rudest thing anyone has ever said about your weight?



  • LauleaAliyah
    LauleaAliyah Posts: 35 Member
    "you would be pretty if you lost all your weight"
  • Pretty_Little_Nobody
    Pretty_Little_Nobody Posts: 626 Member
    During this Summer, my dad said, and I quote, "No one will like you, people don't like fat people. I'm just being honest with you." It was incredibly hurtful, and it still makes me cry to this day. This was when he was preparing for his gastric bypass and was much bigger than I am. He says he doesn't want me to get like him but everything he says to me about the subject just brings me down and makes me want to give up. My mum said she would throw him out if he ever said anything like that again.

    When I was about eight or nine years old, my mum used to take me to church with her every week. I was supposed to go up to the front and read a passage one week but I couldn't make it last minute because I was pretty ill that day. They found another girl to cover for me, and, as she walked up to the pulpit, the pastor commented, in front of everyone, "Wow, you've lost a lot of weight!" I didn't know about it until I was a bit older but it was humiliating. My whole family left that church because of that comment, amongst other things.

    When I was at secondary school, I was beat up because my skirt was `too long`. I wore it to my knees because I was conscious about how big my thighs were. These two girls cornered me and started hitting me after taunting me half the way home. When I finally told them to back off they started beating me. I tried my best to fight back, but, to add to my humiliation I had to go into school the next day with a black eye. So not only was I obese, but I also had to deal with that.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member

    I have a theory that this same car of guys just travels the countryside yelling this. So we've all been yelled at by the same cursed individuals. They have no other purpose in life, but to yell horrible things at people out their windows. It's their curse. I am hoping Supernatural does an episode where Sam and Dean have to put them to rest for good.

    The best part is when you can't understand them so it's just a loud "WERVEQGBWRRFG FG" as they drive by. It makes me chuckle.

    This is actually not a bad idea. lol
  • honeyjasmine
    I was obese as a teenager and had all the taunts daily...I was talking about going ice skating with a friend and someone said something about me being a fat hippo who would break the ice. Teens can be cruel haha.
  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member
    It's ridiculous that no one told her that was inappropriate - I think your argument should almost more be with them than with her.

    I'll agree that different cultures have different norms (when I visited China and would jog, little kids would follow me and yell that I was so fat, ha), but I think it's on the person engaging in the majority culture to learn the norms, and I think other people should have your back on that. You're definitely not crazy for being upset.
    I see you got the Chinese 'treatment' too.
    I went to Shantao and they would congregate and and stare, some would point. I had never seen a thing like that before.
    Even in supposedly professional settings, I was not spared the stares...I still shudder when I think of that experience.

    A really toxic colleague once offered me a ride in her car...I declined because I parked further away so I could walk.
    she said "Are you worried you may not fit in my car?" she is not exactly twiggy.... I just thought how tactless could anyone be? guess who is at least 4sizes smaller than she is now?
  • hedpe70
    hedpe70 Posts: 24 Member
    Have been big all my life, so I've heard it all at this point — from being a kid and hearing the ruthless taunts from my classmates to being an adult and having a fellow "adult" tell me that I should be fired from my job simply because of how I look.

    The most hurtful stuff, however, comes from people who probably don't intend their comments to be hurtful, like when a friend recently used me as a size comparison to describe someone he was telling a group of people about. "This guy was real big," he said before looking right at me. "Bigger than you, but maybe a bit taller." As if being bigger than me was some kind of feat in itself.

    Working to make sure I'm no one's size comparison anymore. So far, so good.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Nobody makes comments about my weight, as I distribute it fairly well...well, not untill yesterday at work, that is. Have noticed you're getting bigger. Are you planning on loosing weight? he asked. Well, I'm just starting a new weight loss programme, and hope to see some results by summer, I said. I'll take you out for a drink in the summer, he said.
    All I could think of all day, was that he had called me fat.
    Then, later when I was offered a lift, by a friend, and a co worker was sharing, so that one of us had to get in the back, of this 'tin can'. I'm not kidding, it was smaller than a mini a la cooper, and this guy exclaimed, I was so big! looking horrified.
    I did get in the back, with my knees, up to my chin. Banged my head, on the 'car' interior, every time there was a bump in the road, and as much as I tried, I had difficulty in trying not to laugh at the crazy situation. What a carry on!
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    "you would be pretty if you lost all your weight"

  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    Mine actually came after weight loss when someone said, "you used to be on the big side, you look better now."

