Any Menopause weight loss success stories?



  • Alison423
    Alison423 Posts: 7 Member
    I wish I had a success story, but mine mirror many of yours who are struggling. I have never had trouble losing weight in the past. For those who say it is "calories in, calories out" that is absolutely correct, in theory. However, we each have a different experience during and after menopause. I am post menopausal--have been for over a year. I have tried bio identical HRT because there is a history of uterine cancer in my family and I am estrogen dominant. I stopped all hormones when I had a follow up with my MD and my hormones were off the chart (except testosterone, which was very low). She said I was post menopausal, but again, I wasn't. Some women continue to produce hormones which causes the levels and the symptoms to fluctuate. The only symptoms I have had are night sweats and irritability/anxiety. I have NEVER had a hot flash. I have done a ton of research online, via reputable medical sites. I am waiting now for my doctor to order lab work for me to have my thyroid tested. Many women our age have night sweats, and attribute those to menopause. Night sweats without hot flashes typically point to hypothyroid. I wish there was more research being done in this area! Hypothyroidism is very common in menopausal women. Be sure to have the T3 and T4 tested, not just your TSH!

    I enjoyed reading the stories on this thread and they give me hope. I have been on a pretty good exercise routine (running, strength training, running up 6 flights of stairs during the work day) and a healthy eating plan and have only lost 7lbs since January. I guess it could be worse, I could have GAINED 7lbs. So, keep up the good work and I will post more as I have more information.
  • teacherflame
    teacherflame Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 49 and am in the midst of menopause. I've lost a total of 86 pounds so far. After years of eating crap and not getting enough exercise, I've cut out fast food, eat hardly any processed foods, and eliminated pop (soda) and cow's milk entirely. Additionally, I began my exercise with TaeBo then moved to Insanity. After shoulder surgery (my stupidity, not Insanity's), I began doing Beachbody's Combat series. Now I do a mixture of Combat and Insanity about four times a week. Whenever weather permits (usually 5-6 days a week), I walk my dog for 40 minutes (2.5 miles). I honestly feel better than I have since my early 30's!
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member

    Strength Training. Quality vs. Quantity in terms of intensity : MRT & HIIT vs. steady state cardio. Strength Training. Did I mention that ? :)

    Aim for the "Trifecta" : Protein, Complex Carbs & Healthy Fats.

    Plenty of Sleep. Water. Consistency. Realistic expectations. Such as: doesn't happen overnight.; may always have some pockets of fat on hips/lower abs for example. Sometimes just gotta CHILL and let things ride out. Aim for health, aim for improving lifestyle habits and the rest will come. Body Composition trumps scale weight. Body comp = leaner, stronger, smaller.

    Get After it !
  • HoverKitteh
    For months I couldn't lose weight. I'd lose a couple of pounds, I'd gain it back. Restricting calories, exercising like a fiend--nothing worked.

    Until my sister introduced me to something that worked for her, Dr. Ian Smith's "Shred."

    I'm on week six, day one and I'm down 17 pounds. As soon as I finish this sixth week, I will begin again at week 2 until I hit my goal.

    I never feel deprived and even though I tweaked my back and haven't been able to work out for a couple of weeks, I'm still losing weight. There's a ton of support from fellow Shredders on Facebook, and Dr. Smith checks in on both--so you never feel that you're at it alone or go without important questions answered.

    I just turned 55 and this is the first time in four years that I have been able to easily lose weight and I no longer feel like I am the only person in creation that can't lose with normal diet and exercise.

    Check it out.
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    bump to read later :)
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    what is your caloric intake?
  • kwantlen2051
    kwantlen2051 Posts: 455 Member
    I'm 56, 5'2" and was slim all my life except when I hit menopause. I gained 25-27 lbs in 5 years. And I wasn't feeling good. My son signed me up on MFP. I started in September 2013 and now almost at my goal weight - with moderate exercise and being mindful of what I eat. I keep to within my calorie limit daily. I used to think that after menopause that's it - the fat stays, but now I believe it's all about accountability. You can do anything if you put your mind to it! Good luck on your journey!
  • newpalfan
    newpalfan Posts: 17 Member
    My weight gain of the past 2 1/2 years was directly related to menopause. I have lost the weight by watching my carb intake. My reward at the end of a day is a piece of Darryl Lea red licorice. Snacks are almonds or carrots and celery. I exercise on the Nordic Track and try to walk as much as I can while at work.
  • frostyfenton
    frostyfenton Posts: 12 Member
    Bump to read later.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    My weight gain of the past 2 1/2 years was directly related to menopause. I have lost the weight by watching my carb intake. My reward at the end of a day is a piece of Darryl Lea red licorice. Snacks are almonds or carrots and celery. I exercise on the Nordic Track and try to walk as much as I can while at work.
    I find that I have to be very mindful of the type of carbs I eat.
  • mich1760
    mich1760 Posts: 34
    thanks for sharing.
  • claudie08
    claudie08 Posts: 159 Member
    I've been struggling with losing weight my whole life and the past two years have been the worst. I lost 46lbs 3 years ago on WW only to gain it all back the following year. I'm 51 yrs old and since being on MFP and nearly a year into menopause, I've had the hardest time losing weight ever. Although I've lost 10 lbs so far, it feels as if I'm losing and gaining the 3-5 lbs over and over again.

    I'm increasing my water intake as well as my workouts with hopes that this change helps.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    bump for later....
  • AnnetteCorrado983
    53 year and menopause now-I have lost 60 pounds in 18 months. I exercise 90 mins per day -5 days and maintain a 1300 calories per day 60 grams protein. 20 more to goal
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    This is a good thread, and even though it started over a year ago, has some good information in it, so thank you to all the contributors. Unfortunately it's something that all of us have to go through at some stage or other.

    I'm 45 and just back from the doctor this morning who has taken a heap of blood for tests and her number 1 suspicion is that I've started menopause. Bummer.

    My plan of attack is to keep a 1600 calorie daily average over the week and keep an eye on my macros. Also going gluten free as I have other issues to address. Lets hope that helps with the waistline.

    As far as the sleeplessness and hot flushes are concerned... I hope they pass quickly!! I'm sick of feeling exhausted and carrying a small towel in my bag all the time.

    Good luck! I got fed up with doctors saying its probably peri menopause, but the hormone levels are still "OK" - or not even giving me any feedback, regardless of what I say I actually experiences....

    Read up on adrenal fatigue and ordered a bottle of DHEA off Amazon (can't get it without a prescription in Canada) ...Three weeks into it now, and my hot flushes are minimal (maybe one or two per night, and not even close to being as severe as it was...)

    I got them SO many times during the day before the DHEA, and woke up up to 15 times per night every night....Or woke up at 3 and then was wide awake untill I have to get up for very little good sleep.

    My sex drive woke up a little too ;-) , I have more energy (either from getting enough sleep or the DHEA, not sure) and I sleep well every night... Only experience hot flushes if I had too much coffee or had red wine before bed...

    Nothing on the weight loss side yet - am actually feeling PMS symptoms (first time in almost three months without a period now) - and my scale show a gain in lbs, but a lower fat% and higher water% - so probably retaining water as usual before my period.....Also have not been eating the way I should - way too many carbs and wine, so after the weekend when there are no more bbq's things will be more under control....
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    Bump, to return later when I have more time to read all the replies.
  • Kris1279
    Kris1279 Posts: 229 Member
    Any Menopause weight loss success stories? How'd you do it?

    Take a look at my recent post. I had a hysterectomy (I'm 34) and have two kids also. Had a complete hysterectomy in Oct 2013 and have had 4 other surgeries in the past 8 years for endometriosis. It's been a struggle, but I just completed the entire T25 3 month program and I'm down almost 20 pounds since Jan. It's hard, but if you eat right and work hard it can be done. Takes time, I'm still far from my goal.
  • johbro
    johbro Posts: 17 Member
    57 and Finally menopause, 3 mos in. I am moodier and feel bloated almost daily. I didn't expect that. I have gained 4 pounds. Most likely because I have started some unhealthy snacking. I have started exercising more. I didn't realize I would crave sweets so much. I'm trying to figure out some healthy changes, so I don't gain my weight back. I feel a little out of control and my hormones have taken over.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I'll be 53 soon and just started to skip periods a year ago so I'm not officially in menopause, but just being here and logging my daily food and exercise has been a huge help. I have hypo-thyroid issues as well but stay on top of it with my thyroid medication and annual checkups.

    I think the biggest thing for me was the wake-up call last year where I realized that I'm going to be in a new phase of my life soon and now was the time to address it. I am eating much cleaner...I'm accountable for everything I put into my body now...and I actually enjoy getting outside or to the gym for exercise. Call it a gratefulness maybe, that I can actually control something in my already busy, work-filled life LOL

    I cut way back on bread and complex carbs...dumped the 30 year habit of diet pop drink lots of ice water and green tea...invested $10/month on a Planet Fitness membership (which I use at least 3-4 times per week)...doubled my protein intake...and when I lost enough weight to give away most of my XL clothes, I took time to find some curve-conscious replacements that remind me that failure is not an option, nor is slipping back to my old habits. I also bought several pairs of sexy shoes, a bunch of pretty earrings and bracelets on sale at Kohl's and some St. Tropez tanner for my poor spider-veined legs (highly recommended). You could say these were things that I never "invested in" while in my 30s and 40s raising a family, but now I feel I have earned them! I may be knocking on menopause, but I'm better than I've been in a long, long time. Healthier, active, happy and making the most of life.
  • LKM54
    LKM54 Posts: 48 Member
    For anyone with sleep problems there is a homeopathic remedy called Calms by Hyland. They have other insomnia homeopathic remedies as well. This is the one thing that has helped me immensely. There are no side effects as it is homeopathic. I chew 4 if that doesn't work within a half hour I chew three more that usually does the trick. Just thought I would share. I started peri about 7 years ago and have now been in menopause for 2 years. I say it is time for it to END! I notice hot flashes are worse in spring and summer, makes sense, it is hotter. In some ways, I have noticed a difference and feel better and in some ways I have new symptoms. I had no idea what went on during this phase. It is the first time in about 10 years I am serious about losing weight. We will see how it goes. I notice most here are on very limited calories but I am starting at 1860, that is what MFL recommends. I am hoping it will at least work for starters. Have a great day. Thanks, moondoggz
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