SUGAR ADDICT about to go COLD TURKEY -Advice?



  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    Here is the best advice I got and it works--->when a sugar carving hits eat a bit of coconut oil. just try to cook with it more too and it WILL reduce your cravings:

    That is all I use to cook with LOL :)
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Here is the best advice I got and it works--->when a sugar carving hits eat a bit of coconut oil. just try to cook with it more too and it WILL reduce your cravings:

    Better yet, take a shot of Olive Oil!
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    Here is the best advice I got and it works--->when a sugar carving hits eat a bit of coconut oil. just try to cook with it more too and it WILL reduce your cravings:

    Better yet, take a shot of Olive Oil!

  • br00kette
    When cutting processed carbs like sugar and grain products make sure to get plenty of healthy fats from eggs, aged cheese, butter, avocado, full fat yogurt, nuts and various non-processed meats. Fat will help you feel as though you indulged and ate something of substance, makes everything taste better and will trigger your body's satiety mechanism. Also, I recommend investing in some high quality organic stevia. I add a few drop of this to yogurt or to other low sugar recipes to give added sweetness.

    Best of luck!
    Oh, and if suddenly you have a sugar craving, try drinking 8oz of water with a tsp of apple cider vinegar (with the mother, like Braggs), it is known to help curb sugar cravings, while giving you a bucket of other benefits.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Here is the best advice I got and it works--->when a sugar carving hits eat a bit of coconut oil. just try to cook with it more too and it WILL reduce your cravings:

    Better yet, take a shot of Olive Oil!


    Well... it'll certainly prevent you from wanting to eat anything else.
  • Mau_Hutch
    Mau_Hutch Posts: 25 Member
    My go to is fruit. Lately I've been snacking on Trader Joe's golden raisins. I also bought some 85% dark chocolate squares for when I just can't resist the cravings. It satisfies the chocolate urge but isn't sweet enough to send me into a binge.

    Good luck! Let us know your progress along the way.

    I like these ideas. My kryptonite is ice cream (any flavour) or milk chocolate. If either is in the house, I am doomed. For example, a milk chocolate bunny that was supposed to be my son's for Easter, got devoured by me this week. :( Dark chocolate for some reason is safe around me. I enjoy it but don't binge on it. So I am going to try to opt out of the snack culture, not sugar per se because I think I am safe with it if I have just had a satisfying meal, but snacks. I am done snacking on anything except low low calorie vegetables - like cucumber, celery and mushrooms.
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    Here is the best advice I got and it works--->when a sugar carving hits eat a bit of coconut oil. just try to cook with it more too and it WILL reduce your cravings:

    Better yet, take a shot of Olive Oil!

    That's just genius, right there. Blow your calories for the day taking shots of calorie dense oil, end up feeling starving with very few calories left in the day, and say f*$k it while binging on twinkies. How could this possibly go wrong?
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    My experience with people who do the "all or nothing" approach? The "all" is short lived. Rarely have I seen it succeed.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Looks at ticker..

    Seems to have succeeded for me...

    plus. she didn't say she'd never have another goodie for the rest of her life. All or nothing responses rarely succeed in making their point.

    Much much easier to not eat the entire cake once you've kick the sugar addiction to the curb. I can have 1 cookie now if I want to and be happy.

    So you learned moderation?

    I think you are missing the point of this thread and subsequent posts. If you paid more attention to what others were saying than your own responses you may have a better understanding.

    Most peoples goals are to get to a point where they can easily choose to eat something or not eat something (are we agreed on that - yes, good).

    Now stay with me because here's the tricky bit - it's all about how we get to that point. You seem to favour just cutting back and getting to the point of perfect moderation. That will work for some, but sadly not for every one.

    What some of us are suggesting is to deal with the craving issue (which we all agree is psychological - but that's fine, we know what it is so we can work with it). The best way to do that IMO is to cut back on the trigger foods for a period long enough to break the habit.

    Once the cravings are gone, then look to re introduce the trigger food back to - wait for it because this is where it gets interesting - to a point of perfect moderation.

    Sometimes it may not work first, second or third time. That's just something some of us will need to work/live with.

    Hope that clears things up. :smile:

    Not really. I guess I'm heartless, cold and not one who is in touch with his feelings (probably why I've been single so long). If I get "cravings" I eat that food. That's the beauty of IIFYM - It forces a healthy relationship because you form a habit of eating a portion.

    It's a shame we are not all you then! I'm sure if we were you wouldn't be single for long. lol
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Here is the best advice I got and it works--->when a sugar carving hits eat a bit of coconut oil. just try to cook with it more too and it WILL reduce your cravings:

    Better yet, take a shot of Olive Oil!

    I dunno...from what I've read on the interwebz, coconut oil has magical powers that other oils don't...
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    My experience with people who do the "all or nothing" approach? The "all" is short lived. Rarely have I seen it succeed.

    Well it would seem time to update that experience, friend. There are several in this thread who have done it and succeeded just fine. I would be one of them.

    "Long term" would be measured in years, so how many years have you succeeded in your "nothing" approach?
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Here is the best advice I got and it works--->when a sugar carving hits eat a bit of coconut oil. just try to cook with it more too and it WILL reduce your cravings:

    Better yet, take a shot of Olive Oil!

