PMS and Binge Eating - real or just an excuse?



  • candidcamster
    candidcamster Posts: 44 Member
    As a PMSer who just had a bad binging incident yesterday, I would say it is very real. I get cramps when it's my time of the month, some women don't it doesn't mean mine are imaginary.
  • Chocolatdee1203
    As a PMSer who just had a bad binging incident yesterday, I would say it is very real. I get cramps when it's my time of the month, some women don't it doesn't mean mine are imaginary.

  • Reenimal
    Reenimal Posts: 10 Member
    Just want to say that as someone knee-deep in all those mood swings/stomach pangs/fatigue and probably minutes from the crimson tide, sitting here curled up reading every single post on the thread has brought me much amusement/reassurance/ slightly more patience AND mindfulness about the infinite shades of experiences human ladies have with hormones and feelings and alllll that *kitten*.

    Now, to sit here and focus on waiting for my (planned and logged and somewhat modulated) feast of Chipotle burrito and adult beverages ( I oscillate between any TOM sweet cravings and my usual preference for alcohol not sugar).

    Hang in there ladies! :heart: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • nicolemontagna22
    nicolemontagna22 Posts: 229 Member
    I donate plasma and they check nutrient levels prior to make sure everything is up. Mine are always lower when it's period time. They told me to eat more during because I'm losing nutrients. If our body is in need of nutrients we crave food. So I believe we need more food. So here is where a decision comes in. My body is craving protein and I'm feeling like something spicy. Do I pig out on chicken wings or make myself grilled boneless bites and eat to a point of filling full. To me there's no wrong answer as long as I'm willing to live with it after. Whether the body craves quantity or a certain taste is one thing. I don't believe we have a choice on that. But We can come up with better lower calorie ways to feed it. Whether we do it more or less healthy is the decision.

    I get what your asking though. After plasma I'm hungrier than usual. But do I even use THAT as a reason to eat cheese fries until I feel like I'm going to explode or do I only eat until what I crave until my body tells me it's full.
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    I binge every time I get a bunch of private messages. It's the stress.


  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I don't buy into the "I have PMS so I just ate 5,000 calories!" theories floating around. Yes, when I get PMS I get cravings for salty and sweet things. I crave food with those tastes. HOWEVER, I still manage to keep control of the AMOUNT of those sweet and salty foods I'm eating.

    I think overeating and blaming it on PMS is wrong. We should have more control over it than some women like to believe. It shouldn't be an excuse to eat way too much.

    I'd like to hear from other women about this topic. All replies are welcome.
    My experience is A, so if you say your experience is B, then you are just making excuses.


    Until you live in another person's body, you can't have any idea what that person goes through at any given time.


    Exactly! stop being so damn judgmental.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    As a PMSer who just had a bad binging incident yesterday, I would say it is very real. I get cramps when it's my time of the month, some women don't it doesn't mean mine are imaginary.

  • cchew686
    cchew686 Posts: 108
    I get really hungry right before....and then don't want to eat anything for the first two days of TOM. So it offsets, right? :smile:
  • melissa_bebb
    I don't buy into the "I have PMS so I just ate 5,000 calories!" theories floating around. Yes, when I get PMS I get cravings for salty and sweet things. I crave food with those tastes. HOWEVER, I still manage to keep control of the AMOUNT of those sweet and salty foods I'm eating.

    I think overeating and blaming it on PMS is wrong. We should have more control over it than some women like to believe. It shouldn't be an excuse to eat way too much.

    I'd like to hear from other women about this topic. All replies are welcome.
    My experience is A, so if you say your experience is B, then you are just making excuses.


    Until you live in another person's body, you can't have any idea what that person goes through at any given time.

    Totally this! Everyone's body chemistry is so different. It's the reason that birth control has no effects on one woman and detrimental effects on another.
  • EreborsPrincess
    It is so funny how we as women can be so brutal to eachother. NO ONE knows what the other's body goes through at the special time of the month as there are many factors that play into it like your hormone levels, chemistry, DNA, weight etc. So to say that people are using their period as an excuse or copout is kinda harsh. It is like me saying I don't PMS so those that say they do are full of $%^&. It is funny because this whole week I have been fighting urges big time and not being satisfied with my normally satisfying healthy food or getting hungry super quick after I eat. I have been saying all week WTH is wrong. Look at the calendar and... I am due next week. It makes sense. Now I have ate three cookies in two days which I wouldn't normally touch. No it is isn't binging but I sympathize with those that can't control the urges and the hunger like they can normally. I think that admitting that you overate is owning it no matter what the reason you attribute it to. This is a weight loss forum so get off of the pulpit and stop preaching about how you are a rock star and can control your urges and others are just weak excuse makers. What satisfaction is there in putting others down just because you don't struggle like they do? Try being uplifing instead of insulting. This thread is 6 pages long with women who say they suffer from this struggle every month obviously it is real for some. When God made you he didn't clone you or your DNA into all of us so let's stop the madness. #GoingtogetanothercookieandIOWNTHAT

    I like you!!!
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    As a PMSer who just had a bad binging incident yesterday, I would say it is very real. I get cramps when it's my time of the month, some women don't it doesn't mean mine are imaginary.

