

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Just wanted to tell everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS! OR HAPPY HOLIDAYS! OR HAPPY HANUkKAH or whatever your traditon is.

    I am having over-night company and my house will be "grand central station" for the next 3 days. If I have time to log food it will be a miracle.

    I can't address everyone. Just wanted to thank each of you for your encouraging posts. As one of our newbies said that is was the power of women:happy: How true!

    Chicklets life is a good example of the power within a person that sometimes we don't realize we possess. Her telling of her life is touching.

    May you have health, joy and happiness all through the year!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    I have been so bad lately. I know its the holidays and the under lying dread of this time of year. (My mother passed away the day after christmas) Its been 4 years now but the pain and grief that I think is gone really starts to rear its head right now. I am crying a lot for no real good reason. I try not to eat too much of what I bake but I do and then there's the egg nog recipe DH brought home from work that he wanted me to make and the lovely bottle of Port that my brother sent me. And the almond roca because it wouldn't be christmas at all without it. I am just a mess. I hope I can slough off the few pounds I am gaining in time for the wedding. at least I am still on the treadmill and I am aware of what I am eating, it just isn't pretty. Since I haven't heard anything on the contract jobs that start on 1/4/2011 I guess I didn't get them since Boeing shuts down at the end of today until 1/4/2011. Oh well there is still a lot of irons in the fire. I know something will come up.

    I hope you all enjoy your family and friends during the next few days. I will be thinking of all of you. now I'd better get up and work out before I convince myself not to. then I have Spritz cookies to bake. And then whoopie pies.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Chicklet - Your story gave me the chills in a good way. There are angels out there. We just need to see them and accept them. That man will get his reward somewhere, someday for helping you.

    Speaking of England in snow, I have always wanted to go to England for Christmas. I think it was all the Scrooge and ****ens stories. We got our first colored TV as a family Christmas present back in the 60s. We couldn't wait to watch "A Christmas Carol" together on Christmas Eve only to find out the movie was in black and white!

    All of you are such wonderful people. I feel very lucky to have met you all. Someday, hopefully, I hope to meet some of you face to face if our paths ever cross.

  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    I have been so bad lately. I know its the holidays and the under lying dread of this time of year. (My mother passed away the day after christmas) Its been 4 years now but the pain and grief that I think is gone really starts to rear its head right now. I am crying a lot for no real good reason. I try not to eat too much of what I bake but I do and then there's the egg nog recipe DH brought home from work that he wanted me to make and the lovely bottle of Port that my brother sent me. And the almond roca because it wouldn't be christmas at all without it. I am just a mess. I hope I can slough off the few pounds I am gaining in time for the wedding. at least I am still on the treadmill and I am aware of what I am eating, it just isn't pretty. Since I haven't heard anything on the contract jobs that start on 1/4/2011 I guess I didn't get them since Boeing shuts down at the end of today until 1/4/2011. Oh well there is still a lot of irons in the fire. I know something will come up.

    I hope you all enjoy your family and friends during the next few days. I will be thinking of all of you. now I'd better get up and work out before I convince myself not to. then I have Spritz cookies to bake. And then whoopie pies.


    I too have not been working for quite a long time, (actually 3 years now). The first year I was on disability when my life fell apart from my husband leaving me. It was such a shock, I never saw it coming and never, ever thought it would happen to me. I loved him so much. His leaving threw me into a whirlwind of despair and bleakness. I actually don't remember much of that year, other than trying to end my life and ending up in a lockdown facility to prevent myself any further harm. That year all my true friends came forward and were there for me tobring me back from the brink. I lost my job during that time, (actually a month into my disability. I know legally my employer was not supposed to do that, but I was such a mess that I couldn't have fought it if I wanted to. After that year on disability, I was able to go on unemployement and went back to school. By the time I finished it jobs were ridiculously scarce and I applied everywhere to no avail. I belonged to so many job search companines and websites and had different resumes for everything under the moon, but nothing came up. This after 25 years of working was such a shock. Since then, I have run out of unemployment benefits and have been scrounging around trying to make ends meet for the past 8 months. Then my mom's issue came up and I guess there was a reason why I was not meant to be at work yet. I would never be able to do what I am doing with her now if I was working. Maybe it was meant to be right now? I don't know.

    But the fact that you have a lot of "irons in the fire" is a really hopeful thing. Things are getting a little better in the job market and something will pan out for you. It may be awhile yet, but hang in there. I have a friend that her husband was contracted out to Colorado for quality inspections for JPL who lives in Cali. He says that there is plenty of work in Colorado so he may be there for awhile. He flies home for the weekends when he can. It's tough out there right now. But you 've got to keep trying and I know something will open for you. Just don't give up.:smile:

    It must be very difficult at this time with remembering your mom. The holidays are probably the most stressful time of year for most people. Some people handle it like a dynamo and everything goes picture perfect for them. That has NEVER been the case for me, and for some reason or other I always end up crying at one point during the season. But in the end it works out and I am just glad I survived them. Try looking at this time for its meaning, whatever that is for you, and its beauty. I know if Mimi were to reply she would suggest to stuff yourself with roasted vegetables first before eating any sweets you make. I agree on this as that is what I am doing and it has me not craving anything. I made my cookie dough last night and tasted a teaspoon of each. NOTHING. :indifferent: I just don't crave it. I was telling my mom that it is so weird. But the thing I really want to have during Christmas is company. I feel like I am starved for people. I want that feeling I get from having people around me and making me feel good and warm and loved. I am hoping that I will have this for Christmas. Because you are worrying about snacking on the goodies, maybe you can put up a "before" picture somewhere strategically to stop you from eating. You have come so far in this battle of the bulge. Arm yourself. Have things that you can eat that are satisfying to munch on and fill your time with being around people and talking. Just enjoy them. Watch Christmas shows and eat popcorn. Drink sugar free cocoa. Watch the movies that make you feel good. Mine is "Its a Wonderful Life" and "The Bishops Wife" . Watch your movies when you are down. Talk to people when you are down. Try not to have food be there for you when you are down.

    I know this is harder than it sounds, but you will get through this and you will feel much better by "arming yourself" and the result afterwards. Keep your chin up. I know you will get through this time in your life and the season. Hang in there. I can totally relate to your situation. Be tough!! Be determined!!:angry: (I know this little blue guy represents being angry, but I chose him because he looks like he is being tough! LOL)

    Merry Christmas:drinker:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I apologize for my prolonged absence, but plan to try to get back to you in January. However, I wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    This has been a very hectic time for me a lot of running but I don't seem to get any farther. I am logging in all of my food and trying to keep under calorie limit and for the most part doing ok. I STILL can't get in any exercise!!!:noway: I will sign up for belly dancing again and maybe I can build on that.

    I have been keeping up with everyone's posts and I am sorry to hear that many of you are struggeling especially Chiclet. :sad: I feel so sorry for you and if I was closer I would certainly help. This last year with my dad's cancer treatment was a big challenge for me but it was no where near a demanding as what you are going through. Keep your chin up, things will get better and easier. Even when it seems the bleakest, suddenly there is a light either right in front of you or just ahead to keep you on your path. As you know miricles happen and maybe even your mom will see you for what you are... and angel. Her angel, and she will start to help you rather then fight you.

    I have done absolutely nothing to get ready for Christmas. I don't have a tree anywhere and I haven't done any baking. It is a little depressing but there really isn't enough time to do more then the daily chores. Yesterday I left work at 3:30 then went to the bank and grocery shopping for my dad. Then after putting everything away I had to get over to my brothers place to help him with his toileting, shower and dressing which for some reason took until 2:00am!!!! Run home for a quick lie down before I am up at 6:45 to get ready for work and to leave for work and stopping to pick up supplies before I actually open at 9:00.
    The good news is that my brother is leaving town on Sunday until Wednesday so I will have a short break before I have to start it all over again.

    My plans are to post more often in 2011 as I miss you all.

    MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPT NEW YEAR to everyone.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Hello all! A quick in and out here. I am between making bread and sweet roll doughs and going to the gym. I don't really have the time but I'm making the time. The YMCA is closing Dec 31st and the town may, or may not, start it back up. They are taking over the sports program which the YMCA was contracted to do but norhing for sure if the gym will be included in that package. Yesterday they were supposed to close at 7:30. I got there at 4:30 and then found out that there is a little note on the desk with new hours for the week. They closed at 5 that day. :grumble: The hours are supposed to be posted on the door but they didn't do that. So only 1/2 hour on the elliptical and no work on the machines. Today they are closing at 6, so I need to get moving.

    Chiclet - I was so pleased to hear about your Christmas angel and that you got your baking done as well. Now if you can get some company to come that will be great. I know what you mean about wanting family and/or friends around on Christmas. If I had to pick presents, Christmas food or company I would go with the company hands down.

    Robin - Perhaps keeping extra busy may help the stress of missing your Mom or maybe do the opposite and take some time to go through some old pictures and reflect on the good times. Sometimes that is what I do when I miss my parents and for me it seems to help. If I just acknowledge what I'm feeling and spend some time feeling it I can move on to other things. When I feel upbeat I realize if we hadn't had a good relationship I wouldn't be missing them so bad and that makes it somehow easier to deal with.

    Gotta run.


  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Well, I stopped baking for nothing. :explode: :grumble: This is the second time the gym has been closed in the afternoon when I got there. Arrived at 4:15 and no-one there. It's happened to other people too. It seems they wait in the afternoon until nobody is there and close it up even if there are hours to go before closing time. YMCA my patootie. They aren't acting very Christian. I wasted my time and 12 miles of travel for nothing. Corporate is hearing from me on Monday. They need to either void their contract or keep the hours they post. grrrrrr

    Ok - back to Christmas mood. Some Christmas music and maybe get the white chocolate macadamia nut cookies in the oven. I won't even be tempted to eat them - too sweet!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    chicklet - my heart goes out to you. As I read your post, I'm sitting here crying for you. Crying but also smiling as I read what the caregiver is doing.

    Did an hour of yoga today and an hour of deep water. Tomorrow I'll do a weight DVD.

    Well, so much for the weight DVD. Here it is, Thurs. Yesterday Denise was supposed to get to Jessica's at about 2. She didn't get there until 5:30, saying that she "hit traffic". There is NO WAY it took her 5 hours (she said she left at noon). They didn't leave Jessica's until 7:30. Around 11 Jessica called & asked if we could meet her somewhere because she was falling asleep at the wheel. So we met her at the VA/NC border, didn't get home until about 1:30. I wasn't about to get up early to exercise, got up, went to the store to buy more lobster tails and milk, had to buy gas. We took the cats (Lexi, Loki, and Melanie <Denise's>) to the vet. Jessica examined Melanie and she couldn't see any sign of abuse. Denise didn't even bother to go to the vet. My guess is that she's embarassed that she hasn't given Melanie vet care. She did get her 3-yr rabies shot. At least we know she's vaccinated. Denise did bring the kitten down (the one that she found outside her apt), I'm trying my hardest not to fall in love. It really is a cute cat, but I know what will happen. SFB will abuse it, we'll wind up taking it. No, not again. Denise was pretty anti-social but today she's fairly decent. Fairly, just barely.

    Denise wants to go to Pizza Hut for dinner. I don't really like PH, too greasy. So we decided that we'll go to CiCi's. I don't remember one in PA, so it'll be something new for Denise.

    Jessica wants to have crab legs tomorrow so she bought some today. Something else we'll have. I gotta think of what I can put the liquid butter into, I do have these small (like salad) dishes that match my china set, so I may melt some butter, put it into these dishes.

    Won't be exercising tomorrow. Will be busy cooking.

    Boy, have I been stress eating. I guess in one sense I'll be glad when Denise leaves, the stress will be off me and Vince. she's just so selfish. She can be so much better, but I do think that the influence of SFB brings that out in her.

    The vet did say that Melanie has irritation in her eyes, probably caused by the smoke of Denise and SFB

    Busy, busy, busy. Everyone have a great holiday. I will most likely not be on tomorrow.

