Tried calories the mfp way too hungry changing to tdee



  • janjanorama
    janjanorama Posts: 19 Member
    I switched over from weight watchers too, I got to my goal in 2011, and slowly gained it all back, I'm giving mfp a go now hoping to make a better more sustainable change.

    The first thing I had to tackle when switching over, was my thinking, in weight watchers everything is focused on points and seeing a loss on the scales, its not really about the quality of your weight loss, a minus is a minus in ww and thats that. I think in the long term, ww is actually focused on keeping you coming back and paying your fee every week and can lead you to believe that you need ww to keep going. MFP I think can give you a better over all picture, and gives you the tools to manage on your own.

    Now with hindsight I can see that the weight watchers notion of either saving points or using bonus points for the weekend, really kept me in a very negative cycle, giving me license to binge at the weekend, because I'd saved the points to do so, and that isn't healthy (mentally or physically) I think its would be better to allow yourself one small treat every day than having 7 days worth in one day, more in keeping in line with the ww simple start plan week one.

    I had a quick look at your diary, and I'm by no means an expert, but I agree with what most other posters have said, in that you're definitely not eating enough every day. It's indicative I think of the type of thinking that ww can encourage, ie eat as little as possible to get through. Start slowly to change your thinking and work on it one meal at a time. I started off looking at my breakfast and seeing what I could improve there. I picked a week and I tried to eat a different breakfast every day, it is the most important meal of the day as you will most likely not have eaten for the preceeding 8 hours, so allow yourself to have more. I know porridge can be filling, but maybe mix it up. Try having a bagel with bacon medallions and light cream cheese and some oj, or bacon eggs and beans, or an omlette, or light bread with bacon and eggs. it is worth getting up a few mins earlier to properly nourish your body. Once you find a combo that works for brekkie, tackle lunch and so on.

    On a Sunday each week I sit down and write a list of all the meals I would like to have that week, work out the ingredients and calories and then I make them fit into my days, ie the highest calories on gym days. It might take me up to two hours, but its two hours well spent. Instead of looking at the overall and rushing into decisions, break it down into smaller parts and tackle each one individually.
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    your right it is hard making the switch i have done it for 5 years on and off!! i have decided to go inbetween MFP cals of 1440 and TDEE -20% and eat 1600 calories a day and not log Exercise is works out bang inbetween the two i feel comfortable at this number if there is a night out coming up i can always cut back a few days but making sure i dont drop between 1200-1300. just getting use too and adjusting i suppose.x
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Well I have been doing mfp for 4 days now it gave me 1440 calories a day I have switched to this plan from weight watchers and decided what I would do is save my exercise calories and have them all on weekend as I use to get weekly points with ww but this has meant some days netting at 1000 even on days when I have eaten the full 1440 I'm still really really hungry mainly on a night time stomach feels like it's churning and burning, so my tdee is 1700 so I plan on having this most days but some days still save some calories for my Saturday night wine and goodies but I will make sure not to drop below 1300 calls on the days I do that which will only probably only be 3days out of the week I just generally feel really really hungry like my body is telling me I need more food, my only concern is that using fitness pals way and saving my exsersice calories for my Saturday night treats gives me a bigger deflect the run up to weigh day (Friday) as most my works outs are done sat- Thursday the TDEE way means I will be eating a couple more 100 before weigh in so hoping this won't make much a difference but bottom line is I can't feel like I'm starving I have to listen to my body plus as I will be having a bigger amount of calories most day I can have treats more regular meaning I probably won't need my treat day Saturday any more
    Maybe if you'd done the mfp method properly you wouldn't have had this problem. Also considering the fact that you only seem to log around 10% of the time you will have problems no matter what method you use. Consistency and accuracy is the key which you haven't managed so far.

    Also sentences and full stops they exist for a reason
  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    Are you drinking enough water? A lot of the times I feel hungry but I really am thirsty! Also I find there are a lot of ways to save calories throughout the day so that you can eat more solid foods and nourishing foods.

    For example, I right away cut out putting creamer in my coffee and started drinking it black. Black coffee = zero calories and you get to save around 30 calories per cup of coffee a day. Say you drink about 3 cups of coffee or tea with creamer throughout the day thats roughly 90 calories you can eat back! That's an easy thing to do.

    Another thing is to kind of use the calories as though they are money, what food is going to give you the most bang for your buck? Vegetables, fruits, whole foods, not empty carbs, candy, cookies, and snacks. Also if you are craving a cookie or something sweet look down the baby food aisle, there are tons of cookies down their that are like 15 calories per cookie and really low in sugar.

