
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: except for too much peanut butter, I've been eating healthy.....I've stayed very active but haven't gotten much done around the house :laugh: I finally found a place where I can dance and jog while watching TV and not bother my hubby so I've been getting a lot of exercise indoors.....i even spent about 15 minutes doing stuff in the garden today......the dogs and I had a nice dog park visit in the drizzle this morning....:bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Remember, each day is a new beginning......a clean page :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    :laugh: I am glad everyone enjoyed the "prayer". Jokes about aging are particularly poignant at New Year's!

    :grumble: I am a little jealous of all the ladies who are already grandmothers, and Barbiecat, your new grandson Jesse is adorable. Neither of my two sons (25 & 28) are married so I'll just be sitting here reading all your stories and enjoying vicariously.

    pmjsmom - It was smart of you to not have too many tempting leftovers. The bounteous table of food may be traditional, but it often leads to a bounteous behind.:blushing:

    jam0525 - Only 10 pounds to go! Good JOB! I had to look up the DASH diet - - was not familiar with it. It appears to be designed for those with hypertension (is it working?)

    mimi7grands / Mary - - Jumping the gun and not waiting for January 1. Did anyone ever tell you you're an overachiever ??? I'm trying to start early, too. I had this strange notion about being able to try on my wedding gown HAH.

    Cindy - Welcome! MFP is a good place to hang out if you need inspiration.

    P Jilly - - You're right. Period and hot flashes is definitely not fair. Cookies do have voices, I can attest to that, too. Holiday eating is virtually unavoidable... it's what we do when we're not partying that matters. Glad to see you are another person who is jumping the January 1 date for getting back on track. Be strong! Go us! :smile:

    rjadams - - Alcohol is one of my problems too. :drinker: Have to keep reminding myself that even though it's only one glass of wine and even though everyone is having a glass of wine, for me it's empty calories and unless I'm sitting in France eating veal with cream sauce, it's not particularly good for my body. In France, all bets are off !!

    Best to all !!! :flowerforyou:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Ugh, I go through this every winter but it never gets easier. I'm up 5 pounds and this time it's actually visible (unlike last year when basically only I could tell). But I am deliberately trying to limit myself in exercise so I can heal my calf and that makes it harder to stay within my calorie allotment.

    I know the weight will drop off when I get back to training for my next race but that doesn't stop me from being unhappy about it.

    Plus my calf is not getting better. It's not getting worse but it's not getting better either. I am SO FRUSTRATED.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Welcome Cindy! So glad you're here!

    Well, I looked at the Bob Harper DVD and it really appears to be more of a weight-pumping DVD so I did an hour of step today. Tomorrow (Wed) yoga and then deep water.

    Got my hair colored and trimmed today (Tues). Took them lots of cookies and some of the chocolate cheesecake. I'm not so much tempted by that, but I'll give the rest of it to the people at the Y. Did manage to get rid of one of those bags of Dove chocolates, tho. Today according to MFP, I am about 100 calories under. So I'm getting there, slowly but surely.

    Kathy - I'm feeling the same way that you are -- not very many veggies in the house. I was trying to get lots cleaned up so that I'd have room in my fridge for Christmas Eve foods. Now the fridge looks bare....lol

    I remember a while ago someone (and please don't ask me who) mentioned about inexpensive places to stay in Europe. Well, we're booking our trip now. What was that place?

    Did an hour of yoga and then an hour of the deep water today (Wed). Tomorrow I think I'll do a Jari Love Slim & Lean DVD that I got for Christmas.

    I'm going to shoot for going bowling tonight. By being on the league, we can bowl for free from 6-8.

    Got a butternut squash today and steamed it. To me, it looks on the "mushy" side, but I bet it tastes fine.

    Everyone, have a great day!