    I get really horny, my friend does not. My sex drive is imaginary in this case too it would seem.

    I hate imaginary stuff.
  • SPeffer1
    SPeffer1 Posts: 74 Member
    I personally get extremely binge-y during PMS. I don't typically give in to it, but it's like an uncontrollable need to eat. And I do NOT have normal cycles, so it's not like I'm just expecting it. I never know when that TOM is coming except that I sometimes get a massive migraine and I get this ridiculous hunger where I never feel full regardless of what I eat.

    Thankfully I'm usually able to control it, and when I realize what the issue is I tend to eat something like celery or carrots.

    If I'm actually craving something in particular I'll likely have a little of that, but I won't let myself go crazy on it.

    But I do believe it's real and hormone driven. I also have months where I get incredibly angry at the littlest thing and nothing and I mean NOTHING (including my toddler who I love) can keep me from those feelings. Luckily I've learned to control it a bit better. Usually though I tend to just go out for a run or something so nobody has to be around me.

    Hormones can be funny things....

    Now unlike others I don't have cramps really and my cycles are incredibly light and over in two days typically. So everyone is just different.
  • RaggsJoe
    RaggsJoe Posts: 1
    When you find out why this is, let me know. I have the same problem. I can eat a large meal, and after 1/2 hour or so, I could eat again!
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I don't buy into the "I have PMS so I just ate 5,000 calories!" theories floating around. Yes, when I get PMS I get cravings for salty and sweet things. I crave food with those tastes. HOWEVER, I still manage to keep control of the AMOUNT of those sweet and salty foods I'm eating.

    I think overeating and blaming it on PMS is wrong. We should have more control over it than some women like to believe. It shouldn't be an excuse to eat way too much.

    I'd like to hear from other women about this topic. All replies are welcome.

    Do we have to say this so many times??

    Every woman is not YOU. You are no better than anyone else.

    Yes the binge eating is REAL with women that suffer from PMDD. Are you aware that women who suffer from PMDD often have bi-polar, schizophrenic and psychotic breaks where they are not fully in control????

    Of course you don't. You want to put on the I am better than every other woman because I don't suffer from other disorders.

    Its not an excuse, it is REAL. I have a couple of good friends that suffer from this.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I don't buy into the "I have PMS so I just ate 5,000 calories!" theories floating around. Yes, when I get PMS I get cravings for salty and sweet things. I crave food with those tastes. HOWEVER, I still manage to keep control of the AMOUNT of those sweet and salty foods I'm eating.

    I think overeating and blaming it on PMS is wrong. We should have more control over it than some women like to believe. It shouldn't be an excuse to eat way too much.

    I'd like to hear from other women about this topic. All replies are welcome.
    My experience is A, so if you say your experience is B, then you are just making excuses.


    Until you live in another person's body, you can't have any idea what that person goes through at any given time.

  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I don't buy into the "I have PMS so I just ate 5,000 calories!" theories floating around. Yes, when I get PMS I get cravings for salty and sweet things. I crave food with those tastes. HOWEVER, I still manage to keep control of the AMOUNT of those sweet and salty foods I'm eating.

    I think overeating and blaming it on PMS is wrong. We should have more control over it than some women like to believe. It shouldn't be an excuse to eat way too much.

    I'd like to hear from other women about this topic. All replies are welcome.

    So you admit something physical actually can make you want to eat more. But, you control that. Good, we are all ultimately in control of what we fuel our bodies with and in control of whether we are going to track it or not. I am a bit confused about where you say you control the amount of those things you crave, do you bump your cals up slightly and make up for it elsewhere or do you radically alter what foods you eat at this time?

    Great question! I think that hormonal fluctuations of PMS can and do change what we want to eat (foods normally on our "do not eat" or "do not eat a ton of this" lists), but I don't think hormonal levels cause an increase in the amount of foods we eat. That's still more within our control. When I am experiencing cravings, I will try to satisfy those cravings with things that aren't high in calories: sweet pickle chips cure my sweet tooth and a small handful of nuts cures the salty cravings. As much as I WANT to, I try NOT to open a bag of potato chips or Doritoes and go to town. And I eat slowly, until the craving dissipates, so I am not shoveling too much in at once.

    Pregnancy, however, might have that affect -- I believe I was much hungrier when I was pregnant than when I wasn't. Growing a life takes big calories!

    It's interesting, because I had an OB/GYN doctor come to my classroom to discuss hormonal changes during PMS and puberty (6th grade health class). The first thing he said was "PMS causes hormonal fluctuations that will make girls feel pretty icky, HOWEVER, the hormones themselves do not cause anger outbursts, poor decision making, and overeating. Those things are still within your control." He made a great point and I've been thinking about that ever since.

    That Dr is pretty damn stupid and needs his license stripped right away. Pay attention to the bolded parts below.

    PMDD is REAL.

    The symptoms of PMDD are similar to those of PMS. However, they are generally more severe and debilitating and include a least one mood-related symptom. Symptoms occur during the week just before menstrual bleeding and usually improve within a few days after the period starts.

