Jillian Michaels Body Revolution

Took it upon myself to order Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, tomorrow I will fully commit myself to the program for the next 90 days. No excuses, no laziness, I'm just going to do it! Does anyone want to start with me tomorrow? Would love some extra motivation and support. Let me know :)


  • zoe021601
    zoe021601 Posts: 63
    I would love to do this! I'm getting married in a month and I really need to kick start my weight loss. This sounds great!
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    That's great, tomorrow I will post my measurements and start weight. I plan to do my weighing every Sunday morning, so every sunday come to this post and comment your loss or gains. We can also discuss what difficulties we might have had within the week and give any advice we might want to share.
  • zoe021601
    zoe021601 Posts: 63
    That sounds great! I'll be back tomorrow to post my starting weight and measurements.
  • hotmamajenE
    hotmamajenE Posts: 268 Member
    I just started doing the program and would love to join you guys to help keep me motivated. We can all keep each other on our track to healthiness and hotness!:happy:
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    I just started doing the program and would love to join you guys to help keep me motivated. We can all keep each other on our track to healthiness and hotness!:happy:

    sounds great! How far along are you and how is it going?
  • hotmamajenE
    hotmamajenE Posts: 268 Member
    I am in phase 1 on week 2. I missed a day or two and should actually be starting on week 3 of phase 1 this coming Monday. I'm glad you want to start this, I do better when I know others are doing the same thing! I like the workouts. At first, I thought it was actually easy. I must have just been excited to get started because as I go on, the same workouts seem a little more challenging. It's really not bad. I mainly am trying to tone. I am at a good weight I feel for me. 5'3 and 131-134 pounds. If I lose a little more, fine, just don't want to be flabby! LOL
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I've been nursing a stomach virus all day, will weigh and measure myself in the morning then post. Will let you guys know how this day 1 goes. Have you already started? How did it go? For those who are weeks in already how did todays workout go?

    Look forward to hearing back from you guys! Can't wait to begin this journey!


  • MsAr1es
    MsAr1es Posts: 1
    Hi Ladies!

    I just ordered Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and I should receive it tomorrow!! I'm excited to start and I would love to join you if that's ok?
  • zoe021601
    zoe021601 Posts: 63
    I was sick on Sunday, so I started yesterday. WOW, that first workout is killer! I think that proves just how out of shape I really am! Here are my starting measurements/weight:

    Weight: 234 lbs
    Bust: 46 in
    Waist: 39.5 in
    Hips: 48.5 in
    Thigh: 29.5 in
    Calf: 7.5 in
    Ankle: 9.5 in
    Bicep: 16 in
    Wrist: 6.75 in

    I can't wait to see those numbers drop! I hope everyone is having a great week!
  • zoe021601
    zoe021601 Posts: 63
    We would love to have you!
  • Ramags
    Ramags Posts: 3
    I just began Body Rev yesterday and did day 1 then and day 2 this morning! Feeling great! However, I just finished Ripped in 30, so I think this is a bit of a step backwards. So excited for this program, as I have been a huge Jillian fan for years!
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    Start weight 222.2
    Can't find my measuring tape for my measurements picking some up tonight.
    Skipped working out yesterday, only because I took my daughter to the Zoo at 11a and did not leave there until 4p so I pretty much walked the whole day. Chasing after my two year old must count as some type of workout. I got home and my feet were killing me. Is anyone following the meal plan it comes with? I picked up some things for the 7 day kickstart, plan on preparing the foods today after I get off from work as well as doing the first workout DVD. How was everyone's workout? I have to pick up a heart rate monitor, any suggestions?
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I just ordered Jillian Michaels Body Revolution and I should receive it tomorrow!! I'm excited to start and I would love to join you if that's ok?

    All are welcomed, don't forget to post your start weight and measurements. Weigh-ins are on Monday. Look forward to your results!
  • zoe021601
    zoe021601 Posts: 63
    I knew I had gotten out of shape. I mean, it would be hard to be this heavy and actually be in any kind of shape! But I had no idea how bad that would kick my butt! Dang! I only bought phase 1 to try it out before spending too much money on something I wasn't going to follow through with, but if all goes as planned I will follow through and I can get the other phases. I really do like Jillian, I have done the 30 day shred multiple times and have always had great results. I'm excited to get back into working out! What are the meal plans like?
  • LaDiiHeArT
    LaDiiHeArT Posts: 118 Member
    Hey guys,

    Did the first workout today and it was pretty good. I'm going to post a picture of my breakfast and dinner which are both recipes from the book 7 day Kick start your metabolism. How did your workout go this morning? Post some pics of your healthy meals.
  • cgm2
    cgm2 Posts: 14 Member

    I am on Day 6 of the first phase. I just finished Ripped in 30 and would love to join your group for support and motivation!
  • tami52
    tami52 Posts: 4 Member
    Just starting day 1. Would love to join you as well for support, motivation and commitment. I'm in a 10 week weight loss challenge at work with the first place prize of $700.00. It ends right before my vacation begins so this is perfect.