    That's just genius, right there. Blow your calories for the day taking shots of calorie dense oil, end up feeling starving with very few calories left in the day, and say f*$k it while binging on twinkies. How could this possibly go wrong?

    Turn your sarcasm detector on, bro.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Here is the best advice I got and it works--->when a sugar carving hits eat a bit of coconut oil. just try to cook with it more too and it WILL reduce your cravings:

    Better yet, take a shot of Olive Oil!

    I dunno...from what I've read on the interwebz, coconut oil has magical powers that other oils don't...

    It's Paleolol.
  • lautour
    lautour Posts: 89 Member
    Oh, and if suddenly you have a sugar craving, try drinking 8oz of water with a tsp of apple cider vinegar (with the mother, like Braggs), it is known to help curb sugar cravings, while giving you a bucket of other benefits.

    But what does that taste like?
  • natterzdezign
    natterzdezign Posts: 71 Member
    I'm on day 4 of a "clean eating" 10 day thing (no coffee, sugar, dairy, gluten, etc..). It's been a little rough, but you just need to make the decision and do it! Have meals and snacks planned out. For me, I need make sure I get enough protein in the morning and that helps with afternoon cravings. I also drink a lot of peppermint tea, and water w/lemon. I've done the no sugar thing before and before you know it, sugar doesn't even sound good. Good luck!
  • VoodooSyxx
    VoodooSyxx Posts: 297
    My experience with people who do the "all or nothing" approach? The "all" is short lived. Rarely have I seen it succeed.

    Well it would seem time to update that experience, friend. There are several in this thread who have done it and succeeded just fine. I would be one of them.

    "Long term" would be measured in years, so how many years have you succeeded in your "nothing" approach?

    No, that's not the point at all. I have since mixed in fruits, greek yogurt, and the like. Thankfully it doesn't take years to break that sugar rush/crash/do it all again cycle.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    I know the spirited discussions we get into here when discussing diet soda and I don't want to start one, but when I cut out diet coke, my cravings for carbs and sugar tanked. I could easily eat three donuts after a McDonalds breakfast meal with large diet coke and STILL be starving. Or, eat a ton of candy after eating a bagel and large diet coke. Baked goods were my absolute downfall.

    I am no longer constantly hungry and NOW I get when people say eat fiber to fill up. It works now - never used to.

    I still get cravings - but they are SO much more manageable.

    Just my 2 cents on what worked for me.
  • lautour
    lautour Posts: 89 Member
    I've done it for almost two years on soda. I cut it out completely for six months. Then allowed it and I've only had it a handful of times since I allowed it back. I feel...normal, balanced about it now. I don't drink it more often because I don't drink calories, but when I do have it I don't crave more like I used to.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    Up your fat intake. Eat more protein. Don't go the artificial sweetener route as an alternative!
  • hjhandlos
    You wouldn't believe it, but try medjool dates. I buy them from Trader Joe's and they are so perfectly sweet that they taste almost like icing on a cake. They also give you a ton of fiber so you're not famished right afterwards, and they won't spike your blood sugar.
    I wouldn't recommend not eating sugar altogether, you brain function relies on glucose.
    Even the lady that recently wrote the book on a year without sugar didn't give up sugar in all forms.
    You just need to remove all the unhealthy sugars from your home and replace them with healthy alternatives (i.e. fruit) . If you do cut back on your sugar you will notice that your cravings subside a bit over time so while you don't give it up entirely you won't need as much of it, and they will adapt to a lower sugar intake. At least that's what happened to me. Good luck!
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I cannot help that I love sweets.

    pretty much everyone loves sweets. Allow yourself sweets in moderation and enjoy life. Nothing should be cut out completely unless you have a medical reason to do so. Just don't go over your allotted calories and you will be fine :flowerforyou:

    I mean, it is like smoking or being an alcoholic.... I have cold turkey'd my way out of drug addiction years ago on sheer willpower, yet I can't go a single night without crippling want of candy...? I need to do this, just to show myself I can ignore that voice. Diabetes and other such illness run in my family, and I need to get a handle on my vices.

    I must admit you're the first person I've ever heard of to battle drug addiction and call yourself a sugar addict. Even still, the combination of sugar and fat is a tasty one, and one that many people cannot control. If you must restrict yourself, I advise only to do it to a point where you can learn moderation. There are going to be many situations throughout your life where you will be faced with the decision of whether or not to eat the goods. I say eat the goods, but learn when to push the plate away.

    I am just trying to convey just how deep this want, this URGE is when it hits. I have literally gone flying to the store at 3 minute to 10 in the evening before they close so I can have a caramilk or a wonderbar. It's shameful.

    I went cold turkey on a pack and a half a day smoking habit....
    Left behind all the chemical drugs I used to let my life revolve around...

    and yet I can't seem to ignore the thought when I start to dream of an icecream sandwich. :(

    I am trying to just get to the point where I don't feel like I HAVE TO HAVE SUGAR every day.
    So it sounds like your issue is not really sweets, but addiction. What new addiction will you trade your sugar for?