Herbalife vs Advocare



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
  • Misty_Stanley
    Misty_Stanley Posts: 6 Member
    I happen to be one of those "coaches" and I have developed a great lifestyle change of eating better and exercising. I take a multi-vitamin and drink about two protein shakes a day (brought to me by CVS lol) ... I wouldn't depend on any supplement to make me lose weight. I did buy a program but it was a workout program and I sware by it. This is based on my own results, but I couldn't have done it without eating right. The thing with ANY supplement is that once you stop taking it you will gain the weight back unless you're able to figure out what foods to substitute for that meal replacement. And any kind of pill might help you in the short-term but if you want anything fast you're not ready for a lifestyle change. You probably will be but not yet. It's all about hard work, dedication, motivation, eating healthy and exercising. You need to weigh what calories you're burning against how many calories you're eating. If you just keep using myfitnesspal and making sure that you're getting enough calories and vitamins you shouldn't need anything else. Good luck to you!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i hope it's a battle to the death
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member

    I think you summed it up in your own post. They're both the same junk and pricey.

    You're on a calorie counting website with forum support and a logging app. Why would you give up on learning about good food, health and nutrition by just drinking a vitamin pill cocktail?

    ETA - Hmmmm... OP has been on for years. Makes 1st post about MLM. Has only 4 active friends.
  • scoleman58
    scoleman58 Posts: 25 Member
    Your best option is to go to your fireplace, put your money into it, and light it on fire.
    Invest that money in healthy produce, and learning how to change your habits to reach your goals. Products like those are only quick fixes, and can't replace the trial and error that comes with living a better lifestyle.

    For every person you find that says they work - you will find 50 people who lost weight without spending on a store bought plan.

    They ate food that provided the nutrients they needed, exercised, and maintained a calorie deficit.

    You will also notice that those who recommend against these products tend to be longer term members, with tickers showing progress and photos and profiles.

    Those recommending the products tend to have few posts, no picture or profile, no ticker, no MFP history.

    Draw your own conclusions from that.

    Feel free to look at my pictures, I support Herbalife if it will help someone. That does not mean I think it is required.

    I said 'they tend to' ie it is a generalisation .
    However I notice you do have few posts at 11 and no ticker.
    Of course it is not necessary to have many Posts or a ticker but the generalisation that those who wholeheartedly recommend these products tend to have different features to those who don't recommend them, as I outlined in previous post, is a fairly good indicator of something.

    As I said, readers can draw their own conclusions as to what that something is.

    I wanted to make sure I was excluded from your generalization, that's all. Tracker added, nope don't post much.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Your best option is to go to your fireplace, put your money into it, and light it on fire.
    Invest that money in healthy produce, and learning how to change your habits to reach your goals. Products like those are only quick fixes, and can't replace the trial and error that comes with living a better lifestyle.

    For every person you find that says they work - you will find 50 people who lost weight without spending on a store bought plan.

    They ate food that provided the nutrients they needed, exercised, and maintained a calorie deficit.

    Also, when people spend a lot of money on something, they *want* to believe it works...so they'll go out of their way to defend it against those who would dare to suggest it doesn't.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    costs money.......................................................................................................costs money

    no................................................................................................................................... no

    That's it. Easiest spreadsheet evahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • stillnot2late
    stillnot2late Posts: 385 Member
    Hope you can make a good choice between Herbalife and the other, and whichever you choose, hope you use it wisely, in a good eating habit and reach your goals. I may be wrong but I thought it really makes no difference what you choose to make up your daily meals, be it protein powder, eggs, cinnamon buns, whatever. If you go to the store and buy a cheaper protein powder, good for you for. If you choose Herbalife, good for you. Hope you have success!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I think many people misunderstand the concept of a meal replacement shakes and how to use these products, lets use the two mentioned above. These products help create a calorie deficit while making sure you provide your body with proper nutrition; micro and macronutrients to sustain/ increase energy levels to where they should be in the body. Most people do not not get the daily required micro and macronutrients their body needs in the first place.