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    A quick belated Happy Holidays to all! :flowerforyou: For those who are struggling....hang in there!:love: New comers....Welcome!!! :flowerforyou:
    It's that time of year when most of us eat some things we don't normally do during the year, but it's part of life!:tongue: BE KIND TO YOURSELF....WE ARE NOT GOD!!!:laugh: I gained 2 pounds over the holiday and I'm grateful!:happy: 2 years ago it would have been much more! :wink: As someone said (and I don't know who it is who said this) but it's not the damage we do over Christmas (or whatever holiday you are celebrating) that hurts us. It's what we do between the December 2010 Holiday Season and December 2011 Holiday Season.......that can harm us! :laugh: So, I am back on track with my exercises and disciplined eating. :happy: I enjoyed every little treat I had and enjoyed the wonderful people in my life. I am truly blessed!:love:
    The trick to Holiday treats... to me is this. I had a party on Christmas Day and had all kinds of cookies and candy around. I "Picked" not "Pigged out" & I kept my ears opened to see if anyone was having an event at church or something (that they could bring sweets to). My daughter was going to a party and didn't have anything baked yet! WELL...needless to say she went home with a large and tasty tray of delights for her party and didn't have to bake:) And I cleaned out my house so I could get back on track (accept for a coffee cake that I kept for another day....and yes...got into it:blushing: )
    If you are on this website then I can be fairly sure that you are doing better than you were before....I am.:flowerforyou: So celebrate the good things, pick yourself up and go into the new year with a positive attitude and a grateful heart. Even when things are tough....we can always find something to be grateful for! (Even if it's just....MFP!!!!) That is what my New Years resolution will be......to be grateful everyday for something! One thing I'm grateful for is that....at last....my resolution doesn't have anything to do with weight! I NEVER THOUGHT I'D SEE THE DAY! But...One Day at a Time, for many days added up to a weight loss that I never dreamed possible at my age (62).
    So, Happy New Year! God Bless!!!!! and make healthier choices One Day At A Time and next year you just may be delighted with the results!!!!:wink:
  • BirdieM: Great post!!! And yes, I am doing much better this holiday than last because of this website. I am so more aware of what I am eating, although I did splurge with my kids, I plan on getting back on track right away!
  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    New to the site and the boards and looking for a group for support. I have been reading for awhile now and hope this group is the place I can find the motivation and support i need so badly.
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome to all our newbies! This is a great thread and a wonderful, supportive group of
    women!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I was so disappointed and a bit shocked to see the produce prices when I went grocery shopping. I did not buy much fresh produce because of the prices. I did find a few good buys on frozen things and a GREAT buy on a turkey breast that will feed us for at least 2 meals. I hope to be able to get to one of the local discount grocery stores in the next day or so to see what they have available.

    I've been doing well with my exercising. I am back to a routine for now--it will change when I go back to work but that is still a month or so away.

    I also got to take my grandson for a walk today. It was so nice here, even though it was snowing to the north of us. We had a beautiful sunny day.

    Well, I hope you all have a good night!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: we had snow flurries today and my Wednesday walking friend has gone to Australia for three weeks so I didn’t do too much walking today except for taking the dogs to the dog park

    :flowerforyou: I have been doing more jogging and dancing while watching TV……of course, now that I’m doing that, I don’t have as much time for posting because I used to watch TV and do stuff on the laptop computer at the dining room table….now I keep getting up and jogging for a few minutes at a time.

    :flowerforyou: I think that today might be the first day in a long time that I haven’t had peanut butter (either a modest amount or too much)……some of you may remember when I had to give up buying Kashi Crunch cereal because I found myself eating out of the box in unmeasured amounts…..peanut butter may be the next thing that’s not allowed in my house.

    :drinker: :bigsmile: Birdie, thank you for the inspiring remarks….you always say things that help me…especially the things about gratitude

    :drinker: :drinker: Darlis, welcome to the group.......make plans to check in with us every day and you will find the support and encouragement you are looking for.....be sure to post and tell us more about yourself so we can get to know you......I've been posting on this thread for over a year and it has made a huge difference in my life......I love my husband, my dogs, and my cats, but these women have become like family to me.

    :drinker: thank you for all your kind comments about my grandson's picture.....we are grateful to his mom for taking pictures and being thoughtful enough to e mail them to us :bigsmile:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Just a quick fly-by post to check in. Still trying to shake off this pesky bronchitis - it's really got a hold of me! I'm reading the posts, admiring the pictures. I'll try to post more later. Until then, welcome to the newbies and love to all the lovely ladies who provide such support and wisdom.

    Amanda x
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good afternoon ladies

    :flowerforyou: My weight is a bit up and down at the moment. Logged food for the last few days and have gone over calories both days :embarassed: :embarassed: I had a very small tub of prawn cocktail at lunchtime, (I really must start looking at calories again before buying!!) that cost me 300 cals. I should have just bought the prawns, but hey ho we live and learn .

    :flowerforyou: Amanda take care and rest up until you get rid of the bronchitits.

    :flowerforyou: Welcome Darlis and any other newbies I've missed .

    :flowerforyou: Barbiecat mmmm know what you mean with the peanut butter, I think I am getting addicted to it too. I excuse myself by saying it is good for me. Yes Viv but not a pot at a time :blushing: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Birdie loved your post, and you are right, I haven't pigged out so much this year, just overindulged a little, but now it's time to get back on track. I even jogged a bit yesterday and quite enjoyed it. The first time in a few weeks where I could even think of jogging because of the weather and other things. A good new years resolution too, to be grateful for something every day. I love the fact that if I am feeling a little negative, there is always someone to put things in perspective and get me feeling positive again.

    :smile: Now that I'm feeling positive I'd better get away from the computer, lots of things I can/should be doing. Need to practise the keep moving keep losing a bit more :bigsmile:

    :heart: Chat again soon.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning girls,

    Getting back on the right road. That's my goal for the new year. We will probably see a lot of people return as I am doing!