    Five or more of the following symptoms must be present to diagnose PMDD, including one mood-related symptom:

    No interest in daily activities and relationships
    Fatigue or low energy
    Feeling of sadness or hopelessness, possible suicidal thoughts
    Feelings of tension or anxiety
    Feeling out of control
    Food cravings or binge eating
    Mood swings with periods of crying
    Panic attacks
    Irritability or anger that affects other people
    Physical symptoms, such as bloating, breast tenderness, headaches, and joint or muscle pain
    Problems sleeping
    Trouble concentrating
  • SPeffer1
    SPeffer1 Posts: 74 Member

    You bleed about a tablespoon...hardly enough to make you anemic

    No, YOU bleed about a tbsp. My bathroom looks like the crime scene for a killing spree for 3 out of the 7 days I deal with that each month.

    Ha - that's disgusting and I really do feel bad for you. But I laughed a little just reading it. I was thinking the same kind of thing for my poor sister - no WAY a tbs. Now me? Yeah I could go with one light tampon an entire day if I had to. I'm lucky though (with that part of it).
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member

    You bleed about a tablespoon...hardly enough to make you anemic

    No, YOU bleed about a tbsp. My bathroom looks like the crime scene for a killing spree for 3 out of the 7 days I deal with that each month.

    Ha - that's disgusting and I really do feel bad for you. But I laughed a little just reading it. I was thinking the same kind of thing for my poor sister - no WAY a tbs. Now me? Yeah I could go with one light tampon an entire day if I had to. I'm lucky though (with that part of it).

    I WISH I only bled a tablespoon! I tried using those cervical cap type menstruation things because they are supposed to last for up to 10 hours. Yeah... try two hours and it looked like went on a shooting spree in a blood bank.

  • Lundatica
    Lundatica Posts: 16 Member
    I, personally, think it's kind of just an excuse. Although I do eat more red meat during the TOM, because women can require more iron then, due to blood loss.

    You bleed about a tablespoon...hardly enough to make you anemic

    Lol! This may be true for some, but not for all. I bled so heavily that tampons were falling out within an hour of insertion on my first two days. (TMI, I know. Sorry.) I've never measured, but I'm quite certain that was more than a tablespoon.

    ^Agreed. Some people act like there is no such thing as a heavy flow. From my own personal experience until I was about periods were so heavy that sometimes I'd have to change my tampon every 20-30 minutes and make sure I had a pad to catch overflow. It was super embarrassing, uncomfortable and WAY more than a tablespoon. And this would be continuous for days...not just a few hours or one day.

    If I recall from my sex ed class in high school you bleed about 1/4 to a 1/2 a cup. If anyone really cares that much feel free to measure....

    I'm already half way through mine for the month and I can say I'm more hormonal then usual but I take bc to regulate me so I'm never too crazy or hungry or wanting to watch a marathon of Nicholas Sparks movies and cry my eyes out. But before I started bc ( I was 15 at the time) there were times I would bleed for 2 months straight....and once I even passed out. So All that to say, I don't judge a girl for scarfing down a pint of ice cream on her period. Excuse or not let the damn girl eat! :drinker:
    I basically agree with everything you said, just jumping into the amount discussion via your post. Sex ed was more accurate than that tablespoon but usually forgets us outliers. (Btw, maybe the tbsp refers to amount actual blood? I believe a lot of what exits us is slewed off uterine lining and water which might explain the callous references to tablespoons when a lot of us know there's a hella lot more coming through)

    *HUGE TMI TO FOLLOW* I am a cup user. My cup holds 12ml. Days 2 and 3 I wear a pad for overflow, empty my cup every two hours and still have to change the pad throughout the day. If all of that was actually blood, I would be in real trouble as I also have a short cycle but in fact, I am not even anaemic and I have never been. Obviously this only applies to me and I understand that. I do feel faint during these times but I attribute that to fluid loss and cramps, mostly./*END TMI

    The tbsp refefence is less than helpful and comes off as pretty callous when you fill a mooncup in one hour and struggle to stay upright. When you are, as I must be, a freak of nature it's downright insulting.

    tl;dr/ OP is so wrong it's not even funny. The person I am quoting gets it. Uteri vary madly and extrapolating from one uterus is a really bad idea. Zombies can't catch you if they slip on your discharge  ]
  • SPeffer1
    SPeffer1 Posts: 74 Member
    :heart: the replies because for SOME this is NOT an excuse our bodies are BURNING more calories and therefore we are HUNGRIER then normal. I too overeat/ binge eat and hey, guess what, its not only crap, its ANYTHING and EVERYTHING - biggest c raving roasted chicken, salted nuts, and protein bar, along with cereal (no milk) and pretzel. But truth be told its the nagging hunger that anything thats not nailed down must go in my pie whole because I'm still hungry.

    I am also an emotional eater and I know the difference and there is one. if your not sure, rather then insult people check with a doctor or certified nutritionist/ dietitian.

    Yeah you also burn more calories the week before your period, don't you?

    Isn't that when PMS is? I know for me any and all hormonal issues will be BEFORE my period. Once it arrives I'm usually ok. But obviously that's just me, and I know others struggle more during. For me it's always PRE menstrual (usually two days before).