    Using the two products above they also teach you how to eat properly, IF you follow the plans. This combined with the shakes, protein powders and vitamins provide balanced nutrition when in a calorie deficit phase or weight maintenance phase. It's not unheard us to continue the use of one meal replacement shake and some of the supplements in order to maintain proper nutrition and being able to meet the micro and macronutrients requirements and maintain proper energy levels. The key is to follow the plan to make a life change, not to use the plan and products for "x" time then go back to what your "old" ways. Cause when you do that of course you will "gain it all back" cause your doing what you did in the first place to gain it, and of course you will no longer feel energized you stopped fueling your body with the required micro and macronutrients.

    That being said you need to pick which of the products you need to use from whichever company you decide to use. As a side note I use herbalife 24 sport, I use it now only to maintain and for performance; meal replacement for micro and macronutrients requirements, pre-work drink, post workout rebuild, and for hydration when training and running half marathon. I use 6 of their products each designed for its specific use. I use to use EAS, Herbalife products have provided me with more results and energy on a day-to-day basis than EAS did. I will not say EAS did not work, just not half as well and it was more expensive.

    This describes the exact problem with meal replacement shakes. After a couple of months of meeting my macros, I suddenly noticed the micronutrient feedback on MFP. Wow. My Vitamin A was low. So I researched which foods I needed to add. Potassium too. Now, I have a gut feel for how often I need to eat various types of food every week...and fill my needs with a balanced diet of inexpensive foods. If I'd relied on the shakes I'd still have no idea how to eat.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Your best option is to go to your fireplace, put your money into it, and light it on fire.
    Invest that money in healthy produce, and learning how to change your habits to reach your goals. Products like those are only quick fixes, and can't replace the trial and error that comes with living a better lifestyle.

    For every person you find that says they work - you will find 50 people who lost weight without spending on a store bought plan.

    They ate food that provided the nutrients they needed, exercised, and maintained a calorie deficit.

    You will also notice that those who recommend against these products tend to be longer term members, with tickers showing progress and photos and profiles.

    Those recommending the products tend to have few posts, no picture or profile, no ticker, no MFP history.

    Draw your own conclusions from that.

    Feel free to look at my pictures, I support Herbalife if it will help someone. That does not mean I think it is required.

    I said 'they tend to' ie it is a generalisation .
    However I notice you do have few posts at 11 and no ticker.
    Of course it is not necessary to have many Posts or a ticker but the generalisation that those who wholeheartedly recommend these products tend to have different features to those who don't recommend them, as I outlined in previous post, is a fairly good indicator of something.

    As I said, readers can draw their own conclusions as to what that something is.

    I wanted to make sure I was excluded from your generalization, that's all. Tracker added, nope don't post much.

    Hunh. Look at his friend list and see if you see what I see.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Look at the OPs friend list.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,228 Member
    I looked at OP's friend list,she has 17 friends.

    Can someone explain the relevance of this?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I looked at OP's friend list,she has 17 friends.

    Can someone explain the relevance of this?

    I look at your friend list. They are active. I recognize TeamAmelia. You have forum posts. Some of them have posts. Your have friends lists that are distinctly different than yours.

    Your friends look like real people

    Some peoples friends lists look like props.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,780 Member
    Your best option is to go to your fireplace, put your money into it, and light it on fire.
    Invest that money in healthy produce, and learning how to change your habits to reach your goals. Products like those are only quick fixes, and can't replace the trial and error that comes with living a better lifestyle.

    For every person you find that says they work - you will find 50 people who lost weight without spending on a store bought plan.

    They ate food that provided the nutrients they needed, exercised, and maintained a calorie deficit.

    You will also notice that those who recommend against these products tend to be longer term members, with tickers showing progress and photos and profiles.

    Those recommending the products tend to have few posts, no picture or profile, no ticker, no MFP history.

    Draw your own conclusions from that.

    Feel free to look at my pictures, I support Herbalife if it will help someone. That does not mean I think it is required.

    I said 'they tend to' ie it is a generalisation .
    However I notice you do have few posts at 11 and no ticker.
    Of course it is not necessary to have many Posts or a ticker but the generalisation that those who wholeheartedly recommend these products tend to have different features to those who don't recommend them, as I outlined in previous post, is a fairly good indicator of something.

