Why do you do it?



  • flabbybunker
    flabbybunker Posts: 57 Member
    Better mood
    Thinking better,
    Fitting into clothes
    Better person at work,
    My health.
  • VanessaRudden
    VanessaRudden Posts: 198 Member
    Fitting into my old clothes really.

    And stopping the bulge!
  • allbarrett
    allbarrett Posts: 159 Member
    To avoid the family illnesses (type 2 diabetes, heart problems, knee problems, hip problems, obesity, sleep apnea, etc.) and all the things that have happened because of these (like no more travel because of mobility issues; poor surgery outcomes due to obesity; depression; poor sleep; daily medication; etc.). Watching my grandparents, then my parents, go through these is enough to keep anyone motivated.

    All else is vanity (on my part). I admit to a reasonable amount of this as well.
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    Because I have nothing else better to do

    Honestly? That's how I got a bachelor's degree - because I surmised that I had nothing better to do with my life. :laugh:

    Really, though, sometimes even a reason like that ("oh, what the hell?") is great. Because you decide that you can, no other reason. That was sort of my reason, to prove to those people who always told me that I couldn't lose weight - hey, I can. And I did. And I'm still doing it - so now what? :tongue:
  • alisonmarytuck
    alisonmarytuck Posts: 68 Member
    Feel better; better health; more energy; more clothes choice; able to do more; enjoy life better; less embarrassed!!
  • knot_enough
    knot_enough Posts: 176 Member
    Because I have nothing else better to do

    Honestly? That's how I got a bachelor's degree - because I surmised that I had nothing better to do with my life. :laugh:

    lol well i meant it in the way that i'm kinda at a stand still waiting for my chance at a promotion and having finished school, and not in the manner that i'm a bum and have nothing else to do. the alternatives being "social" and going out drinking and acting crazy or staying home and playing video games. personally, id rather go to the gym, take my dog for a walk, or run through an area of my city that i haven't seen. all the things i can do alone because im really not that social of a person.
  • knot_enough
    knot_enough Posts: 176 Member
    Fitting into my old clothes really.

    And stopping the bulge!

    battle against the bulge!
  • EreborsPrincess
    Why? Because I got tired of being a lard-*kitten*.

  • turtledove773
    turtledove773 Posts: 122 Member
    Why? Because I got tired of being a lard-*kitten*.


    Amen! Me too!
    And plus I want to be that freaking hot 41 year old whose ex says DANG what the heck was I thinking! LOL
  • sabbyfairy
    sabbyfairy Posts: 53 Member
    I restarted because the clothes I bought for fall magically decided to shrink or something. :sad:

    Honestly, though:

    - i'm sick of being indoors, especially with no main PC in the house to distract me
    - regular exercise makes my limp not as painful, which means easier walking on campus :D
    - watching calories means trying new foods
    - if i can be accountable for my weight, i can be accountable for my grades when i go back to school

    Also, it's helping my depression and anxiety a LOT. Woot.
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    I do it because I want to see my kid grow up. One of my friends died in February, she was only 41. I'm 25, but I don't want that to be me. The thought of dying when my daughter is young scares the hell out of me.

    I do it because I want to feel beautiful. I've been overweight my entire life. I don't remember being thin, I was probably thin when I was a newborn, that's it. I don't care what anyone says, I won't feel beautiful until I lose weight. I have a wonderful husband who loves me no matter what, and I'm grateful for it, but I need to love myself as well.

    I do it because I want pretty clothes. Any plus size woman knows how crappy it is to go clothes shopping. I want to be able to walk into any store and know they'll have something in my size. I don't want that anxiety anymore, I hate it.

    I want to prove people wrong. I've had mean things said to me my entire life. My 10 year high school reunion is in two years (oh god). I want to lose weight so I can prove to the bullies that I rose above their teasing.
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    The main reason is to increase my self-esteem. I don't have a single person I hang out with. Honestly, I think it's because of my weight (and my inability to overcome that social hurdle). Overweight people have to work harder to get positive attention. We have to be funny or incredibly charming. It's sad but true.
  • MrsKgettingfit
    MrsKgettingfit Posts: 28 Member
    To be healthy, stronger, have more confidence and look better. Being flabby and unfit was getting me down, i was tired of trying to cover my mom tum, sick of not bringing my kids swimming because i would need to wear a swimsuit in public.