    And remember this is not a quick fix but a lifestyle change, you body may need some time getting used to it! Chin Up!!
  • Punctuation is your friend.

    As are line breaks.

    thank you. thank you. thank you.
  • janjanorama
    janjanorama Posts: 19 Member
    I like the baby food Idea! so simple!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Agree with the above posters who say that TDEE and MFP come out to about the same thing in the long run calorie-wise. I chose TDEE because 1. it makes me feel more responsible for getting up and working out so I can hit the activity level I'm claiming and 2. it evens my calories out over the week rather than having "hungry days." I gotta say, though, you have to work the program. You have to log and log accurately!
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    Well I have been doing mfp for 4 days now. it gave me 1440 calories a day.

    I have switched to this plan from weight watchers and decided what I would do is save my exercise calories and have them all on weekend as I use to get weekly points with ww. but this has meant some days netting at 1000 even on days when I have eaten the full 1440.

    I'm still really really hungry. mainly on a night time stomach feels like it's churning and burning,

    so my tdee is 1700. so I plan on having this most days but some days still save some calories for my Saturday night wine and goodies.

    but I will make sure not to drop below 1300 calls on the days I do that, which will only probably only be 3days out of the week.

    I just generally feel really really hungry like my body is telling me I need more food.

    my only concern is that using fitness pals way and saving my exsersice calories for my Saturday night treats gives me a bigger deflect.

    the run up to weigh day (Friday) as most my works outs are done sat- Thursday the TDEE way means I will be eating a couple more 100 before weigh in so hoping this won't make much a difference.

    but bottom line is I can't feel like I'm starving. I have to listen to my body, plus as I will be having a bigger amount of calories most day, I can have treats more regular.

    meaning I probably won't need my treat day Saturday any more

    ***broken up a bit for easier reading***
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    To answer the OP -

    TDEE includes exercise calories. So depending on your exercise, at 1700 you are still netting 1300-1500 cals (which coincides with what MFP is giving you).

    Could you open up your diary so that we can see how things are being logged, etc to possibly give you better advice/suggestions?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Saving your exercise calories for Saturday is not the MFP way.

    Nor is it the TDEE way....

    If you're doing it right, your calorie goal is going to come out roughly the same. When I was doing MFP to lose 1 Lb per week I had a net goal of 1850 calories...with exercise I was generally eating around 2200 - 2300 or so. My TDEE is 2700 - 2800 my TDEE - 500 calories to lose about 1 Lb per week was 2200 - 2300 calories.

    6 of 1, half dozen of the other.
  • sabianhunter
    sabianhunter Posts: 17 Member
    When i did weight watchers I ate so many low-fat carby kind of things cause the food that higher in fat and full of protein gives you a bigger hit on points. Now on MFP (I do TDEE method) I try to stay lower on carbs and higher on protein and I don't feel hungry much ever. I think that is a problem with WW is that you can go all day eating 100 calorie packs of junk and never get all your points in, but you are never eating real food and you are always hungry. Making the change to eating food that is higher in fat and protein, but also will making you feel much fuller for the day will definitely help with your evening binges I think!

    And please remember the first couple of weeks of any new regimen is gonna suck. So give it some time!!
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Definitely pick one calculator or the other - basically the same. If you go the TDEE route (I do) change your goals in MFP by using the custom button to manually set your goals - put in 0 for calories burned and when you track your exercise (If you want to) change the calories burned to 1. This will make it so that it doesn't change your calorie goal.

    Don't make any more changes until you've tried this for at least 4 weeks.

    Good luck!!
    XLMACX Posts: 346 Member
    Thank you for your help everyone it's just hard when your use to doing something for so many years, I'm going down tdee method and sticking to 1700 cals, as for my "punctuation" I do APOLOGISE if it has offended anyone but I''am dyslexic so I do struggle with grammar!! But thanks for taking extra time to amended my spelling mistakes and punctuation I really really appreciate it now people can understand it more :)
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
  • DaniMarie180
    Didn't like system 1 so tried system 2 .. didn't like that so tried number 3 .. not sure about that either so I say I'm doing it but actually I'm not - doing my own thing instead ... guess what ... that's not working either .... WTF?

    How about this - PICK A PLAN AND STICK TO IT PROPERLY - Give it a chance!!!

    ^^^ YEP! ^^^
  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    I quit reading after "Well I have been doing mfp for 4 day now ". Really 4 Whole Days.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    her MFP journey has to start somewhere - everyone's had a first 4 days in it.

    Isn't it better that she asks questions early and gets off to a better start?