    It was meant in kindness, but I wasn't overweight to begin with. Hurt my feelings a lot.
  • SpicesOfLife
    SpicesOfLife Posts: 290 Member
    Mine actually came after weight loss when someone said, "you used to be on the big side, you look better now."

    It was meant in kindness, but I wasn't overweight to begin with. Hurt my feelings a lot.

    yeah i can relate to that, mine was similar.. -_-
  • izu87
    izu87 Posts: 267 Member
    Oh... wow... I can relate to so many of those stories.

    For me... I think it was in my mid-teen years - so around 15-16. I used to be an active athlete - soccer, volleyball, going out for long biking sessions and so on, but after an injury I had to drop sport. I started gaining weight and by the age of 15-16 I was at 80+kg at 171cm. And in my country this was and is considered obese. :/ If you are 171cm tall and you weigh more than 60kg you are fat. End of story. So for a girl my height and my weight there were no available clothes. We had XSS, XS, S, M and L and L was at the time equal to a US size 8-10? :/

    So, I remember that one week just before the beginning of 10th grade my mother and I went to a shopping center, looking for a couple of new pair of jeans. So we walk in that one store and we ask what they would recommend to us. And the dumb saleswoman goes like 'Oh. No. We have nothing for someone like her' - a mild disgust on her face as she sizes me up. Then my mother nods and agrees and ask what we can do for me. And I end up being pushed to the men's side of the store where I get a pair of horribly baggy jeans (which is normal I don't have a package to fill the front) :/ So... yeah... And it wasn't the only time I've got that reaction in stores.

    Even now when my country has somewhat progressed (10 years later) and stores do now stock up on bigger sizes (due to overweight tendencies among most of the kids and older women and men), I still get anxiety attacks when I go shopping. :/

    This along with my mother's non-stop chanting when I was a teen about how 'no one will ever love me the way I am' has seriously affected my adult life so far and all the body image issues that I have. :/
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    A part of me is spiteful and I want to lose weight because of a rude women who makes snide comments at my weight.

    This women is European and she thinks all Americans are fat lazy and uneducated. She married my boyfriend's brother and she would constantly talk about my weight.

    One of the craziest things shes ever said to me was when I told her I got a second job. I was so excited to have another source of income because I was really struggling for some time.

    instead of congratulating me she said " that's you less time to eat"

    She said this in front of my boyfriend and her husband and they didn't think anything of it. I felt like i had gone insane.

    :( Your boy needs a reality check.

    Meanest thing anyone has ever said to me...

    When I was a healthy weight? My Brother Oinked at me when I went to get a second hot dog to eat, and then asked "Should you be eating that? Shouldn't you be eating tofu dogs or something?" 5'5'' and 135 pounds. This effectively triggered an eating disorder I've struggled with off and on ever since. I STILL hear the devil in my head to this day.
    I've had a 'friend' look at me at 5'5'' and 125 (current) after a few months of not seeing me at all, and say "you need to eat like five cheeseburgers!" ... I lost about ten pounds over the winter (eating right, working out, on my feet at work, rock climbing, ect.)
    When I was 5'5'' and 155? No one said a damned thing. It was a look I got from my dad. His eyes bugged out of his skull when I took my swim-suit coverup off to jump into the pool a few years ago. I mean wow, like he hadn't seen me at that weight for a year by that point? OK.
    I've also had people swear I was on drugs (recently, in fact) because I was so thin. I've had people (like my friend) tell me to 'eat a cheeseburger.'

    People are just weird about appearance. Who knows why. It's never mattered to me- mine or anyone else's, unless that other person had a problem with themselves and was awkward about it... in which case I usually felt.became awkward. I feed off energy like that.
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    A girl I considered a very close friend made a scene in front of a large group of our friends that no one should hug me because I'd break in half and went on to loudly comment that she didn't understand why I always had dates because who would want to date "a twig." I later came to realize it was a product of her own insecurity, but at the time it was incredibly hurtful.

    If I had a dollar for every time I've been called "skinny b!tch" by a total stranger I could take us all out for milkshakes :noway:

    Try to let the comments roll off your shoulders OP, people can be nasty but it's up to us to rise above that.

    I want a milkshake! I'm sorry for your experiences, all of that was so uncalled for on your 'friends' part.
  • vermillionlove
    vermillionlove Posts: 37 Member
    I can't really remember if I was picked on for my weight in school. But one instance comes to mind from my Aunt's boyfriend, who I've known since I was a child. He has always been one to comment on how i'm looking, for example he pointed out that my acne was clearing up when I had it badly. In reality, it was makeup covering most of it.

    Anyway, my family had went over to my grandma's house, my aunt and her boyfriend live a few houses away. My dad and I went to the car to get something when he came walking down the street. He shouted "HEY [dad's name], WHO'S THAT FAT LADY WITH YOU?!" I was mortified, looking around hoping no one else heard. We just kinda ignored him and walked back in the house.

    Later inside, he somehow managed to shoehorn in other rude comments about my weight, which I have forgotten for the most part, one I can remember was something like telling one of my other family members to not eat too much "or you'll end up looking like Amanda!" Ha ha ha! -_-

    I don't know what he was thinking or if he would make those kind of jokes with anyone else. word got back to him that I was uncomfortable with what he was saying, and he said sorry and sounded sincere, but damn.

    Also my grandpa "affectionately" calls me ugly, which has always bothered me, everyone insists he's not serious, but I don't believe them.

    Now I'm sad :(
  • Trad_Barbie
    Trad_Barbie Posts: 166 Member
    A few years ago, I was dating this really attractive and fit guy who was sooooo critical of all women's weight. He probably had a lot of insecurities.

    We were at the beach and I had finally reached my lowest weight and finally felt comfortable in a bikini. I bent over to pick up a towel, and he took a picture of me from the side (no one looks good from the side bending over - I don't care how fit you are). And he showed it to me and circled all of the places where i was fat. He literally said "omg look how fat you are here and here and here and here."

    So that felt great.

    Gahhhh you just reminded me of the jiu-jitsu master I dated a few years ago, at my highest weight. (5'5'', 155 NO muscle tone whatsoever.)
    He literally looked me in the eye and said "You are the thinnest girl I've ever dated."
    Honestly I didn't know how to take it. Still irks me to this day.
  • Tifftiff321
    A part of me is spiteful and I want to lose weight because of a rude women who makes snide comments at my weight.

    This women is European and she thinks all Americans are fat lazy and uneducated. She married my boyfriend's brother and she would constantly talk about my weight.

    One of the craziest things shes ever said to me was when I told her I got a second job. I was so excited to have another source of income because I was really struggling for some time.

    instead of congratulating me she said " that's you less time to eat"

    She said this in front of my boyfriend and her husband and they didn't think anything of it. I felt like i had gone insane.
    Wow! I'd probably punch her in the face lol
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
    My mother..."Nobody is ever going to love you because you are too fat. I'm so embarrassed by you".....I was 12.
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    A former boyfriend's daughter used to jokingly refer to me as a skinny biotch. Really *kitten*? I held my lip but in retrospect I should have called her a fat biotch. Discrimination goes both ways and now I"m overweight.
  • vaishnavijayasankar
    vaishnavijayasankar Posts: 33 Member
    i m fat
    i know that
    and my name is 'vaishnavi' nick name vaish and i m from india and what some ppl cal me here is a word called 'bhains' meanin buffalo!!!!! and the funny part is my name sounds same similar to that sick word!!!
    and when i travel some of the asholes pass lewd comments which is tooooooo rude and they cal me fat and that i must be eating a loads and al!!!!!!!
  • dscookrph
    dscookrph Posts: 1 Member
    Two years ago on Christmas Day, my Dad told me I needed to start throwing up after big meals!!