I'm pathetic, did 3 mins on my exercise bike and dying :'(



  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Thank goodness we aren't defined by where we start :)


  • Three minutes is a fab place to start. I remember my first 2-3 mins on the spot run on my Wii fit when I was at my biggest. I sat for 40 mins or so afterwards honestly thinking I was going to die. Now I am 2 stone lighter and can jog on the spot 12 mins at a time followed by more exercise including sometimes shorter additional jogs on the spot. I aim for 30 mins now and have recently started 60 mins walks too. It has been a gradually climb to increase my fitness from my first agonising few mins. I look back on those first few minutes with great positivity now - it as a beginning and the start of a whole new adventure. I hope one day you too will be able to look back and see it as the beginning it is and use it as a benchmark to see how far you have come. Well done - keep it up :).
  • WVmom24
    WVmom24 Posts: 266 Member
    That kind of thinking is called a defeatist attitude---you bring yourself down so low with negative thinking that you actually make those thoughts come true. Give yourself positive reinforcement. Today you did 3 minutes, tomorrow try to do more, and the next day do more. Heck, just add 1 minute a day if that's the pace you want to go. It doesn't matter how slow you are moving as long as you are moving forward!
  • AlexiaLupis
    AlexiaLupis Posts: 27 Member
    Those struggling three minutes means you're making your body work hard! That's not pathetic at all, it's a great thing. That three minutes will turn to four, four will turn to five. Soon that three will be 60 minutes and you'll be so happy with your progress.

    Remember that if exercising was easy for us all then we wouldn't be on this road in the first place. Take it on the chin and give yourself a minutes break, then jump right back on again after your heart rate is normal and you've have a drink.
  • derrickyoung
    derrickyoung Posts: 136 Member
    Pathetic??? BS. How many minutes did you ride yesterday? How long did it take you to get to your current weight? 20 years.

    There is nothing more true than this. My last go around at weight loss this was the one lesson I learned. I could not erase 20 years of abusing my body over night. Keep at it, before you know it you will be at 5 minutes then 20.

    Maybe place a yoga mat by your bike. Start with a few minutes of stretching before you get on the bike, ride what you can, then end with a few more minutes of stretching/breathing. The benefits of stretching last beyond the immediate warm the muscles up. The increased blood flow to the muscles has a lasting effect on metabolism through out the day. Physiologically it can help you feel you are achieving more early on in your journey. This to me is the biggest bonus.

    Here are a couple of links for you to read through.



    I have no affiliation with this person it just happened that when I googled this for you he was on page 1 ;-)
  • CallMeRuPaul
    CallMeRuPaul Posts: 151 Member
    was that 3 more minutes than you did yesterday? all right! way to go! now try to do 5 minutes today and 6 minutes tomorrow. keep on keeping on!
  • Jason3589
    Jason3589 Posts: 734
    A journey of a 1000 miles starts with a single step. Keep progressing and you will be amazed at how far you will have come x
  • quigz90
    quigz90 Posts: 44 Member
    So many great replays on here :) its amazing.

    And don't feel bad OP, I'm 165ish, do between 4-8 hour shifts in my feet, in a kitchen or waiting tables and also do 1 hour strength training exercises. When I got on the exercise bike i done 5 mins before I stopped and it wasn't very fast (I hate Cadio haha)

    This post has made me want to get back on it and increase my fitness :)
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Today 3, next week 5, next month 15!

    Take it one day at a time, one step at a time and allow yourself time to build up.