    Starting weight 196. Measurements to come.
  • dempseymom4
    dempseymom4 Posts: 35 Member
    I am ordering this today and would love to join yall when it comes in. I currently go the the Y in the mornings before work and do either the elliptical or treadmill for 45 minutes and then either do step or spin during lunch and try a shred class twice a week but I am still severally out of shape when it comes to the exercies so I am excited to try this. Please let me know if I can join.
  • zoe021601
    zoe021601 Posts: 63
    I hope everyone is enjoying Body Revolution so far! Just thought I would post an update with my weight and measurements after week one.

    Weight: 231 lbs
    Bust: 45.5 in
    Waist: 39 in
    Thigh: 28.75 in
    Calf: 17 in
    Ankle: 9 in
    Wrist: 6.5 in
    Hips: 47 in

    That is a loss of .5 in. in my bust, .5 in waist, .75 in. in thigh, .5 in. in calf, .5 in. in ankle, .25 in. in wrist, and 1.5 in. in hips, and a 3 lb. loss in weight! Needless to say, I'm very happy with my results from the first week alone! Right now I'm fighting a terrible stomach virus plus a wicked cold, so this week I'll be mainly focusing on diet. I'm hoping towards the end of the week/this weekend I'll feel good enough to get a few workouts in.

    How is everyone else doing? I'd love to hear from everyone!
  • dempseymom4
    dempseymom4 Posts: 35 Member
    I am extremely disgusted with their customer service as I placed my order yesterday received the confirmation email that I would be charged 44.98 for the first installement plus 14.95 for shipping and low and behold as I check my account today I was charged the FULL AMOUNT OF 104.98. Called customer service and they were absolutely no help as they said it will take 3-5 days for the charge to fall off and the correct one to show up. When I asked why they didn't contact me with this mistake their response was "we didn't know there was a mistake" WTF you sent me the freakin receipt. While I still am anxious to try the videos I am disgusted with their customer service.
  • SebbysMama
    SebbysMama Posts: 3 Member
    Is it too late to join the thread?! I've had the BR for a year but I never get passed week one because I just lose my motivation. And my fiancé keeps telling me he's going to do it with me but he always bails, then complains why I just can't do it by myself! Maybe if I join with you girls I'll feel like I'm not alone in this. ????
  • amandastephens9003
    amandastephens9003 Posts: 33 Member
    Is this workout fun? If it's anything like 30DS i'll pass, no offense to those who like it, I just found it incredibly boring
  • amandastephens9003
    amandastephens9003 Posts: 33 Member
    I am extremely disgusted with their customer service as I placed my order yesterday received the confirmation email that I would be charged 44.98 for the first installement plus 14.95 for shipping and low and behold as I check my account today I was charged the FULL AMOUNT OF 104.98. Called customer service and they were absolutely no help as they said it will take 3-5 days for the charge to fall off and the correct one to show up. When I asked why they didn't contact me with this mistake their response was "we didn't know there was a mistake" WTF you sent me the freakin receipt. While I still am anxious to try the videos I am disgusted with their customer service.

    Where did you order from? They have more affordable prices on Amazon :)
  • dajel
    dajel Posts: 5
    Hey everyone. I have just finished BR! It was my first time every finishing a program and I'm glad I did. I started out with the following stats:

    Weight: 136
    Waist: 27
    Hips: 39
    Right leg: 23
    Left leg: 23

    I finished with:

    I did not follow the diet at all, but did clean up my eating a lot. I allowed myself a cheat day which even included alcohol. I don't believe in giving up everything I love in order to tone up.

    I am trying to post my photos for you to see...
  • dajel
    dajel Posts: 5
    does anyone know how to post pics?
  • Hi

    Hows it going with the jillian michaels work out? I just started out this week and saw that work out I wouldnt mind trying it
  • Hello, if you haven't started already, I plan to start on May 1st and would love to join you. I've done her 30-day shred video before and LOVED it.
  • ItsHetani
    ItsHetani Posts: 7 Member
    I've done this program 3 times and LOVE it. I had surgery a few months ago and haven't worked out since, so I'm excited to get started again! Love that there is a supportive forum :D!

    When you guys measure your stomach, which part do you measure?

    *Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • dempseymom4
    dempseymom4 Posts: 35 Member
    @AmandaStephen...I ordered from the Jillian Michaels website I should have ordered from Amazon