    As I said, readers can draw their own conclusions as to what that something is.

    I wanted to make sure I was excluded from your generalization, that's all. Tracker added, nope don't post much.

    Hunh. Look at his friend list and see if you see what I see.

    You mean a small, close-knit group of mutual mutuals, some of whom haven't posted in 13-27months???
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Your best option is to go to your fireplace, put your money into it, and light it on fire.
    Invest that money in healthy produce, and learning how to change your habits to reach your goals. Products like those are only quick fixes, and can't replace the trial and error that comes with living a better lifestyle.

    For every person you find that says they work - you will find 50 people who lost weight without spending on a store bought plan.

    They ate food that provided the nutrients they needed, exercised, and maintained a calorie deficit.

    You will also notice that those who recommend against these products tend to be longer term members, with tickers showing progress and photos and profiles.

    Those recommending the products tend to have few posts, no picture or profile, no ticker, no MFP history.

    Draw your own conclusions from that.

    Feel free to look at my pictures, I support Herbalife if it will help someone. That does not mean I think it is required.

    I said 'they tend to' ie it is a generalisation .
    However I notice you do have few posts at 11 and no ticker.
    Of course it is not necessary to have many Posts or a ticker but the generalisation that those who wholeheartedly recommend these products tend to have different features to those who don't recommend them, as I outlined in previous post, is a fairly good indicator of something.

    As I said, readers can draw their own conclusions as to what that something is.

    I wanted to make sure I was excluded from your generalization, that's all. Tracker added, nope don't post much.

    Hunh. Look at his friend list and see if you see what I see.

    You mean a small, close-knit of mutual mutuals, some of whom haven't posted in 13-27months???

    Yah. Almost like a trove of fake accounts that are being aged for credibility.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Your best option is to go to your fireplace, put your money into it, and light it on fire.
    Invest that money in healthy produce, and learning how to change your habits to reach your goals. Products like those are only quick fixes, and can't replace the trial and error that comes with living a better lifestyle.

    For every person you find that says they work - you will find 50 people who lost weight without spending on a store bought plan.

    They ate food that provided the nutrients they needed, exercised, and maintained a calorie deficit.

    You will also notice that those who recommend against these products tend to be longer term members, with tickers showing progress and photos and profiles.

    Those recommending the products tend to have few posts, no picture or profile, no ticker, no MFP history.

    Draw your own conclusions from that.

    Feel free to look at my pictures, I support Herbalife if it will help someone. That does not mean I think it is required.

    I said 'they tend to' ie it is a generalisation .
    However I notice you do have few posts at 11 and no ticker.
    Of course it is not necessary to have many Posts or a ticker but the generalisation that those who wholeheartedly recommend these products tend to have different features to those who don't recommend them, as I outlined in previous post, is a fairly good indicator of something.

    As I said, readers can draw their own conclusions as to what that something is.

    I wanted to make sure I was excluded from your generalization, that's all. Tracker added, nope don't post much.

    Hunh. Look at his friend list and see if you see what I see.

    You mean a small, close-knit of mutual mutuals, some of whom haven't posted in 13-27months???

    Yah. Almost like a trove of fake accounts that are being aged for credibility.

    That sounds very creepy and sy-fy-ish. Like there are pods of inactive MFP people in hyper suspension. LOL.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    Your best option is to go to your fireplace, put your money into it, and light it on fire.
    Invest that money in healthy produce, and learning how to change your habits to reach your goals. Products like those are only quick fixes, and can't replace the trial and error that comes with living a better lifestyle.

    For every person you find that says they work - you will find 50 people who lost weight without spending on a store bought plan.

    They ate food that provided the nutrients they needed, exercised, and maintained a calorie deficit.

    You will also notice that those who recommend against these products tend to be longer term members, with tickers showing progress and photos and profiles.

    Those recommending the products tend to have few posts, no picture or profile, no ticker, no MFP history.

    Draw your own conclusions from that.

