SAHM 12/27 to 1/2

Welcome! We are a great SAHM group that supports each other with weight loss and the journies of being mom's. We welcome all newcomers! :flowerforyou:


  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Morning ladies! I hope you all had a great holiday weekend! I can't talk much...hopefully later
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Count me in! I would love to connect with other SAHMs.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    YAY! I am so excited to see a SAHM group! Count me in!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~did you get your sewing projects done? I am still working on the hubby's scarf. I need to still start on the kids scarf. Plus I was wanting to make my sisters and mom aprons.

    Welcome Kimmiebear and Ashley! This is a great group of ladies.
  • benbidder
    Thanks for the welcome on the last thread! Still trying to figure this out, but I love the site so far, everyone is so friendly. :D
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    ok, i'm a little slow...what's sahm?
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome Kimmie and Ashley! This is a great group of ladies.

    TeamLeela- It is a stay at home mom group. Or dads if they ever wanted to pop in!

    Katie- No..haven't gotten hubbies or son's pj's done yet. Or my mom's cross stitch. I am playing with my new breadmaker my parents got for me!!!! It has a gluten free setting! YAY!:drinker:
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    well I'll be...thx Nicole for clearing that up for me. I am a sahm and didn't even know it! But I'd love to join the group... if you'll have me.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    yes team leela! Welcome!:flowerforyou:
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Nicole~We all got to try out our new toys and stop all other projects right?! :laugh: I am ready to put hubby's scarf to the side and try out some of the patterns that I got. The hubby bought me two books one that shows you different stitches and items that you can make using the knifty knitters and the other showing you how to crochet and patterns to use. I am very excited!

    Welcome to all the newcomers! Chime in any time with what ever from exercise to every day trials and projects that you are doing. :smile:

    So I helped the hubby fix some signs to advertise his business. We used my cricut and now I get the leftover stuff from it all. I am pretty excited about that one. I can make up some vinyl letter and maybe give them out as gifts too!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Welcome to all the new ladies!!

    Well DS#1 and I set up the Wii fit this afternoon! I'll be honest I was scared to get on it and see what it had me at even though I already knew but to do it in front of hubby and DS#1 was hard. I haven't let hubby know my weight in a couple of years. I made it to the gym tonight but didn't eat dinner first so I came home starving of course and ate leftover mashed potatoes, not the best choice. Hubby will leave on the 8th and be gone until the 31st so I am going to start the Slim in 6 while he is gone because I can not workout in front of him, he is in to good of shape. Maybe when he gets back I will feel more comfortable with the dvd and not be so selfconsious.

    So is anyone making a new years resolution?
    I never have before, always figured I would never keep it so why bother but I am thinking of maybe making one this year.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hello and welcome all new comers.

    My holiday was alright. Wednesday I wont be on much, taking my mom to Chicago for heart surgery and then I'm thinking I'll be going to a funeral later this week before the new year :(

    Night everyone. Sorry so short, pretty stressed out right now.
  • heabear
    heabear Posts: 23 Member
    Hello all my name is heather just joined this sight today so not sure how everything works but I am a Sahm to a 13 month boy and married to a marine who is in amazing shape so I want to look good to so hoping I can join ur group! Thanks
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    A little intro: I am a 26 year old mother of 2 girls, Olivia who is 2 1/2 and Eleanor who is 10 months. I have been SAH since April of 2010 and I work 2 part time jobs from home. I'm in the process of trying to look to replace one of them as it's just not very convenient (it includes an hour drive every day to pick up work) but it's helping pay the bills for now so there you go.

    I've always been a lazy person. LOL but it's true! I love to lounge and read, that's who I am. Give me a fire and a blanket and a few books over working out any day. So I try to do it first thing in the morning so I can be lazy later in the day while the kids nap. Lately, I've been trying to jog in the mornings or get up and do one of the workouts I've DVR'd from FitTV which is great because it's something different every day. It's hard to get out of my warm bet at 5am, but it's worth it because I think it's finally starting to do something! My goal for this week is to work out every morning all 5 days, which is up from 3 days last week.

    The holidays were stressful. My mom....well to make a VERY long story short she's a handful and doesn't usually make situations better with her presence so spending Christmas Eve with her and my stepdad's family was not exactly joyful. I tried not to go crazy covering my feelings with food...which meant the feelings all came out of my mouth. It was cathartic and I have to say I feel better, not only that I told her exactly how I felt but also that I didn't cover it all up with food and gain a bunch of weight over Christmas. Only 1.5lbs! That's a victory!

    I think I'm going to love this group. It's hard enough finding SAHM friends, let alone those who are fighting the good fight of getting healthy. Thanks for this ladies!!
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Hello all my name is heather just joined this sight today so not sure how everything works but I am a Sahm to a 13 month boy and married to a marine who is in amazing shape so I want to look good to so hoping I can join ur group! Thanks

    Hey Heather! Welcome to MFP! You'll love this site, it's amazing in lots of ways. I'm a total believer, I never stuck to anything this long before I joined 6 weeks ago. You can "friend" me and I'll try to help you figure things out as best I can!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Barb~ I am sorry to hear that your mom is going in for heart surgery! I hope that the stress lifts soon in your part of the world. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome Heather!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thank Katie. I just reread what I wrote last night and I didn't mean I was going to be going to my mom's funeral if anyone thought that. What I should have said was, my step brother's gma passed away last night and more than likely there will be a funeral later this week, that I'll be going to.

    Can't wait to see 2011!! I'm welcoming it with arms WIDE open.
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    hello ladies happy to find a SAHM group on here I've got two boys Theo who's 2 and a half and Sami who's 15 months.

    Got really fed up with my body last Feb and sort of thought about loosing weight, end of july is when i finally got my butt in gear and i've now lost 47lbs and i'm only 18lbs away from target!!!

    My two boys are complete nutters and "typical boys" so they totally keep me on my toes!

    nice to chat to other mums on here :)
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Barb~I got to say that I am grateful for the clarification! I seriously thought that you were saying you thought that your mom was going to die in surgery. :sad: Glad to hear that I was wrong. Sorry to hear about the death of your step brother's GMa!

    Welcome Ley!
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    Good morning all! Anyone else having a hard time getting workouts in during Christmas break?