
    jupityjupe Posts: 86 Member
    i did it half way into the second set of dvds. i didn't use her meal plan, but instead did my own diet and lower calories. i didn't lose one damn inch, anywhere, and it was killing my knees.

    i know others may have better results because i am not technically overweight, but i thought it would help me firm up and lose inches around my waiste. it did not
  • I would like to make a comment to the individual who was shipped a duplicate order. If you had contacted your credit card company, you probably could have disputed the second charge. When that happens, the charge is removed from your card until the situation is resolved. From past experience with a similar situation, the company quickly resolved to my satisfaction. I do sympathize with you. When that happened to me I so wanted to reach through the phone and slap a face. :-) I have to remember the Golden Rule and also, what goes around will come around.
  • JacksonEricka
    JacksonEricka Posts: 4 Member
    Hello. Do you have a shopping list for the main cook book?
  • catz4ever45
    catz4ever45 Posts: 21 Member
    I just saw this in store and came on here to find out if it was worth the money after reding everyones review I may do it after I'm done 30DS
  • Hey there!! My friend Stacy is also doing this workout. She has been doing it for about 5 days (making today her 6th) and you can already see a change in her stomach. It is about an inch smaller and it is amazing. But I also have a question: Does doing this DVD make you lose the weight in your thighs too? I am very unhappy with my thighs so I was just wondering if this veideo helos at all? Thanks so much!!
  • This was very challenging for me (almost-50 woman with 25 to 30 pounds to lose). I did it last year, and it whipped my butt but I was able to make it through with some modifications for my old body. I like the fact that you switch around between different workouts so it didn't get boring like some other programs too. I also like Jillian's personality, which is very much a personal preference thing. I know some people find her obnoxious. I'd like to see different body types in the workouts, but that's only a small quibble. Overall, I think it's a great at-home program.
  • sweetd_cali
    sweetd_cali Posts: 323 Member
    Hey there!! My friend Stacy is also doing this workout. She has been doing it for about 5 days (making today her 6th) and you can already see a change in her stomach. It is about an inch smaller and it is amazing. But I also have a question: Does doing this DVD make you lose the weight in your thighs too? I am very unhappy with my thighs so I was just wondering if this veideo helos at all? Thanks so much!!

    When I did the full 90 day program I lost inches all over including my thighs. My problems are my upper arms and I lost inches there amazingly!
  • I just ordered this program and I am so scared! I know she is hardcore. I tried her 30 day shred and I realize how out of shape I really am. I know it is going to be a test of all I have in me... but i have to do something!! I have 85 pounds to lose and I am hoping this will help at least shed 40-50lbs. My question is what after? Is there follow up? What if I have more weight to lose, do I keep with the last program until I see results. I hope to get all my answers from the free 30 day website that comes with the program as there is a Ask Jillian section. Maybe answers will come with program info? We will see in a week, im hoping I see the program at my door this week!!! I havent been using mfp to record food lately, I need to be more diligent and use it.I do however write in a journal. I read a lot of articles, message boards for encouragement it helps me keep my goals in check, learn new things and check out reviews, like this one! Wish me luck with Jillian! I already know I am going to need it shes going to kick my butt LOL!
  • I'm restarting today! I started the first time January 2013. I was size 12/14 and weighed 165. I'm 5'4. 40 yrs old. When I finished the 12 week program I weighed 130, and wore a size 7!!! I LOVE LOVE THIS PROGRAM!! It works! I did pick 3 meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner, from her meal plan and ate those. I have a big family and it was hard to just shop for me, so I found some the whole family would like, or that was easy for me to make while cooking for the family.
    This past summer our family of 7 moved across country, it took a week to drive it, and we sort of vacationed along the way. When we got here, we stayed with family for a while, and then I was all off track... So needless to say, I need to get my body back, and never stop. I will just do this as a life choice, not a diet/exercise program.
  • dempseymom4
    dempseymom4 Posts: 35 Member
    I am extremely disgusted with their customer service as I placed my order yesterday received the confirmation email that I would be charged 44.98 for the first installement plus 14.95 for shipping and low and behold as I check my account today I was charged the FULL AMOUNT OF 104.98. Called customer service and they were absolutely no help as they said it will take 3-5 days for the charge to fall off and the correct one to show up. When I asked why they didn't contact me with this mistake their response was "we didn't know there was a mistake" WTF you sent me the freakin receipt. While I still am anxious to try the videos I am disgusted with their customer service.