    When I first joined MFP I was unable to just run down the block! Literally, one side of one block - I would be having an asthma attack before I got there. I had to take the smallest of baby steps but I managed to get to where I could run 1/4mile without stopping. Yes, small progress, but it felt great! I have had to be so patient with my lungs, building their strength but I am confident that I will some day be able to run a 5k!
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    The more you do it, the better you will get. Your body will adapt to suit circumstances - it just takes time. Think of all the marathon runners out there. Once upon a time, they couldn't run 3 miles without gasping for breath.
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member

  • scopetrek
    scopetrek Posts: 16 Member
    If you have not already, Be sure to check with your doctor. Many people jump into an exercise program without knowing limits or thier health condition. Taking a stress test under controlled conditions would ensure you are healthy to do the things you plan to do. Having a doctor know your plans also helps with accountability and they can track your progress.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    If I quit the first time I ran because I couldn't make it 100 yards without stopping, I would not have gotten to where I am today. I have a 58 min PR for a 10K and a 27:40 min PR for a 5K. I have run as long as 8 miles without stopping, and am signed up for a 10 mile race in October. I have been running for a year. It took me a MONTH before I was able to run a mile without stopping.

    Exercise is hard when going from nothing to something. It takes time for your cardiovascular system to adjust. But it will. And it has nothing to do with your weight. Skinny out of shape people experience the same exhaustion when starting an exercise routine.

    Congratulations to starting a new phase of your life!
  • lomajo17
    lomajo17 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there! This is maybe me second ever comment on a forum, but your comment struck a chord with me. I have been in your shoes and am still on my mission. I switched to this site from another calorie counter.

    1. Pretty much everything everyone else said.
    2. Bring your patience to the game. This is a JOURNEY!
    3. May I make a suggestion? Add just a teeny tiny bit of stretching before you jump on that bike. I mean like LITERALLY a minute or 2 of hatha yoga or tai chi (both on youtube) and then 2 minutes on the bike so you're more warmed up and flexible and not dying.

    Hope this helps!
  • Tizia93
    Tizia93 Posts: 3
    3 mins is great. Be sure to set realistic goals. When I started on my exercise bike a month ago I could only do 20 mins at 35 Watt. Yesterday I did 20 mins at 57.5 Watt.
    My exercise bike has a programm where I can put the pulse which I want to train with. A pulse between 120 and 140 is great for burning fat. And at this pace I can even talk with others, if I want to. Maybe you can try this the next time.

    And it is important to see a doctor, if the chest pains won't stop. This can be serious health issues. Be careful :)
  • MeanNurseGM95
    MeanNurseGM95 Posts: 49 Member
    I had problems too when I first started! Now 100 days later I am doing things I never thought I could do like jog on a treadmill (only two min at a time so far) and doing 90 lb on the leg press! I gained lots of weight from medications and I am fighting back. 36 pounds gone already and every day I can do more. I also talked to a doctor and he helped me alot on signs for when I can push myself and when I need to slow down. Don't give up!! Trust me if I can do it so can you.
  • vivaldirules
    vivaldirules Posts: 169 Member
    I love your courage to start! It was amazing wasn't it? Probably in realizing how difficult it was but maybe also that you actually started. I started once. All of us here did. I literally could not finish 5 minutes on the elliptical machine that first day. In January, I ran my first marathon. You don't have to run marathons to succeed. You just need to keep at it and keep working to get better. Every day. My best wishes to you!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    Don't be discouraged - like everyone else has said, we all had to start somewhere! You'll progress quickly if you stick with it.

    That said, one thing that hasn't been mentioned is the fact that you don't "need" to exercise to lose weight. Is exercise healthy and important for fitness? Absolutely. Does it help retain lean body mass (muscle) as you drop fat? Yes, especially if you're doing some resistance work. Can it help increase your caloric deficit? Yep!

    But you can create the caloric deficit required for weight loss without exercise. If you consume fewer calories than you burn, then you will lose weight. If you're using MFP the way it's designed, just meet the calorie goal it sets out for you: it has the deficit built right in. And if you exercise - yay, bonus calories! :D
  • I'm 20, I weigh 274lbs and just thought I'd get back on my exercise bike. Did three minutes and I'm dying, chest getting tight and hurting so I had to stop. I used to be able to do 20mins straight without fail.

    Hate my disorder medication, made me gain weight with stress. I want to lose it but how can I lose the weight if even 3 minutes is a struggle?