    Have started by getting back to the food diary and especially measuring my foods! But will wait until Monday to put down my weight. Weighing in on Mondays works best for me.

    Hope you all have a good day!

  • Darlis
    Darlis Posts: 191 Member
    Good morning all!

    A little about me....I am 53, have ALWAYS had weight issues but have reached what I am determined is my TOP weight. I have to lose these pounds....first for myself. I have been diagnosed with Acute Progressive MS. I don't want to quit my job or wind up in a wheelchair because my weight adds to the problems of the disease. Exercise will be limited but I am signing up for a Water Aerobics class that meets in the evenings twice a week. Hopefully as the pounds come off I will be able to do more, my MS support nurse is getting me a MS Yoga DVD and I plan to work with that as well.

    I am married and have a wonderful supportive husband, 2 grown children both married, and 1 awesome grandson now 18 mos old.

    So be with me on my journey.....I will offer support, and a listening ear and look forward to getting to know all you lovely ladies.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Dear Ladies,

    Just a quick post to share our great news: Youngest son proposed to his girlfriend ON THE MOUNTAIN, on a tree run, and didn't drop the ring in the snow (my fear!)...and she said YES. :love: :love: :love: We are SO excited for them and are enjoying sharing this special time with them. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I have probably had more champagne in the past several days that I normally do in a couple of years! Oh, well! (I still have to tell you all the ring saga one day soon...)

    Birdie: I enjoyed your post so much...very timely and something we all needed to hear. Thank you for taking the time to put us in the right place for the new year!

    Amanda: Hope you are feeling better...

    New Members: Welcome, welcome. I look forward to getting to know you better!

    Everyone else: Take care and hope to catch up more later.

    All the Best, Kackie:heart::heart: :heart:
  • :drinker: having a cup of tea an a glass of water. good morning to everyone and a belated merry chritmas. hope everyone had a nice holiaday. the sun is out an its getting a little warmer i am heading out and we will be doing lots of walking i already let the kids know we will park the car away from the doors so we can add a few steps everyone has new step counters . some of them look funny when they open them but its a new year and we have a log book and everyone has to check in with me for the steps count. my youngest grandchild four even is walking and liking his step counter ok i hope evereyone has a nice day welcome to new friends here and welcome back our old friends:flowerforyou: debi

  • birdiem what a wonderful post it was so uplifting reading it thank you debi (momof10)
  • randy i like ths nice thoughts Here's a warm wish for all of you:
    A New Year Prayer for the Elderly
    God, grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
    The good fortune to run into the ones that I do,
    And the eyesight to tell the difference

    thank you i am going to think about this one and use it much debi (momof10)
  • Hi I'm new here as of today. I'd love to join this thread for January!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good morning all. I am still really puffy and the weight is way up. Maybe I really did gain 10 pounds. I have to pull it together and get my mojo back to lose it by the wedding. It is so hard this week with DH home all week I am eating more like my weekends and enjoying more libations than I should.

    Kackie - I am so happy for you. Its great when we really like the ones our kids choose.
    Amanda - get better. sorry you are having to deal with the bronchitis.
    Barbie - your grandson is adorable.
    Randy - sorry for you loss. I am glad you are back with us now.
    Welcome to all you newbies. These are the best women in the world. I love them all. :love:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Randy- The DASH diet would work if I could stick to it. During the summer it was easy, but winter is challenging to find warm foods that fit it for lunch. I choose it because it is a lifestyle change and not a real diet. Loosing weight is a side effect that comes from learning to live without processed food and cutting the fat in dairy.

    Mac – I am so sorry to hear about your calf still bothering you. I hope you recover soon.

    BirdieM – Your post makes a very good point. Just about all of us on here are doing better than we were without MFP and before we found it. That is a good reminder for the holidays where we all seem to go off track. We are all so much healthier and thoughtful about eating and exercise. Thanks for the reminder.

    Kathy(pmjsmom)- I agree. I was shocked at produce prices myself. I think it is one of the things that make winter so hard to stay on track. The good stuff cost so much.

    Darlis- Welcome! Water Aerobics is a good program for everyone. I learned that with my teenage daughter when she had extensive hip surgery last year. She went to “pool therapy” twice a week for months. The therapist let me do it with them when she heard I was on a diet and it did wonders.

    Welcome back to all those returning and welcome to all newcomers that I have missed greeting you. I just ran out of time to post individual responses.

    I have found that my shopping habits have changed. Where I use to just go to one store and buy everything there just to go and get it over with, now, I actually look at the fliers and pick up specials on fruits and veggies leaving the bulk of the shopping to the store that has the best milk prices.

    Have a great day all!

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