How much weight did you lose before people noticed?



  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    About 5-10 pounds. I'm very small to begin with, so just a handful of pounds either way is quite noticeable.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    About 5-10 pounds. I'm very small to begin with, so just a handful of pounds either way is quite noticeable.

    Me too. Everyone was noticing and commenting.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Sometimes people don't comment on weight loss because some people have a negative reaction to that.
  • TylerNorris57
    TylerNorris57 Posts: 54 Member
    For me it was 55lbs.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    People started noticing when I'd lost about 15% of my body weight.
  • ilenewilliams
    ilenewilliams Posts: 48 Member
    A few people commented around the 40 lb mark but in the last few weeks everyone at work seems to notice and I have lost over 50 lbs now.
  • knitbytes
    knitbytes Posts: 114
    Not a single person has said anything to me without my mentioning it first, and I've gone from a size 24 to a size 14. As soon as I mention it, they'll be like "Yeah I noticed! You look great!" etc. but I think people are too worried about offending others to mention it unprompted.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I asked people to pay attention and pipe up when they noticed because it would be encouraging.

    My biggest loss number to date is 66lbs. I still wear the same clothes. No one has noticed much, except that my face looks different, but they haven't said it's thinner or anything, just more vibrant. yeah... hahahaha One day my pants will fall down, then I'm sure everyone will notice.
  • AllieBear88
    AllieBear88 Posts: 170 Member
    A few years ago, no one noticed much, except my husband. I wasn't exercising, so my shape wasn't changing, just shrinking a little. I started working out more a few months ago and lost about 7 pounds. A friend who sees me at least once a week noticed it soon afterward. He said it was mostly around my chin that he noticed. I've not been successful enough yet to get to the "Oh you've lost weight!" point where I can answer with "Yeah, I've lost 20 pounds!" though.
  • mikegerber1
    mikegerber1 Posts: 38 Member
    started at 363 last November I notice that I was moving better in January when I was 348, I'm at 316 now, I would say people noticed when I had lost about 40 lbs. I took my pick in January then again in march, the only way I could tell is to put the pics side by side and compared them, my face is thinner now. I'll take another one on my birthday in may so I can compare to January, I'm hoping to see a distinct difference. we'll have to wait and see. I've looked at a few pics from last summer and.... wow, a lot different. It helps motivate me when my co-workers let me know, being big to begin with, I think it's easier for people to say things when they notice because they know I need it as compared to someone who only needs to loose 20 or so, just because I think people are a little more cautious (especially with women) because there is ALWAYS the possibility of offending them.
  • cathylopez1975
    cathylopez1975 Posts: 191 Member
    Interesting question. People I work with said nothing the first school year - I had lost 74 lbs from the beginning to end of that school year. But after being off for summer break ( and only losing 10 lbs more) I got MANY comments, and double takes! I had teachers asking me in the hall if they could help me (direct me somewhere) and then say "I didn't recognize you!" Also, I had a teacher who left the school before I started losing weight come to the school in March and didn't even talk to me. I heard through the grapevine she told one of my friends "I feel like I should know who that is, but I have no clue." So funny to me.
  • Around 20 pounds or so. My Grandma noticed it first, then some people at Church. Now that I've lost 30 it's more noticeable. :)
  • My best friend and my mom at 15 pounds from 175, but now im down 21 and no one else has noticed much, but everyone that would think to say anything about it I see everyday so maybe thats why.. The true test is when I go out of state later this month to see family that I haven't seen since Christmas when I was at my heaviest.... Im pretty nervous!
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    I had one person notice at 20lbs but he is conscious of his own weight and a good friend.
    Two notice around 28lbs.
    And another 2 noticed at 33lbs.

    Honestly, I think its a big difference but most people around me don't really comment on it. Weight loss conversations are awkward. They dont usually end smoothly in my experience so sometimes people avoid them unless they really know the person. At first I thought it was because I work with mostly men who are less prone to notice but now I know thats not true. My loss is significant enough at 33lbs down that I look different than I did. Its less than I weighed when I started my job 4 years ago and about 40lbs less than my top weight at that job so I figured they had a frame or reference but only 5/100 people seem to have noticed.

    In general, I am starting to notice that most people do not compliment others as part of their daily life. I rarely get comments on nice tops/outfits, new hairdos, or great work but I seem to give them to others all the time. Im not going to let it stop me but it would be nice to get more compliments for my work to get where I am today. In the end I am losing weight for me so I dont let it bother me. :flowerforyou:
  • jmp463
    jmp463 Posts: 266 Member
    I could notice a change in clothing after 10lbs. My family started to notice at 15lbs. By 20lbs people I worked with really started to notice. It was a fun ride down. Have some more to go but the really large drops are behind me. Makes me both happy and sad.
  • For some reason I cant read posts, so here goes what i hope is the proper answer. I lost about 8 pounds before it was noticed. Of course, 10 lbs being a dress size I felt the difference right away. I've got to get rid of my "skinny jeans" and find a new pair to work myself into. Having been a 22W, it's nice to get into 18's. The skinnier I get the easier it is to find second hand clothes that fit. I looked at a picture taken when I was at my heaviest and I can't believe the difference 20 lbs makes. My Doctors are happy but not as much as I am.
  • lisatrish
    lisatrish Posts: 123 Member
    10 lbs is when I started getting the "you're losing a lot of weight". I've lost 5 inches on my waist with the 12 lbs I've lost so far so it's very noticeable. Been at it for 90 days so far.
  • Biggirllittledreams
    Biggirllittledreams Posts: 306 Member
    For me, it depended upon how frequently people saw me.

    Those who saw me on a daily basis took a lot longer to notice than those who saw me infrequently. My parents didn't realize until I had lost about 30 pounds, but those who saw me every month or two seemed to notice every 5 or so pounds I lost. :c
  • SandraJN
    SandraJN Posts: 305 Member
    I've lost 28 lbs. and no one has noticed, but I have a lot to lose. I notice and that is what matters.
  • About 20lbs.. but now folks that havent seen me in a while freak out when they see me LOL!