


  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    The yolk is where all that is.

    I will eat at most, 1 whole egg a day, but the rest is egg whites.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Eggs get a bum wrap for sure. They are very nutritional, including the yolks. They are a good source of protien, etc. I eat about 6 to 8 eggs a week.

    And I love egg beaters too because they are very nutriential also and less calories than eggs. Egg beaters also are good for quick meals in the evenings. I can do a nice omelet loaded with veggies and add a little cheese and be under 200 calories.

    I have never had a cholestrol issue, even at my heaviest weight. I use to do egg diets and still never had a chosleral issues. So I say it depends on your genetics. Also not sure cutting back on eggs will lower cholestrol for those who have high cholestral.
  • soysos
    soysos Posts: 187 Member
    the body needs fat and cholesterol in order to process protein. that is why the body produces cholesterol in the first place. you can have severe anima if your blood cholesterol is too low. there are some recent studies that suggest that what is considered the norm is too low, because it is a hairline just a little below that you'll start feeling that anemia. I probably eat about 6 eggs a week, mostly boiled and mixed with mayo, I also eat a lot of red meat, and my cholesterol is very low for a man of my age. I think it is genetic, my father has an overall of 150 and he eats straight bacon grease on a regular basis.
  • I have hens, so I eat a whole egg or two everyday and my cholesterol isn't high, nor has it changed in two years. I also eat beef and lamb. Some articles I've read claim that high cholesterol may be more hereditary than not. I don't know--- I just know what affects my own health issues, and I believe it has more to do with a balanced diet every day.
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I eat 2 whole extra large Eggland's Best every day. My cholesterol is fine as of July, I think. Maybe October. Doc tacked on a cholesterol test with my thyroid panel. Sometimes people with thyroid disease have cholesterol problems. Anyways, I didn't fast for it or anything. Didn't know I had to. I think it may just depend on the person. Have your cholesterol tested, and if it's good don't worry about it.
  • RachM
    RachM Posts: 113 Member
    My grandma ate eggs every day for breakfast for almost 88 years - shes still alive and happy and healthy. She has never been overweight, and she has never had any high cholesterol, high BP etc. I figure that if you are eating an (organic -soley my opinion) egg or two a day, and dont have high cholesterol, who cares?! There are SO many processed foods out there. That being said I've never picked up a box of egg beaters and looked at the nutritional value, but my boyfriends grandpa has made them for me once or twice and they were spongy. In my opinion people have been eating eggs, food out of their gardens, and meat off their farms for years, and to me that seems to be the heathiest way to go. If you can spare if in your calories for the day I say an egg or two wont hurt. They're excellant for you, a great source of protien, and keep you full for a long time!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    If there whole eggs yes...I did that and ended up with my cholesterol being higher then it should be..If you eat just the whites thats better for you..

    I always felt like it was such a waste of food to throw out the yolks :(
    I don't worry about it. The yolks have a lot of good protein (more than just the whites) in them. If you have cholesterol issues that's one thing but eggs are great protein source, enjoy!:wink:
  • My grandma ate eggs every day for breakfast for almost 88 years - shes still alive and happy and healthy. She has never been overweight, and she has never had any high cholesterol, high BP etc. I figure that if you are eating an (organic -soley my opinion) egg or two a day, and dont have high cholesterol, who cares?! There are SO many processed foods out there. That being said I've never picked up a box of egg beaters and looked at the nutritional value, but my boyfriends grandpa has made them for me once or twice and they were spongy. In my opinion people have been eating eggs, food out of their gardens, and meat off their farms for years, and to me that seems to be the heathiest way to go. If you can spare if in your calories for the day I say an egg or two wont hurt. They're excellant for you, a great source of protien, and keep you full for a long time!

    Hear Hear!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    Thanks so much everyone for their feedback. I will continue to eat my eggs :)
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