Anyone else ever go over their calories?



  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    I wish I had like a bike, treadmill or an elliptical to try and "fix" it. All I have is a mini stepper, is that just as good?
    Pfffttt, don't feel bad. I only "fixed" 25.. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    I'll "fix" the rest today. Still under 2000, so I'll just be losing a lot slower. Not beating myself up too much.

    ETA: I look at my calories weekly, not daily. Seems to work better for me and I get frustrated a lot less. Got too much going on to be frustrated about this, as well.
  • I do, plenty of times, sure. Sometimes it's that honest, "Wow, I didn't realize that food was THAT many calories." And sometimes it's, "Screw it, I'm hungry/stressed/frustrated/frazzled." It happens.
    I do try to do more cardio to balance out or pad my total calories per day and that helps immensely. I find it also helps to have a 'cheat day' that I can look forward to where I don't count my calories. Typically that's a Saturday. If I have a day that I know I'm allowed to go 'off budget', then it really helps me keep on track throughout the week. I try to look up my food before ordering as well, just to keep me on track as to what and how much I should eat in a given meal.
    Best of luck and don't stress too much on the occasional overages as you find your way.
  • gettinfitaus
    gettinfitaus Posts: 161 Member
    ALL. THE. TIME! But that may also be why I haven't lost a damned thing!
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Don't sweat it ......... actually do sweat it .... just do a bit more exercise and/or reduce your energy input for a day or 2 (depends how much you went over and how guilty you feel).

    I personally don't think the Daily Numbers (be that on the scales or on you plates) are as important as say the on going average.

    Don't beat yourself up (there's plenty of muppets in here that will do that for you)
  • 1LoveChips
    1LoveChips Posts: 260 Member
    By "ever" do you mean every other day? I do :)

    I still log it so that I know why I'm not losing any weight, or putting weight on.

    Then I give myself a slap, get back into a routine, and happy days!
  • thankyou4thevenom
    thankyou4thevenom Posts: 1,581 Member
    Yes but its not something I chose to worry about. As long as my long term calorie tracking shows a deficit, it's all good.
  • louisedavies311
    louisedavies311 Posts: 110 Member
    yes I did yesterday feeling so guilty have 3 days to try and fix before weigh in, I got up early and walked dogs for an hour this morning have a long day ahead of me to burn those calories off
  • emilylittle5494
    emilylittle5494 Posts: 29 Member
    I did today. :( Bit disappointed in myself... I will do better tomorrow!
  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    Thanks everyone who talked about weekly/monthly calorie goals, I never even realised that you could run a report! Duh! X
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
    Yes, but I tend to look at the week as a whole rather than focusing on a single day, which is why the Weekly Chart in the Mobile App for MFP is quite handy.

    I would like to see the Weekly Chart on the website as it works on the mobile app (yes, I know of the reports on the website, but its not the same).
  • verhunzt
    verhunzt Posts: 154 Member
    The last three days I did, but I'm more motivated than ever to make up for it! :)
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    No. Never. All of you should be ashamed....
  • hannydeee
    hannydeee Posts: 155 Member
    It's amazing, reading through this, how many people get that feeling of guilt from going over their calories!
    The idea is to get as close to your goal as possible on here - so if that's 50 under or 50 over, it doesn't matter! I wish MFP would get rid of the angry red numbers as soon as you're so much as 1 calorie over. I think there should be 100 cals of leeway. This site is supposed to promote healthy weight loss, not punish people for meeting their goal!
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I do now and then yes and most days I assume a hundred or so over my 1200 limit. But I keep my eye on the 1200 regardless of how many calories I've burned throughout the day. In other words, I don't go by my net number or what the system tells me I have left for calories. I just stick with a 1200 calorie range, period. So if and when I go over, it's not a big deal.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    All the time! I think I'm desensitized now... No guilt here.
  • callyart
    callyart Posts: 209
    Sometimes I do, yeah, but not drastically. If you don't allow yourself to do so on occasion you end up hating the 'getting healthy' process.
    It used to bother me if I went over by 1 calorie, now I don't fret if I go over 100, because tomorrow is another day and I know I will continue to keep going.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Yeah, especially if I have a rest day. When that happens, I only have about 300 calories for dinner. The rest of the time, though, I'm about 250-300 calories under so I figure if I go 200 calories over one day I'm covered.

    Even if I didn't, WTH, it's one day in a lifetime. I'll survive it.

    [edited to add:] I need the accountability, so every bite is measured and logged, even when I go over. I've noticed that, for me, it keeps the "slip ups" to a minimum, We're human, there is no "perfect" so I just log it and move on.

  • cruciia
    cruciia Posts: 94 Member
    I set my calorie limit to the highest number that I can eat but still lose weight (about 1700-1800), but I aim for 1400-1600 every day. So I don't feel so guilty going over 1600 when it comes up in red. :)

    That being said I still go over sometimes, but I have learnt that it doesn't really affect my weight loss if it's only say, once a week.
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    I wish I had like a bike, treadmill or an elliptical to try and "fix" it. All I have is a mini stepper, is that just as good?

    You wish you had "like a bike". What is like a bike?
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    Yes! Sometimes more often than I would like... but all I can do is move on :)