  • marlouise
    Hello all, just a quick note, I'm still here and keeping my hopes. Had a bad few weeks, seems a bit better now, how long it will last I don't know. Stress has had me sick with nightmares and nausea from "feelings" from these dreams. A night cap before bed seems to help chase some of the stress away, at least now it is better in the morning, easier to face the day to. I'll be back again, to chat.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Hello Dear Ladies,

    We are out in MT for the holidays. DH and I have gotten things put together a bit for our son and his girlfriend who arrive Christmas night and we skied all day....beautiful, soft and abundant snow! It was a Winter Wonder Land!

    Since I cannot tell any of our family and local friends ...I think that I can tell you: Our youngest son plans to propose to his long time girlfriend while they are here.:love::love: :love: I am SO excited. We are all a bit stressed since the ring he ordered was supposed to arrive (in Chicago) today and did not. They are in Chicago and were supposed to leave early in the morning to drive to her parents house until they fly out Saturday evening to join us. He had to make up something about work in the morning and hope that the ring arrives so that they can continue on with their plans! It will hopefully show up and we can enjoy being part of the "engagement"! We ADORE her and can't wait to have her as part of our family! I'll keep you posted!

    I am moving around plenty but not keeping track of my food as I need to. It is a constant thing isn't it?

    I did read the posts and think of each of you and what you are dealing with, both good and bad. Take care and I am glad you are here. All the best, Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone

    Well everyone sounds busy getting ready for tomorrow. I hope you all take time to relax and enjoy a bit of "you" time in the hustle and bustle of the day.

    We are planning to take the dogs on a long walk in the afternoon, so I hope the weather isn't too cold/snowy/icy. As most of you know one of our dogs is not the friendliest dog in the neighbourhood and needs to be kept upstairs in DD's bedroom out of the way when we have people over. (not the one in the photo - that's Tara she's a little treasure!) At least he feels safe up there and can relax., then after lunch we can take him and Tara for a long walk and tire them out - and it's good exercise for us too :bigsmile:

    To all my good friends have a happy and restful time and all good wishes for Christmas (or whatever you celebrate :smile: )

    Viv :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member

    Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!

    I know i have not been posting. I HAVE been reading, though--

    Viv,I am sorry for the passing of your uncle. I hope you are all doing well.

    Chicklet--you are AMAZING! 'Nuff said! Have a happy Christmas.

    Everyone--I have been praying/sending good thoughts for all of you. It has been a rough year. I do hope and pray things get better for us all soon!

    My grandson is starting to get around--backwards, but he's getting there! He lets us know when he wants something, too! He pats his hand on the floor or the tray to his little chair. Naturally, what he wants is usually something he can't have--he is especially interested in all the shiny, pretty things that are around!

    Well, I don't have a lot of time. I need to get at least a short workout in and then finish up for Christmas. There are still a couple of stocking stuffers I want to get. It would be nice to finish baking the cookies, too, but if it doesn't get done it's not a big deal.

    Have a good day, all, and I do plan on checking in in the morning!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,749 Member
    Merry Christmas Eve, everyone.

    I too haven't been posting much but have been keeping up with reading the posts. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with your loved ones. It's a busy, stressful time of year, so remember to stop and take a deep breath once in a while and be kind to yourselves. :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Gosh - madly busy! Thought I was organised but I have succumbed to bronchitis (grrr) and it's holding me back a bit - I even had to use my nebulizer for my asthma this morning. Still, my son got home from Hamburg and I get to spend the day with all my bigger babies and my newest babies tomorrow (plus my dad). Hurrah to that!

    To each and everyone of you on here, I send my fondest wishes and my most fervent hopes that your Christmas (if you celebrate) and your 2011 are healthy, happy and harmonious with engagements, marriages and babies born to all the people we wish them for. May your troubles be eased, your pains be soothed and your problems happily resolved.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda xx
  • PepperD
    My husband just told me about this thread. We're new to MFP and are working to lose weight and get healthier together. We live in Vermont and are empty nesters. We've been working with MFP for a month and I've lost about 5 pounds so far. I have one question that some of the folks out there might be able to answer. Today my husband and I went out for a walk in the snow. We walked the same distance in same time over the same terrain. When we went to log the exercise in on our separate accounts he was given 220 calories burned for the walk and I only got 155 calories. Why the difference?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,749 Member
    My husband just told me about this thread. We're new to MFP and are working to lose weight and get healthier together. We live in Vermont and are empty nesters. We've been working with MFP for a month and I've lost about 5 pounds so far. I have one question that some of the folks out there might be able to answer. Today my husband and I went out for a walk in the snow. We walked the same distance in same time over the same terrain. When we went to log the exercise in on our separate accounts he was given 220 calories burned for the walk and I only got 155 calories. Why the difference?
    Welcome, PepperD! When MFP calculates the calories burned, one of the factors is weight. The more you weigh, the more you burn. I'm guessing your husband is bigger than you are. :smile:
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member

    All the baking is done, now just the cooking over the next couple days. The planning has helped and things are falling into place. Unfortunately, my dear 80 year old mother is also falling: last night she fell down a whole flight of steps.

    I think she was a little tired and her feet were sore but of course dear mom didn't want to slow down. So anyhow we all heard a great noise last night and found her at the bottom of the stairs. She insisted on getting up on her own with little help, but she did it and made it to her bed. We checked her out and nothing appears broken with no SOB, etc, etc. So got her settled into bed with ice and analgesics: it was 10 PM so Mom agreed she would go to bed as it "was time". This AM Mom is pretty sore and does have a fair amount of bruising on her left flank. She reports that deep breaths are easier now. We have her up into the reclining chair in the family room for the day so she can be in the middle of the action but we can monitor how she is and keep icing her flank.

    We (my parents, my husband and me) were supposed to head to our cabin tomorrow after celebrations with other family completed here. But now we will not be heading to our cabin for a few days (at least!) to ensure she is ok and to be close to other medical resources if she develops any complications. From our home here in the city, my husband can plug her into the system pretty quickly if we are concerned anything more is developing. But at the cabin.....it is just me and my husband to take care of her (a long way from a good hospital)! So we have made the adjustments to the plan for the next few days as needed and everyone seems happy. I think Christmas cheer has prevailed and thankfully no crucial bones or spirits appeared to have been broken.

    I continue to work on my goal of calmness through the season: it appears this goal is being challenged but so far I am feeling the calm I am working towards.

    I am sending out wishes of health, happiness and calmness to all of you.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Greetings from someone who is not rushing around getting ready for Christmas. bigsmile

    :drinker: Thursday and Friday line dance classes were full of favorite dances danced to Christmas music......there were a lot of people wearing festive holiday clothing.....today people brought treats and I took the time to admire everyone's handiwork and then said "no thank you" to all of it.

    :drinker: Jake bought a big piece of turkey ham this week and we've had some great ham meals.....tonight we finished it off by putting the last of the meat in a pot of bean soup.....now we're watching an old Robert De Niro movie on DVD.

    :flowerforyou: we have had a lot of wind this week but very little rain so I've been able to take the dogs to the dog park.....they don't mind the wind and I have a great jacket with a hood

    :flowerforyou: tomorrow we'll go to a movie in the afternoon and be home with our pets by dark.

    :drinker: I hope all of you who are celebrating Christmas have a fabulous time with your friends and families and don't overdo it on the goodies
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: .
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    I THOUGHT I was having a dinner at my house on Christmas Eve, but between illnesses and last minute invitations from family, my guest list dwindled, so I had dinner with myself and the three little piggies. We had baked chicken breast, steamed Brussel sprouts, rice pilaf and a small piece of raspberry filled chocolate cake with a little Redi-Whip.

    Today I did a really DUMB thing. I absentmindedly prepared the meds that Mai Li takes each morning, and those for Bradley. I also dosed out my own. I somehow managed to give BRADLEY the pain meds intended for Mai Li!!! Not a good thing, since he weighs less than half of what she does, so I called my vet clinic and they took him in, induced vomiting and gave him activated charcoal. When I picked him up at 4p, he was in rare form. "Barkity-Bark!!!" to the max. He inhaled a large quantity of food once home, since he missed out on breakfast.

    I was very relieved there were no ill effects. I did NOT want this to be the Christmas where I accidentally overdosed one of my "kids."

    I confess to having an entire bottle of Pinot Noir, so it was a very RELAXING evening.

    Merry Christmas, all.
