how often should i weigh myself

Can you tell me when is the best time to weight myself and how often

should it be everyday? etc


  • EvanElric
    EvanElric Posts: 34
    Standard is once a week in the morning after using the bathroom. If you have a "cheat day" then weigh-in day should be that morning. I weigh myself once every 30 days because at least then I'm guaranteed a loss. :D
  • Aggeon
    Aggeon Posts: 9 Member
    In the morning, before you eat anything, is the best time of day to check. As for how often, it's not too important, but give a few days in between checks because you can fluctuate roughly 3-5 pounds depending on water weight, hormones, bowel movements, etc. Giving some time can also help prevent getting obsessed or stressing over not seeing an immediate change. I usually check every two weeks, but I don't actually own a scale, so I have no choice but to follow my own advice. :laugh: