Almond milk



  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    LOVE unsweetend vanilla almond milk. Only 40 calories/cup. It's not as good as the 'real thing', but for the calorie difference I think it's a fine substitute. I sprinkle my fiber one and vanilla almond milk with cinnamon...yum :)

  • benbidder
    I add half a cup to my protein drink, makes it better. :D It does go with certain cereals too. I just can't drink it straight out of a cup though. Ick. I am not a big milk drinker anymore anyway.
  • bucky17h
    bucky17h Posts: 120
    Love it with cereal!
  • bucky17h
    bucky17h Posts: 120
    Love it with cereal!
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    It's not milk. Milk comes from mammals, not nuts or beans...

    Michael Pollan says it best in In Defense of Food: eat food. not too much... When he uses the word 'food' he means real, unadulturated, whole and natural foods.

    He also goes on to say "Don't eat anything with more than five ingredients on the label, or with ingredients you can't pronounce or that your grandmother wouldn't recognize..."

    Those are words to live by, literally.

    Your grandmother would not recognize soy 'milk', silk, almond 'milk', etc.

    It's simply called "milk" since it looks like a milk-type product and many people use it as a milk substitute. People who use almond milk know full well that it isn't "milk" in the sense that milk comes from an animal. Blame the marketers for that if it bothers you.

    Although commercial almond milk does have more than five ingredients, it's primarily almonds and water - plus some vitamins and preservatives added in. It's very easy to make home-made almond milk by soaking almonds in water overnight, then blending the almond/water mix and straining out the pulp. The strained-out part can then be used to make almond flour. Homemade almond milk has two ingredients: almonds and water. This is considered by most to be a very "natural" and clean food to consume.

    Your comment about grandma not recognizing almond milk is a bit misguided - if you'd done any research on it, the use of almond "milk" (or almond juice or whatever you want to call it) has been documented as far back into the middle ages. People have been creatively using nuts and many other plants and plant-parts for all of human history, and this is just one example.

    Although home-made is always better, Almond milk is healthy - no reason to scare people into thinking anything otherwise.
  • PNCTink
    PNCTink Posts: 232 Member
    I prefer it over all other milks. I can't have dairy either BTW. I've also made my own, but I need to get some cheesecloth to help keep the tiny pieces out of the bottom so I've gone back to buying Blue Diamond for now. I use the unsweetened vanilla for my tea and the unsweetened regular for cooking.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I love it and think it tastes great! I like to add it to oatmeal for a sweet, almond-y taste without the added fat and calories of nuts (since oatmeal is pretty filling to begin with) - 15 cals for 1/4 cup to top my oatmeal, and it's really delicious. I also use it to make protein shakes with whey isolate - so the low protein doesn't make much difference to me. With chocolate/choc PB protein powder it's a great mix!

    I don't use it for everything, but I do always have it on hand. I also have Vanilla Soy and regular 1% milk in the fridge all the time - I guess it just depends how much "milk" you use/drink!
  • SkierElle
    I don't like the term almond milk because milk comes from mammals. BUT I LOVE almond "juice" lol. I am a huge fan/proponent of dairy but I think almond milk is a great subsitute when you don't want all the calories from milk. Much better sub than soy or rice milk, that's for sure! I don't think the "original" almond milk is beneficial though. Too much added sugar. The unsweetened is def the way to go.
  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    I stop jumping on the band wagon give it some time and they will say it causes cancer or something else. I will stick with lactose free milk from cows. tried it didn't like it same with soy milk I felt it pacified not satisfied.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    love it, but i bought unsweetened and hated doesn`t have the gross after taste of soy milk either...and it`s tetra packed!
  • alwardt
    alwardt Posts: 50 Member
    I like almond milk for its flavor. However, a lot of it is fortified with calcium carbonate, which makes me constipated (TMI?). I'm currently drinking Pacific Natural Foods organic almond milk that is not fortified. Then I pick up my calcium intake from dairy or calcium citrate tablets.
  • WildViolet
    Glad somebody said it! Put a few commercials on tv about the "benefits" of dairy and everyone thinks it's good for them! Cow's milk is not for human consumption and anyone that does minimal research on it can find numerous reports NOT funded by the Dairy Association that make it clear it's not healthy for actually increases the risk of osteoporosis, among other health problems. Not to mention the cruel treatment of cows in factory farms. Really sad!
  • soysos
    soysos Posts: 187 Member
    Glad somebody said it! Put a few commercials on tv about the "benefits" of dairy and everyone thinks it's good for them! Cow's milk is not for human consumption and anyone that does minimal research on it can find numerous reports NOT funded by the Dairy Association that make it clear it's not healthy for actually increases the risk of osteoporosis, among other health problems. Not to mention the cruel treatment of cows in factory farms. Really sad!

    it is absolutely vital for the health, well being, and life of dairy cows that they be milked. they have been bread to such an extent that they produce ten times more milk than the calf could ever need. for this reason among others they are completely dependent on those that care for them. we need to take responsibility for caring for these animals that were created for us.
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    Love it. Use it every day!