Was signing up to a gym the best move you ever made?



  • FitFunLosAngeles
    FitFunLosAngeles Posts: 36 Member
    Why not try Groupons or Livingsocial for finding gyms/workouts you want to try?
    When I started in January I struggled with the exercise component of weight loss; Not having done much exercise in the past, I didn't know which gym I would like, and most give you a couple days free at best before they ask you to make a BIG financial and time commitment.
    So I bought 3 different Groupons -- at very cut-rate prices -- that allow me to try three different gyms.
    ONe was for a "traditional" full-service gym (three-month membership for $25), one was for 20 workouts at Curves ($40), and one is a 30-workout pass for all gyms that belong to the Metabody network (fitness reservations at different gyms booked on the web) for $10!!!!!
    It has been great to try so many different types of gyms and classes, and for $75 I bought myself about 7 months worth of workouts!!!