Anyone else ever go over their calories?

Anyone else go over their calories? I'm feeling guilty right now that I did :(


  • peacefrog08109
    peacefrog08109 Posts: 44 Member
    I do on occasion, but if I go over one day I have six other days to balance it out.
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    YUP! About to go ride my bike in attempts to "fix it"...
  • Yeah, lately it's about 80% of the time:)
  • RatherBeOutside
    RatherBeOutside Posts: 24 Member
    Yes constantly. I kind of stay at 8# over weight. Sucks. I can't wrap my brain around cutting back on junk food. I do eat well. It's just who I am? When I'm in better weather territory my weight does better. So does my eating
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I think it the rare, rare extra-OCD type that NEVER goes over their calories by at least a little bit. I have over days, I have under days. I look at my weekly totals more closely than I look at each daily total.
  • Yes, I try and make sure I'm under for the week though so if I"m over one day I'll just eat a bit less the next or go for a longer walk.
  • yeseniazambrano
    yeseniazambrano Posts: 7 Member
    I went over about 900 calories :\ but you're RIGHT! there are 6 other days!!....I was just hoping to try and stay within my calorie goal everyday.
  • asciident
    asciident Posts: 166 Member
    I think it the rare, rare extra-OCD type that NEVER goes over their calories by at least a little bit. I have over days, I have under days. I look at my weekly totals more closely than I look at each daily total.

    This. I was over by a hundred last Thursday and Sunday. But I was also under last Wednesday by almost 400 and under on Friday by over 600. I don't feel bad about the days I was over at all.
  • yeseniazambrano
    yeseniazambrano Posts: 7 Member
    I wish I had like a bike, treadmill or an elliptical to try and "fix" it. All I have is a mini stepper, is that just as good?
  • I do on occasion, but if I go over one day I have six other days to balance it out.
    Same! :smile:
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I wish I had like a bike, treadmill or an elliptical to try and "fix" it. All I have is a mini stepper, is that just as good?
    Going over your calories one day isn't "bad" and definitely isn't something you should feel guilty about. Think about it - if you're set a goal with MFP to lose weight, then you're eating at a deficit every single day. That deficit could be up to 1000 calories a day. Hopefully, with not too much to lose, you have set MFP to lose either 1lb a week or 0.5 lbs a week. Let's say you're losing 1 lb a week and have a daily deficit of 500 calories. If you overeat by say 300 calories, then you're still at a deficit for the day, just a slightly smaller one. If you overate by 500 calories, then you ate at maintenance for that one day only - you'd still be at a deficit for the week. A lot of people find it helpful to look at their weekly total rather than daily. If you're at a deficit for the week, you'll still lose weight regardless of the fact you went over one day.

    And worst case scenario, you overate by so much that you've wiped out your weekly deficit (which at 1 lb a week would be 3500 calories ) - well then that's one week of eating at maintenance. So, what? You'll reach your goal a week later than you would have? Remember that to gain a lb of fat you need to overeat by approx 3,500 calories - that's over and above your maintenance number, not over your MFP goal. One single day of 900 calories over your MFP daily goal is negligible in terms of weight loss/gain. If you're at that 1 lb a week target, then you'll still be at a (slight) deficit for a two day period.

    You don't need to "fix" this, and to be honest, rushing out to do extra exercise to compensate for unexpectedly going over your calorie goal can be a slippery slope into really unhealthy eating habits, even disordered eating. Just carry on as usual. No matter how much you go over. If something had more calories than you expected, or something triggered you to overeat, well just use this as a learning opportunity and move on. Try to stop thinking of this as a temporary diet that you can fail at - you're changing your lifestyle. There is no failing, just learning and adjusting.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    It happens constantly, at least a little. I also try to make up for it the next day, or with the average at the end of the week. Even that sometimes doesn't happen.

    If you want to do some cardio and you don't have equipment, you can try the free videos on YouTube or FitnessBlender or lots of other sites. Or you can do jumping jacks, burpees, or just put on some music and dance like a fool. You don't have to have equipment.
  • be_patient
    be_patient Posts: 186 Member
    um. does anyone ever not go over their calories? I've gone over ever since I can remember so I just bumped it up recently.
  • Lindsayryk
    Lindsayryk Posts: 71 Member
    I do. Then I feel terrible for the rest of the day! But the guilt keeps me from doing it again.
  • SavinnaMarie
    SavinnaMarie Posts: 108 Member
    almost everyday! I just exercise more so i could burn the extra calories off. if I can't add another exercise for the day, I try not to go over my limit the next day.
  • missionquestthing
    missionquestthing Posts: 48 Member
    I'm over or just barely under a lot of days but then there are days that I'm considerably under too. Daily intake isnt as important as a weekly average, so if it bothers you just eat a few less calories the next several days to counter balance it. Just dont cut them too much, you might cause yourself to binge. Personally 900 calories over probably didnt send you into your weight gain calorie range. about a month ago I about doubled my calories on one day and dropped a couple pounds that week without doing anything to compensate for it.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Yep. Usually on Saturdays and Sundays. I did yesterday because it was my birthday. Yay! :D

    I always eat at enough of a deficit Monday to Friday to balance it out. :)
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    Of course. Frequently. Everyone is human...ain't nobody here perfect. (Or we wouldn't be here....) Let it go...enjoy what you had, learn from it, move on.
  • does you good, both mentally and physically, gets the metabolism fired up burning all the excess off!!
  • supermysza
    supermysza Posts: 167 Member
    I think it the rare, rare extra-OCD type that NEVER goes over their calories by at least a little bit. I have over days, I have under days. I look at my weekly totals more closely than I look at each daily total.

    One time I unintentionally (as in without altering/adjusting any entries) hit my calorie goals exactly to the calorie. It felt good in the "OCD" type way :smooched: