Weighing in at the doctor



  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    A doctor has never talked to me about my weight because I've only been slightly overweight. However, I always find myself weighing exactly 5 lbs more at the doctor than I do at home no matter what scale I have at the time and no matter what doctor I go see. I know my clothes are not 5 lbs. It's always nerve wracking and frustrating to get on their scale and see I'm still over 140 lbs according to them, but I'm 138 lbs at home, consistently, on both my digital and regular scale. Whatever.

    i did weigh my clothes once. it was almost exactly 5 pounds. go figure.

    Interesting. I normally go to the doctor in light workout pants and a t-shirt, so I doubt mine weigh that much. Who knows though. I make my appointments for the early morning before I eat, so I know it's not that I've had a meal.
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member

    I have hypothyroidism, so any time I step on the scale and am down a few pounds the first thing that pops out of my doctor's mouth is, "We should check your T3."

    No pat on the back, no congratulations. Just "Here - let's stick this needle in your arm!"
  • firestation12
    My doctor didn't really counsel me but said loosing weight would be good for my hip (got a problem).
    He recommended this website and I lost weight after only four days. On my eights day now.
    I checked my weight with little clothing at the doctors office using a scale inside a patient room.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    I have learned not to stress about what the scale says at the doctors because it will always be higher then when I weigh myself at home and it's usually about 5 lbs higher at the doctors being I am fully dressed and usually after breakfast, lunch and a snack. It isn't worth it to stress over it honestly.

    And yes I have been spoken too about my weight also about my daughters weight being she is overweight as well, and to me a doctor that notices you are overweight and mentions it, is a good doctor in my books and is just looking to make sure I start doing something to change it. But that's my feelings on it.
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    I hate the scale at the dr office because I can only go in during the late afternoon. So every time I go there I will flip off the scale. At least the mormon nurse gets a laugh while I'm there.
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    Well the doctor's visit was what actually spurred me to lose weight. I didn't have a scale at home then, so seeing the number really shocked my system.

    Considering I've lost 80 pounds though and I'm still going strong, if they're going to lecture me about my weight I'm getting a new doctor. I'm already losing weight, and all my tests say I'm a normal, healthy person. They can just bugger off.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    The last time a medical doctor weighed me was 20 years ago during my pregnancy. My current GP just takes my word for it if she bothers to ask. I was weighed by psychology students at one of the hospitals when I signed up for a weight loss study and that was in a dressing gown with just my panties on.

    The scale at every doctors' office that I've been to was in a hallway. I was typically weighed fully clothed.
  • scottjoh
    scottjoh Posts: 77 Member
    When I was heavier I always thought that there is no way I let myself go that bad and the doctors scales had to be wrong. After going to another doctor and them giving my the same weight, it actually opened my eyes and got my on my way to lose weight.

    Before I go to the doctor now, I weigh myself on my scale with the same clothes that I wear to the doctors to see if they are close. After losing almost 90 pounds in the last year, the doctor doesn't need to councel me, he just keeps praising my accomplishment.
  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    My doctor stopped weighing me shortly after puberty. He counsels on weight when you look overweight but still doesn't weigh you. I can only assume it's due to all the complaints being made in this thread; perhaps I'll ask my doctor today why he doesn't weigh us over-weight patients and see what he says.