    Everyone starts somewhere! When I first started running I couldn't make it more than a couple blocks without stopping. Keep at it, and try to progress a little bit at a time. Next time aim for 3.5 or 4 minutes without stopping and build from there.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Psssst next time you'll be over 3 and them more and more and more ... so No more of that Negative Talk , Y'hear? :tongue:
  • Neliel88
    Neliel88 Posts: 42 Member
    Do not give up! Why don't you time yourself when you get on the bike and try to beat your time each time you do it? You'll build up and beyond your previous 20 minutes if you just keep doing it. I haven't worked out in months and I did a beginners 15 minute AMRAP yesterday (with simple squats, pushups, lunges and bent over rows) and I was DYING! I felt seriously pathetic too but i'm going to keep doing them, pushing myself harder each time to do more rounds than the last time :)
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    I'm 20, I weigh 274lbs and just thought I'd get back on my exercise bike. Did three minutes and I'm dying, chest getting tight and hurting so I had to stop. I used to be able to do 20mins straight without fail.

    Hate my disorder medication, made me gain weight with stress. I want to lose it but how can I lose the weight if even 3 minutes is a struggle?

    Each work out try and up the time by 30 seconds.

    You'll soon get back to 20 minutes and beyond.

    At least you're back on the bike (that's the main thing). You should be proud of yourself for that.

    Good luck.
  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    3 minutes is more than yesterday. Tomorrow it may be 3 and a half - any step forward is a good one - congratulate yourself for what you have acheived rather than beat yourself up for what you have not.

    ^^ This

    Don't say you are pathetic! Everyone starts somewhere. Aim to do a little bit more everyday! :smile:
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    You are not pathetic. Well Done for having a go.
    Everyone has to start somewhere. Rest for a while and do another 3 minutes. Then rest and do another 3.
    Then tomorrow do 4 and before you know it you will be doing 30 continuously =)

    Keep at it. It will get better and easier.
  • karenrich77
    karenrich77 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm 20, I weigh 274lbs and just thought I'd get back on my exercise bike. Did three minutes and I'm dying, chest getting tight and hurting so I had to stop. I used to be able to do 20mins straight without fail.

    Hate my disorder medication, made me gain weight with stress. I want to lose it but how can I lose the weight if even 3 minutes is a struggle?

    I started at 3 mins too lovely. Now I 3 months later, I do up to 45 mins, but with a medical condition it took time for me to reach that!

    You too can do it, don't give up. Slow and steady wins the race xxxxx
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    start off small is key . you dont need to be trying to rush into anything big in time with consitincy you will be doing way more than 3 minutes just accept it for now b4 you know it you will be to 5 - 8- 10 minutes and so on
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    [lighter side] ...... Dying? Yes of course you are .. we All are (no one is getting out of here alive and no one comes back) - so the trick is to cheat the Reaper and tell him to go pick on someone else .. anyone else
  • lemantelli
    lemantelli Posts: 6 Member

    That is my mantra these days. Three minutes now, four minutes the next time. KEEP GOING GIRL!
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    Nothing wrong with 3 minutes the first time. Now you have a benchmark you can start with and improve. One thing I have found with any new form of exercise is to lower the intensity until I hit the time limit I'm aiming for. Once I hit the time I want I start increasing the intensity.

    I have found logging my times/distances or whatever other metrics you prefer to be helpful. That way you can look back over time and see the improvements. The only person I am competing with is myself. I want to be better/healthier/fitter today than I was yesterday.
  • purple180
    purple180 Posts: 130 Member
    3 minutes is more than yesterday. Tomorrow it may be 3 and a half - any step forward is a good one - congratulate yourself for what you have acheived rather than beat yourself up for what you have not.

    Keep at it, it will get better and easier. YOU CAN DO THIS. Think POSITIVE and POSITIVE things will happen. There were so many things I couldn't (or thought I couldn't do) at a heavier weight and now those things are a breeze. It just takes commitment and dedication. Keep your goal in mind.