    Feel free to look at my pictures, I support Herbalife if it will help someone. That does not mean I think it is required.

    I said 'they tend to' ie it is a generalisation .
    However I notice you do have few posts at 11 and no ticker.
    Of course it is not necessary to have many Posts or a ticker but the generalisation that those who wholeheartedly recommend these products tend to have different features to those who don't recommend them, as I outlined in previous post, is a fairly good indicator of something.

    As I said, readers can draw their own conclusions as to what that something is.

    I wanted to make sure I was excluded from your generalization, that's all. Tracker added, nope don't post much.

    Hunh. Look at his friend list and see if you see what I see.

    You mean a small, close-knit of mutual mutuals, some of whom haven't posted in 13-27months???

    Yah. Almost like a trove of fake accounts that are being aged for credibility.

    That sounds very creepy and sy-fy-ish. Like there are pods of inactive MFP people in hyper suspension. LOL.
    they're waiting on Morpheus to offer them the Advopill or the Herbalpill.
  • scoleman58
    scoleman58 Posts: 25 Member
    I think many people misunderstand the concept of a meal replacement shakes and how to use these products, lets use the two mentioned above. These products help create a calorie deficit while making sure you provide your body with proper nutrition; micro and macronutrients to sustain/ increase energy levels to where they should be in the body. Most people do not not get the daily required micro and macronutrients their body needs in the first place.

    Using the two products above they also teach you how to eat properly, IF you follow the plans. This combined with the shakes, protein powders and vitamins provide balanced nutrition when in a calorie deficit phase or weight maintenance phase. It's not unheard us to continue the use of one meal replacement shake and some of the supplements in order to maintain proper nutrition and being able to meet the micro and macronutrients requirements and maintain proper energy levels. The key is to follow the plan to make a life change, not to use the plan and products for "x" time then go back to what your "old" ways. Cause when you do that of course you will "gain it all back" cause your doing what you did in the first place to gain it, and of course you will no longer feel energized you stopped fueling your body with the required micro and macronutrients.

    That being said you need to pick which of the products you need to use from whichever company you decide to use. As a side note I use herbalife 24 sport, I use it now only to maintain and for performance; meal replacement for micro and macronutrients requirements, pre-work drink, post workout rebuild, and for hydration when training and running half marathon. I use 6 of their products each designed for its specific use. I use to use EAS, Herbalife products have provided me with more results and energy on a day-to-day basis than EAS did. I will not say EAS did not work, just not half as well and it was more expensive.

    This describes the exact problem with meal replacement shakes. After a couple of months of meeting my macros, I suddenly noticed the micronutrient feedback on MFP. Wow. My Vitamin A was low. So I researched which foods I needed to add. Potassium too. Now, I have a gut feel for how often I need to eat various types of food every week...and fill my needs with a balanced diet of inexpensive foods. If I'd relied on the shakes I'd still have no idea how to eat.

    Exactly why I use the combination of MFP and MRS (Meal Replacement Shakes). I would love the see % of people that would get more micronutrients than they need even is they added in a 90 calorie meal replacement shake, I am betting it's under 10%. And most of those 10% is not the average public.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I think many people misunderstand the concept of a meal replacement shakes and how to use these products, lets use the two mentioned above. These products help create a calorie deficit while making sure you provide your body with proper nutrition; micro and macronutrients to sustain/ increase energy levels to where they should be in the body. Most people do not not get the daily required micro and macronutrients their body needs in the first place.

    Using the two products above they also teach you how to eat properly, IF you follow the plans. This combined with the shakes, protein powders and vitamins provide balanced nutrition when in a calorie deficit phase or weight maintenance phase. It's not unheard us to continue the use of one meal replacement shake and some of the supplements in order to maintain proper nutrition and being able to meet the micro and macronutrients requirements and maintain proper energy levels. The key is to follow the plan to make a life change, not to use the plan and products for "x" time then go back to what your "old" ways. Cause when you do that of course you will "gain it all back" cause your doing what you did in the first place to gain it, and of course you will no longer feel energized you stopped fueling your body with the required micro and macronutrients.

