Lose 10 Pounds by Valentine's Day!!



  • A little late, but I'm in. My starting weight is 164.6. Come on 155!
  • sas16
    sas16 Posts: 610
    Tuesday's Challenge:

    10 glasses of water ~ HAD 96 oz of H2O
    45 minutes activity ~ 83 MINS OF TURBO FIRE
  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    TUESDAY Challenge Outcome:

    10 Glasses Water (80 ounces) ~ FAILED, 64 oz

    45 minutes activity (choose anything you like. log your exercise on here) get that heart pumpin! ~ About 2 hours of slow walking looking at the Christmas light show at the Garden - only logged 60 minutes to make up for the "looking" part!

    Eat at least 1200 Calories, and stay under calorie limits for today. ~ BARELY made it - ate 1380, 44 calories to spare!

    Add at least 3 new friends from this challenge to help keep each other motivated~ Forgot to do this :-( Hard to do at work!
  • MMClark80
    MMClark80 Posts: 27 Member
    I am in!

    I didn't weigh in the last week for the Christmas, I weighed in at 198, which was .4 down from my last weigh in, but since the Friday before Christmas, I have eaten waaaaaay too much, so I am sure this week I will be up, but I have been eating well & exercising this week, but I ate pork=water retention, so I am chugging water every chance I get! :drinker:

    I hope we have as much success as we did with the Christmas group, but this is a great way to stay motivate, so good luck to each of you & I will be checking in on Monday! Have a great New Year!!! Be safe out there!
  • srsimon
    srsimon Posts: 60 Member
    Ugh... I haven't been doing the challenges because I've had the stomach flu for the past two days... :(

    Feeling a little better today though and will at least try to add some friends! The good news is that I have gone from 151 to 149 as a result of my illness. I'm eating crackers and drinking gatorade today...LOL.

    I came down with something yesterday. Nice to see the scale after being sick (down almost 3lbs) too bad it's not real loss! Probably won't be getting in my exercise for the day, and I'm sure to be under cals because I can't eat. But, I'll get the water in!


    10 Glasses Water (80 ounces) ---check! Not really sure the total, but I kept filling my 24oz waterbottle.
    45 minutes activity (choose anything you like. log your exercise on here) get that heart pumpin! ---didn't really get real exercise in, but I did walk around the mall for an hour.
    Eat at least 1200 Calories, and stay under calorie limits for today. --was over my calories.

    Try to add at least 3 new friends from this challenge to help keep each other motivated~!
  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.mvm.com/cs/members/sonoma37/embedFullAvator.aspx"></script&gt;

    liked this virtual model
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    can we start new threads for new challenges, and the link can be posted in here? I get lost in all the posts when I haven't logged on for a bit.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,549 Member
    TUESDAY Challenge Outcome:

    10 Glasses Water (80 ounces) ~ Made this, not sure how much but well over 11 8 oz. glasses
    45 minutes activity (choose anything you like. log your exercise on here) get that heart pumpin! ~45 minutes of zumba wii
    Eat at least 1200 Calories, and stay under calorie limits for today. ~did this, 21 calories to spare!

    Add at least 3 new friends from this challenge to help keep each other motivated~ check!
  • I know it's 4 days after Christmas, but I'm in!!! SW 179!
  • Just the fact that you posted "I have the highest SW" was encouraging for me, your truly setting your mind and that is what I need to see and be able to do myself! Thanks for being my motivation for the day, because I really sometimes feel like I'm never going to get where I want to be.
  • Sorry forgot to post my weight it was 188.00Lb
  • tarazona73
    tarazona73 Posts: 13 Member
    Tuesday Results -

    water - yes
    workout - no
    calories over 1200 - yes
    under limit - yes
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member

    10 Glasses Water (80 ounces) drinker
    30 Minutes activity---try to make this cardio activity
    Under calorie limits

    Send an encouraging message to your 3 new friends from yesterday!

    Water = 12 glasses (I drink alot when I'm working, it keeps me from picking at the food)
    Exercise = 30 minute cardio fat burning video on exercise tv
    Under my cal limits b/c I"m not eating anymore tonight

    Gotta to get to messaging when the kids get in bed :)
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member
    10 pounds by Valentine's Day Challenge:

    WEDNESDAY, December 29:

    10 Glasses Water (80 ounces) - completed
    30 Minutes activity--- cardio activity Wii Advanced Step
    Under 1200 calorie limit - completed

  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    WEDNESDAY Challenge Outcome:

    10 Glasses Water (80 ounces) ~ 14 cups
    30 Minutes activity---try to make this cardio activity ~ 2 1/2 hrs (Wii Just Dance and Wii Fit Plus)
    Under calorie limits ~ Accomplished!

    Send an encouraging message to your 3 new friends from yesterday ~ Done!
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    Forgot to add this on Monday :/ but my starting weight was 166.8
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    10 Glasses Water (80 ounces) ~ 10 cups! (Actually, I'm just finishing it right now)
    30 Minutes activity---try to make this cardio activity ~ 30 minutes of Just Dance Too burning 227 calories according the HRM
    Under calorie limits ~ ACCOMPLISHED! 1427/1767, netting 1200 calories for the day
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member

    10 Glasses Water (80 ounces) :drinker: ~Done, about 85
    30 Minutes activity---try to make this cardio activity ~Done, 70min.
    Under calorie limits ~Done, with 123 to spare

    Send an encouraging message to your 3 new friends from yesterday!~ Done. . . I think
  • I just found the thread. A little late, but my starting weight is 247.6. I got all my water and stayed under calorie goal today. I also got a little crazy and did two classes at the gym. I started with body pump for an hour followed with an hour of zumba. I am going to be sore.
  • I'm in my sw is 188.00. Will be glad to see 178.00 :smile:
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