Anyone relate? Losing weight again.



  • leandread
    leandread Posts: 166 Member
    I'm tied to hear people say I don't look overweight. that I carry my weight well and yada yada. I just don't want to carry the extra weight anymore. Now I'm determined to lose 50lbs also so if you need another "dietpal" count on me too :bigsmile:

    oh yeah, I can definitely relate to that. Especially because I am a tall woman (6 feet), people love to give me the, "you aren't that big, you're tall. you carry it well". I'm not looking to be supermodel thin but I do want to be healthy
  • Yes I can relate. I have been very successful at loosing weight before, and then oops I would gain it back. Then you feel bad about yourself more because you feel like a failure. I have a wonderful doctor and he recently told me not tie my self-esteem with my weight gain because it was just a number and I am a really good preson. Wow I thought he really has it together. He says that is a problem with so many women trying to loose to weight. I felt so encouraged he really wants to help me and he sees what women feel like the minute we feel like when we start putting the pounds on. I am blessed to have a wonderful husband and he has never made me feel less than a women. i have 80lbs. to loose and I tried to focus on why we really have christmas, but my mind would wonder negative things sometimes throughout the holiday. There are so many things to being a women, not just what size we are. I am determined to keep those things alive in myself and do my best to encourage other women along the way. I hope you have a blessed New Year! Melissa
  • Hey all, I'm new to this website but not new to losing weight. Like so many of you this isn't my first rodeo. In 1999 I lost 80lbs. Gained it all back. In 2006 I lost 115lbs. I've gained 25 of that back. I had surgery last Monday to fix an ankle that's kept me inactive for about a year. Had my first PT session today and it went great. I'm really excited to make a commitment to the new year and a new me. I wish you all the best
  • Welcome to MFP! I feel you!! I feel like I have been dieting most of my life!! It's been a roller coaster ride! I have about 50 pounds to lose still. Remember to just keep going and even if you slip up today, tomorrow is a new start! Good luck on your journey!

    Also, feel free to friend me. :flowerforyou:
  • sounds like a plan. i actually have a cold so my appetite is down...wish it were always so. my biggest challenge is not to eat in front of the, i have a box and in it i put in skin creams, and nail polish and i plan to do my nails instead!
  • how do you add the ticker? i cannot seem to figure it out.
  • You are all winners. New Year---New Me. Thanks for all the replies. I just don't know how to get topic replies yet, but I'd like to encourage you all that this is the year when you can just do it! As for the questions and the challenges presented--I'd better spend more time looking around here! If I am busy on the keyboard my hands cannot put food in my mouth.
    If it is a few pounds or many to lose, think positive!
  • srw1972
    srw1972 Posts: 5
    hoping to try this again. ate a donut today and thought WOW time to start tracking!
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