    That being said you need to pick which of the products you need to use from whichever company you decide to use. As a side note I use herbalife 24 sport, I use it now only to maintain and for performance; meal replacement for micro and macronutrients requirements, pre-work drink, post workout rebuild, and for hydration when training and running half marathon. I use 6 of their products each designed for its specific use. I use to use EAS, Herbalife products have provided me with more results and energy on a day-to-day basis than EAS did. I will not say EAS did not work, just not half as well and it was more expensive.

    This describes the exact problem with meal replacement shakes. After a couple of months of meeting my macros, I suddenly noticed the micronutrient feedback on MFP. Wow. My Vitamin A was low. So I researched which foods I needed to add. Potassium too. Now, I have a gut feel for how often I need to eat various types of food every week...and fill my needs with a balanced diet of inexpensive foods. If I'd relied on the shakes I'd still have no idea how to eat.

    Exactly why I use the combination of MFP and MRS (Meal Replacement Shakes). I would love the see % of people that would get more micronutrients than they need even is they added in a 90 calorie meal replacement shake, I am betting it's under 10%. And most of those 10% is not the average public.

    I don't understand the phrase...(how you say?)..."90 calorie meal replacement shake". In what possible way is 90 calories a meal replacement???

    I guess I'm one of those people who misunderstand the concept.
  • scoleman58
    scoleman58 Posts: 25 Member
    Your best option is to go to your fireplace, put your money into it, and light it on fire.
    Invest that money in healthy produce, and learning how to change your habits to reach your goals. Products like those are only quick fixes, and can't replace the trial and error that comes with living a better lifestyle.

    For every person you find that says they work - you will find 50 people who lost weight without spending on a store bought plan.

    They ate food that provided the nutrients they needed, exercised, and maintained a calorie deficit.

    You will also notice that those who recommend against these products tend to be longer term members, with tickers showing progress and photos and profiles.

    Those recommending the products tend to have few posts, no picture or profile, no ticker, no MFP history.

    Draw your own conclusions from that.

    Feel free to look at my pictures, I support Herbalife if it will help someone. That does not mean I think it is required.

    I said 'they tend to' ie it is a generalisation .
    However I notice you do have few posts at 11 and no ticker.
    Of course it is not necessary to have many Posts or a ticker but the generalisation that those who wholeheartedly recommend these products tend to have different features to those who don't recommend them, as I outlined in previous post, is a fairly good indicator of something.

    As I said, readers can draw their own conclusions as to what that something is.

    I wanted to make sure I was excluded from your generalization, that's all. Tracker added, nope don't post much.

    Hunh. Look at his friend list and see if you see what I see.

    You mean a small, close-knit of mutual mutuals, some of whom haven't posted in 13-27months???

    Yah. Almost like a trove of fake accounts that are being aged for credibility.

    That sounds very creepy and sy-fy-ish. Like there are pods of inactive MFP people in hyper suspension. LOL.
    they're waiting on Morpheus to offer them the Advopill or the Herbalpill.

    Most your statements are correct. I fail to see the point your are trying to make. Facts are facts, and when I stated my opinion I clearly indicated this.
    "You mean a small, close-knit of mutual mutuals, some of whom haven't posted in 13-27months???" - not sure the relevance of this statement.
    "That sounds very creepy and sy-fy-ish. Like there are pods of inactive MFP people in hyper suspension. LOL." - no idea what this is about lol,

    "they're waiting on Morpheus to offer them the Advopill or the Herbalpill." - No one takes multivitamin pills? Not sure why people will take pills and "nutrition"/meal replacement bars but are so against drinking shakes.

    Liquid substance takes less time to provide your body with nutrition (30 to 60 mins) where as pills and solid food takes minimum 2 hours upward oh 6 to 8 hours before the body processes it and gets the nutrition into the blood stream for use.

    As before I encourage individuals to use what works best for them and their life style, most will be a combination of these in conjunction with timing what to eat to provided the proper nutrition and energy leaves as needed for their day. As I stated before most people do not have proper nutrition, nor do then know how to time what they eat with providing constant energy throughout their days including proper fueling before and after workouts.