Anyone else have days where they don't get full??



  • JackieRL55
    JackieRL55 Posts: 144 Member
    "Full" is a psychological mindset. It takes time for the body to tell the brain that it's full so take some time to think about how you're really feeling. Could it be stress or anxiety that's preventing you from feeling full? Also, sometimes dehydration is disguised as hunger so drink plenty of water.

    You could very well just be hungry but these points are important to keep in the back of your mind.
  • actioncomics1
    all day every day:brokenheart: thats why im fat:explode: :laugh:
  • msthang444
    msthang444 Posts: 491 Member
    I frequently feel like that!!! One thing I do that helps on occasion is drink ice water and eat the ice... i think it tricks my mind into "eating".
  • firestation12
    What are rest days? Oh, no exercise days, get it.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    I had one of those days yesterday. The day before, i went on my longest, fastest ride so far this season, and i came back home starving! I think the hunger the next day has to do with your body wanting nutrients, macro and micro, to help the recovery process.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    for sure esp after a heavy DL/squat day...

    I have not noticed any lately but my squats have been deloaded for injury recovery so not as much lately

    My hungry days are hard I will often hit maintenance if I am not careful and I have to make sure I have lots of protien.
  • nangytime
    Do you find that the foods you are eating have enough protein and fiber to keep you satiated? Also, I find that if I don't drink enough water, I never feel "full."
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Lack of sleep or stress does this to me far more than exercise.
  • supra_driven
    supra_driven Posts: 90 Member
    I don't get full anymore. Yesterday I ate 4500 cals in a two hour window as part of my carb cycling and I could go on if I wanted to. Thankfully for me, I have discipline and I'm able to stick to my goal and not over do it. I think I can be a professional competitive eater if I tried lol. But that's not my goal. Just trying to build some mass.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I totally do this on days after long runs, or going hard in the gym. Make sure you're eating enough on your hard days. And then go with it a little bit.

    No calculator can tell you what you need as well as your body.

    If you find that you are WAY over each week and gaining too much, figure out how to balance. However it's likely you'll find that it'll either even out or you needed those calories to begin with.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    yes, today! omg. I am ready to chew off my fingers.
  • matt6050
    matt6050 Posts: 56 Member
    I find that I'm a lot more peckish and inclined to want naughty foods on the days I don't go to the gym, it's almost like a boredom thing for me I think, so I don't have actual rest days, I do something light, like go for a walk or for a splash about in the pool, rather than do nothing....
    Totally agree, I definitely get cravings for indulgent foods...
  • matt6050
    matt6050 Posts: 56 Member
    Do you find that the foods you are eating have enough protein and fiber to keep you satiated? Also, I find that if I don't drink enough water, I never feel "full."
    I try and stay as hydrated as I can, and since I exercise a lot and am vegetarian, I am very aware of protein/fiber needs and am almost always over on those macros at the end of the day