Wii Fit Plus calorie count, is it accurate?



  • nakkeya
    nakkeya Posts: 2 Member
    Yes,I too was looking to see how many calories 1 sweat point was worth. I received just dance 2 for free from houseparty.com. It is very fun. And great for family time. I wish they used calories as unit of measurement and not sweat points. And they should measure all of you dancing, not just when you are alone doing just sweat. I mean there should be was way for the dance battles that I have with the kids to count toward my sweat points. I shouldn't have to dance alone to burn calories.
  • Lstrode
    Lstrode Posts: 51
    I have also been searching for info on the calories burned during Just Dance 2. I got the first Just Dance today, and haven't tried it yet. I hope it has the sweat points on it, too. I really wish they'd make a 3rd one, and put the calories burned on there. Even if you had to enter personal info first, like age and weight. Or they could make it so you could weigh with the balance board. I'd REALLY love it if they'd put some Lady Gaga songs on it. Her songs make me wanna dance anyway! LOL
  • I personally do not like Wii Fit or Wii Fit Plus. I like EA Active More Workouts, Gold's Gym Dance, and Walk It Out. . .
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I have to give credit to the wii for my weight loss so far.
    I have added the dumbbell kit to the controllers and
    I have a raiser for the board on order.

    Thinking of getting another game to add variety, but the rhythm boxing
    Was quite interesting with the dumbbells!
    Although I did wonder what effect they had on calories burnt?
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Biggest Loser Challenge would be a great fitness game to add to your collection :)
  • What's an HRM?
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    HRM = heart rate monitor
  • shellyxxxxx
    shellyxxxxx Posts: 143
    i love my wii fit plus i do 6000 steps each days which equals to 3 miles its helped me lose a steady pound a week which im happy with plus i do other wii activities too i love both the just dances but to push me harder ive got the michael jackson 1 and i sill carnt keep up with his moves but i do sweat alot trying to keep up x lol good luck with your journeys x
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    When I do the games, I throw my whole body into it, to the point where I'm dripping sweat at the end of 350 cals, so maybe you were burning less. Weight, and current fitness, has a lot to do with it, too.

    I am so glad you said that too. I am dripping with sweat too. I love the boxing and I do throw my whole body into too..
  • Hey, i got exerbeat for the wii and it kicks my *kitten*! It includes boxing, karate, latin dance hip hop ans arobics. It says i burn 900-1000 cals in an hour...i hope its accurate. Also, has yoga and pilates...
  • Just dance burns between 18-23 calories per song depending on your effort. So 30mins is about 10songs so 200cals.
    And it's great fun, especially if you can get someone to compete with.
  • skyeashlee
    skyeashlee Posts: 108 Member
    im so glad there's others expressing the same concerns with wii fit plus and its calorie burnt accuracy... today i did 47mins and apparently burnt 202calories ... i did jogging, cycling, dance step, hula hoop, snow fight, yoga, and some others..... However when I do 40mins on the cross trainer I burn over 200 cals and have a bright red face and lots of sweat... still got tad sweaty today but doesnt feel right (im not complaining AT ALL if it is accurate!!!)

    If anyone can give more info that'd be great :O)

    Actually feel tempted to get on the cross trainer cause I don't feel like I did a 'proper' work out today.. any success stories with wii contributes welcome my way ...cheers
  • Just Dance is an awesome game to get your heart pumping! I've had it awhile, but just tried it out Sunday and loved it! The time flew by!
  • sandy1367
    sandy1367 Posts: 2 Member
    How does the calorie counter on the wi fit work? Does it keep a running total, or do you add together the amounts that it gives you for each exercise. I exercised today and it gave me the same amount of calories for 3 different exercises. Is it saying I didn;t burn any calories doing those exercises or what?
  • sandy1367
    sandy1367 Posts: 2 Member
    Well it took me a couple of phone calls and being put on hold twice so that they could find the answer to my question. But anyone who is wondering when you use the wi fit plus and it gives you the amount of calories that you burn at the end of each exercise, that is the amount you burnt doing that exercise. You then need to add them all together to find the total calories that you have burnt during your exercise routine.
  • crennells
    crennells Posts: 11 Member
    Well it took me a couple of phone calls and being put on hold twice so that they could find the answer to my question. But anyone who is wondering when you use the wi fit plus and it gives you the amount of calories that you burn at the end of each exercise, that is the amount you burnt doing that exercise. You then need to add them all together to find the total calories that you have burnt during your exercise routine.

    Sandy if you back out to pick a new game and click the time keeper it will switch to a running calorie count for all things that you did.
  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    I use my HRM for all my games. I burn at least double to what they calculate. I find that sometimes I am doing an exercise and
    'my character' won't move and I wonder if that impacts it.
    I have the step raiser too and that is amazing
  • sipoftea
    sipoftea Posts: 1
    I just got the Wii Fit for Wii U and the mechanism for counting calories seems to be the same. I'll need to get a HRM to know. I've been trying to get in 30 mins of Wii Fit U on a daily basis. It's kept me steady in my weight but I can tell the clothes are fitting nicer.
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