I'm not going to beat myself up about it...



  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    I've been slipping cause of the Christmas Cookies - can't wait till they are gone! I dd better today for exercise - I haven't been doing very well on that , either.

    I don't want to wait till the new year ---- I want to get back on track now.

    When it is a new day - start it out right! You can do it and so can I. Don't give up~!
  • rekcorydob
    I find that I need a free/cheat day here and there, otherwise I feel too deprived and end up saying "screw it". I only take one every couple weeks, but they help me so much.

    Also, they can be good for breaking a plateau. Our metabolisms are creatures of habit, and they get use to what we fuel them with. A day or two of more calories can be good for speeding your metabolism back up a bit, and then you'll start losing again when you decrease your calories.

    Very true. Calorie cycling can be beneficial. The trick is to not let two days turn into a week or two : )
  • HeatherBunnell
    I ate so much... I still feel sick :(

    How do I get back on track?!

    Step one: decide you want to get back on track.

    Step two: don't get stressed.

    We'll cheer you on :)

    I was baaaaaad last week. Gained back 3 lbs. Ouch! But my friends are such wonderful cooks! And the cookies! Ohhhh the cookies...
    Now I'm back on track. My first achievent was to turn down the piece of peppermint bark my son offered me this morning. (I love that stuff!!) I also have my 1.5L water bottle filled and ready to go. I may even go for a walk before my shop opens.

    My goal was to get under 200 lbs by the beginning of the year. I have 4.5 lbs to go. (As opposed to the 1.5 lbs last week *sniffle*)

    Cue up the Rocky theme!!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Christmas was fun now its time to get back to real life.

    Ditto!! I'm back at work today, and frankly glad to be back to some sort of routine. Packed yogurt and a bunch of fruits. Drinking my water. :drinker: Nothing I can do about the last 2 (or 20) days, but I can pick up my healthy habits once again. :bigsmile:
  • Meganne1982
    I'm busy meditating myself out of self-anger over the holiday weekend. The truth is I did waaayyy better than I have at holidays in the past. I never ate to the point of discomfort... but I was grazing on candy for basically 2 days straight.

    But everyday is a new day and an opportunity to start over.

    I was doing great before the weekend, I can do better from here on out.

    I think it's important to remember not to be too hard on yourself for a rough couple of days. Weightloss is a process that works best with a good attitude. Feeling guilty only encourages me to continue bad habits. Positive attitude for a positive life!